We be Gypsies

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Dreama Petulengro

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
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Dreama Petulengro:

Dreama is a seventeen year old Gypsy girl who loves the world and hates being made to stay in one place for too long. She and her family have ended up in New Zealand of all places after her father wanted to see what kind of business he could drum up. They plan to go back to lower Asia after the winter's over (when brake is over).

Dreama herself is almost exsactly like her name. She's a dreamy person but this by no means makes her an air head. Her dreamyness hides a skilled Gypsy witch who would take down a person attacking her or her family then take whatever gold they have on them. She's kind though and though she comes from a big family has a sence of freedom that she wouldn't traide for the world (even her lover Link).

What I need for Dreama:

Dreama is the talketive type even if she has been warned agianst trusting the Gadje (non-gypsy people). I think she needs a friend or two that she can keep in touch with while in New Zealand that are not Gypsies. Post here if intrested in befriending her.

Family: Or clans if anyone is intrested in Rping the other gypsy clans but most over I want Dreama's massive family which includes a great grandparent in there somewhere. If you want to be a Petulengro PM me with your idea :D

Enemies: With friends of course come enemies. People that don't like people like her or just people that don't like Dreama as a person. Either way hatred is welcome in the life if the growing gypsy woman. If intrested in making an enemy post here :D
Eva is a strong caring person who is very loyal to her best friends. She just moved from Texas to New Zealand with her Mother and two siblings. She is one of three out of triplets, and loves to socialize with others. Eva needs her friends to be online often and can't afford to lose another friend for a while

Elvera could be her friend. shes a fifth year in nz, but originally came from england. or if you dont mind someone younger Briar Rowan is my 2nd year and she is pretty pretty wild. she grew up in the forests of europe. she grew up freely but the castle is really crushing that part of her. it would be nice if she would meet someone who could reminder of that past.
Eva sounds like someone that Dreama would get along with. Elvera too. Briar sounds like she would something like a sister to Dreama seeing as she is wild herself.
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Dreama's gypsy clan is the one that's going to set up the Mid-Summer festival when brake starts and now I really need her family plus a few other gypsies to really get this thing off the ground :D
Charlie was a gypsy back in LA, but since she moved to New Zealand, she's been looking for another friend who understands her love of the moon. Its power and beauty captivates her, and gives her strength to get through another day of being wild, and getting in trouble.
Awsome i will look forwards to it. we could rp over the next brightstone weekend and in the holidays.
Dreama Petulengro said:
Admin Approved

Dreama's gypsy clan is the one that's going to set up the Mid-Summer festival when brake starts and now I really need her family plus a few other gypsies to really get this thing off the ground :D
Count Maya in this, she was influence by Hindi&Gypsy culture by her friend Esma Lee [Muggel] so she wouldn't mind helping out the festival by providing drinks and selling books of gypsy magic [since she encounter quite a few in Salem, even Authors] at her mother shop. Plus Eve my cousin
Elvera Le Fey --- Okay ... I will let them go as friend :D

Dreama Petulengro --- Wow, that's good. They can be friends of course !

Charlie May Hatte --- Sure !!!

Maya DeNiro----Yeah ... it sounds good :D

so, everybody. Want to make a plot for them ?
do you want me to start a topic in brightstone or makatu. (its elvera)
also i have morgan the owner of the inner eye, she could help at the festival.
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