Old School Week Wake Me Up And Save Me From The Dark

Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (24)
coner was very upset and angry. it was nice Lucas was talkign to him again but he was still sad and upset they didnt win the qUidditch game. he came out of the HufflePuff common room and leaned on the wall and his hair fell in his face and it was messy and darker than usual and covered his eye a little bit ((like gered way)) and he crosed his arms. he was just angry and sad and hoped some1 would come make him feel better.
After such a good year last year linden was gutted they hadn’t won. He stepped out of the common room and ran into Connor. He was still mad at him for being so strict with him but he looked like the world had been pulled out from under him. hey mate. You okay?” he asked.

((Totally a different meaning of mate than the last time he called Connor mate))
conor looekd up when he heard linden, surprised the other boy was being nice to him. he thogut lidden would say they lost because he was a bad captain. "im just gutted about the match" he said quietly, thinking linden was probably sad to.
Linden nodded as Connor said that he was gutted about the match. yeah me too. We had everything going for us but Ravenclaw was lucky. No one could help that. he said.
conoor was surprised that what linden said made him feel a little better. it did make sense. "yeah i guess." he said sadly. "it sucks though."
Linden was glad that Connor wasn’t lecturing him on misbehaving in the game. yeah. It sucks. You aren’t the only one feeing it. But we are a team. we get through it together. We work together then we beat whoever we play next with enough of a margin to win us second place. he said. Like it was that simple.
cannor had done his best to comfort the team after the game but it hadnt felt real. hearign linden say ot sucked somehow made him feel better. "yeah." he agreed even if he knew how hard that would be. "we'll just work hard and get it done." he was still upset about the game but the aching in his heart was a little less.
Linden nodded as Connor said that they will just work hard. it’s a good job we are Hufflepuff working hard is what we are good at. I just wish there was more I could to to help everyone out he said. He felt so useless just hanging by the goals.
connor noded when linden started, but he started to frown a bit as the other boy kept talking. he sighed heavily. "you can help by beign a team player." he said, choosing his words carefully. "i dont care if u think im a crap captain, but dont try to take my job. if theres 2 ppl giving instructions thats only gonna make it confusing for other players. jsut put the team first & do wat youve been told, if ur breaking instructions it means we cant depend on u to do what uv been told & makes other ppl think they can just do watever they want. u can think im a bad captain all u want & if u dont agree with my tactics u can tell me privately, but trying 2 take over my job & ignoring instructions is only gna bring the whole team down."
Linden was not expecting a rant from Connor but that’s what he got. I don’t think you are a bad captain. And I’m not trying to take your job. And I am putting the team first and trying to be a team player to bring the team up. he said. What did Connor think he was doing?
conor looked at limden in surprise he didn't believe what the other boy was saying. "ur giving people instructions while there trying to play." he said slowly. "distracting them & distracting urself & acting like ur the captain. if ur not tryin 2 take my job it sure looks like it."
Lysander walked by in the background.
((i finally got away :blank:))
Connor was now talking to him like he was slow. each word pronounced distinctly. "look. I didn't come here to argue. I came to see if you were okay." he said. "the last thing I will say on the topic is have you asked everyone what they want, if they find it distracting or helpful? or are you just assuming. now do you want a butterbeer?" he said just as he saw Lysander. do you want one too?" he asked.
((welcom back :) ))

canner sighed in frustration he cildent believe linen was still arguing. "have yiu asked everyone wat they want?" he retorted. "yuo didnt ask me b4 u started acting like a 2nd captain." he had planed to igenor the offer of butterbear but then linden talked to someone lets and he looked over to see lisander.
Linden nodded at connors question. Technically Blair had told him and he hadn’t asked but it was the same. yes, I haven’t started acting like a second captain. I don’t want to be a captain. And I have been doing the same as I have always done and it hasn’t been a problem until this year.
connor frowened even more as limon spoke. "really? u asked the whole team, behind my bak, if they wanted U to give them instructions insted of ME, & they all said yes, & ur sayin thats proof ur NIT trying 2 take ovr as captain?!" corn was angry and he could hear his voice get louder and he didnt care he was so angry
elvera was walking up to the tower and heard raised voices. are you boys okay she asked.

dang my account switched so I am making do]]
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[[fishfjefjdk it switched again]]
Linden could hear Connor getting louder and angrier. His checking he was okay at the end of the game had not gone to plan. Though at least he wasn’t upset about the loss now. no but some people came to me and told me they find help well helpful. he said.
He could feel his face getting hot and red from frustration. Why couldn’t Connor understand that he wasn’t trying to over rule him or take over the team. He helped that was what he did. It didn’t matter if they were friends, team mates, sick animals, random second years who were having family issues it made no difference. He looked up as a professor Le fey passed there was always something slightlyoff putting about her. we are all good professor just talking tactics
[[sorry it is so long I got curried away and even this is cut down then had to add stuff because the account switched ]]
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salamander side-eyelid the two boyz and did not know wat was goin on! london asked him if he wanted a butterbear and he stopped walking. it sounded like the two boys were arguin because they were not very good at quodditch like gryffindar was. ricesander pulled out some bertie bops and enjoyed the show.
cone winced wen he saw profesor levey, noding quickly wen Linden said they were just talking. "team stuff." he sed quickly, not turning back 2 Linden until she waz gone. "som ppl came 2 u aftr? ur the 1 who sed i shud ask the whole team. but itz 1 rule 4 me & 1 rule 4 u, ok." he scowld & he was rlly angry. "it still makez no difference. ur team cant rely on u 2 do what ur supposed 2. i cant rely on u 2 act lyk a team playr & not try 2 steal my job. u need 2 sort urself out. ur not captain ur part of a team & dat meanz ur job is 2 do wat ur told 2 so ur teammates kan rely on u wen they need 2. end ov story." he knew lice was watchin adn he didnt even kare he was so angry.
Connor gave the same rant again repeating his same rong ideas would make them write. I said did you check with the others, get a general idea not that you had to ask every person individually he said or is you problem with me cuz I am dating Lucas. Cus that ain’t gonna change he said.
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lizbander gasped! "ooooh." he sed in the bakrund. all deez cocopuff boyz kept d8ing each otha nd it was so confuzing.

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