Wait, So It's Not Christmas?

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Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden hadn't ever celebrated Halloween before. Back home in Texas, he had a few times, but ever since the move to Poland, and then starting school, he just hadn't ever celebrated it. This however was hogwarts and what it appeared to be was that everyone celebrated it. There was a feast, where they should be dressed up. He wasn't sure if he had to be, but Misha was a new professor and he wanted to make a good impression, there was just one tiny little problem with that. He didn't own a halloween costume. He was faced with the problem that he had to find one. After calling in many favours, to which only one person had had remotely what he needed, he found himself wearing an Elf costume, not a lord of the rings, dungeons and dragons, elf costume, but in fact a Christmas elf costume. There was the hat, with the red shirt, green waist, and the ever so slightly too small for him green trousers, the trousers made with the idea that they didn't cover ankles, so Misha was wearing, green socks, and silly pointed upwards shoes. He looked like an idiot. He could admit to that. He looked like he was a reject from a Santa Claus tribute band. But, this was all in the name of Halloween, maybe next year he could get a much better costume that didn't require him, to transfigure his ears to be pointed. He also realised that he wasn't exactly dressed for the right holiday, but that was really only the top of ice berg of this problem. However, despite all of this, Misha Haden tucked his wand into his waistcoat pocket and then made his way to the Great Hall.

The part of the costume he regretted the most, as he walked down, were the shoes. Little had he known that they had little bells that jingled as he walked. How his durmstrang friends would laugh now. He was wearing the most ridiculous costume, and dressed in the most silly fashion. Yet, he wasn't turning around and making something else. It was too late now, he had been seen by students, perhaps not his students, but still students. Misha had never been to a halloween feast before, so it would be easy to imagine his surprised at the scale of what had been achieved. The decorations, and the amount of food that had been placed in front of the students on the tables. While he was there, to have maybe a little bit of fun, he didn't forget that he had duties as a professor, so to begin with, he made his way to the front of the room, where the professor's table still was and got himself a drink. Before moving slightly closer to the students. Making sure no one was doing anything that wasn't allowed at this school, trying to ignore the slight laughter directed towards him. Next time, he'd be sure to get a proper costume.
Simon, on the other hand, had meticulously planned to find the most terrifying Halloween costume he could. It was just as novel a thing for him as it was for Professor Haden, only he had never once celebrated Halloween, even back in Hogwarts Scotland. His parents hadn't thought much of the pagan festival and neither had he, to be honest, so he'd spent most of his young Halloween feasts chowing down on pumpkin pasties and admiring the costumes other students had done up. Simon, however, had a very mischievous streak despite his Hufflepuff heritage, and he was determined to make his first Halloween as a professor as frightful as possible. He'd been strapped for costume ideas and had spent the last week rummaging through his old trunk to find something worth wearing: the majority of the haul was band t's and a load of torn-up jeans. The new professor had eventually given up and transfigured a black overcoat into a dashing muggle tuxedo, which he then paired with an old dress shirt and a charmed black rose. It was rather smartly done, if he did say so himself, but not altogether as scary as he'd hoped. Going as the Phantom of the Opera sounded like a fun idea, but transfiguring something into a mask didn't. Clothes to clothes was by far simpler. Eventually, the Muggle Studies professor found himself wandering back to his empty classroom to look for some junk, and it was there that he'd found some disassembled speakers and a pair of camera straps. Simon grinned to himself, and set to work.

After the fourth scream of terror and astonishment, Simon let himself laugh freely at the student's reactions to his appearance. He was completely unrecognisable, which added to the creepiness of the costume as no one knew it was simply their friendly, gentle Muggle Studies professor. He was chuckling so innocently, but through the mesh behind the plastic speaker cover, the sound came out muffled and horrid. Added to the fact that he was very tall and walked in a slow, loping gait, the costume's effect was complete. Everything was faded to a dull grey for the professor, but he still recognised an extremely colourful Misha Haden. Simon seldom saw one half of the school's Charms professors, except at staff meetings and at the breakfast table, so he figured that he'd found another golden opportunity to scare the living soul out of his colleague. Professor Blackmoore 'stalked' as best he could towards the back of the jolly elf, parting the crowds of students like the Dead Sea. Simon was bad at being unnoticed but he compensated by being silent as the grave. The voices directly around Professor Hadan's perimeter died down as Simon loomed behind his back. Two large hands came down upon the elf's shoulders, and Simon leaned in close to whisper "Boo."
Preston had already walked around the Great Hall, admiring the great decorations for several long moments. His costume had come easy this year, and he'd even remembered to bring all of the pieces with him when he had packed his bags back in August. The professors in the school seemed to go all out for the occasion, donning elaborate costumes and enchanting items to scare students as they walked around. Preston had his heart nearly jump out of his chest when he went to the food table to get a pumpkin cookie and a hand had grabbed him. At least the cookie had been good.

Finding a spot to stand that was near enough to the dance floor that he felt like he was part of the action but far enough away that he didn't feel like he was being a wallflower, Preston stopped to speak to a fellow second year. They were just joking around, not talking about anything much, when Preston noticed a tall, masked 'thing' stalking towards an unsuspecting professor. Preston nudged the student he had been speaking to and nodded his head towards the pair, waiting to see what would happen. He stuffed the rest of his cookie into his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud and ruining what he hoped would be an elaborate scare. That's what Halloween was about after all.
The charms professor had never understood why most people went with scary costumes. It was a little weird for him, and well, he really wasn't dressed for the occasion. He was colourful, and really not dressed for how most others were. But, Misha had never been too bothered about such a thing. Rather he liked the idea of just being able to dress in a most ridiculous fashion this first year, and then be normal all the years following. Which suited him fine, but this he figured would end in quite a bit of laughter. He was pretty content to be standing watching the students. Looking at the costumes. Those that tried hard, and those that didn't really look as though they had given it too much thought. Which was fine, but from what he could see from the professors, it was up to them in a sense to lead everyone else. And well, he had given it his all during that year. Misha was a new professor, and this was his first teaching job, so he really didn't want to make a bad impression, it wasn't good since he really had no desire to be fired. Not that he would. Misha was just a little paranoid, and despite some earlier reservations about Hogwarts and teaching at this school he was settling in well, and had no desire to pack up now. it was these thoughts, that meant he wasn't really giving too much thought as to what was really going on around him, and what was heading towards him. He just sipped his drink and looked out at the students. He barely noticed that the students around him were falling silent. Almost laughing to themselves. He didn't sense the person behind him. That wasn't until Boo!

Professor Haden jumped a few centimetres in the air, and took a few steps forward spilling the drink all over himself, he realised a bunch of swears he hoped the first years wouldn't hear. Misha glanced round and noticed who it was. Despite very well hidden behind a mask, Misha made out Professor Blackmore. "You b@stard" He said, as he tried to contain his breath which had quicken. He leaned forward and placed his hands on his knees. He gave a small laugh. "You fudging b@stard" Misha repeated, though he tried to be annoyed he found he couldn't be. It was halloween, surely this was part of it. "You got me, you got me good." He stood up straight. He noted his hands were still slightly shaking, "Nice costume." He sighed to himself again, glad that it was just another professor, it would've been so much worse if he had been scared like that by a student. However, he was now thinking that this wouldn't be over, he had to get revenge, some how. At some later date. Misha would've said something, but his breathing was still uneven. He still hadn't fully calmed down. Around them, he could hear students laughing. But, this didn't bother him, it was halloween after all. "You owe me, one drink"
Simon couldn't help: he lost it completely. He threw the mask off and tumbled back into a nearby pillar to laugh himself silly. The look on the Charms professor's face made his prank all the more complete. He finally managed to get himself under control enough to help the poor man to a standing position and gave him a more friendly pat on the back.
"Ach, mate I'm so sorry, but 'ye wouldn't believe how annoying it was t' make this thing. I just had to try it on the most able vict- I mean, participant." He pursed his lips, trying to look contrite, but the mirth was written all over his face and the Northern Englishman lost control of himself once more. Students were starting to laugh now that they knew they were allowed to, and Simon sheepishly tucked the mask under his arm.
"I can't promise I won't be doin' that again, but you have my permission t' take revenge at an appropriate and unexpected time." he assured his colleague. The northern accent was coming out now that he was more relaxed. During classes he toned it right down to a vague idiom, but he was in such a jolly mood that it all came tumbling out.
"C'mere love, hand us one of those pints now, won't ye?" said Simon kindly to a passing house elf with a full tray of butterbeer. "It's on the house," he said happily to Misha, slapping it into his hand "As if it already weren't." The Muggle Studies professor took a moment to admire his fellow professor's outfit. It may not have been exactly seasonal, but it was very well done and much better than what he'd thought to come up with.
"You've got a good set there, I must say." he added jovially, "But I ought to mention ... t'ain't Christmas yet, mate." Simon wasn't entirely joking. He was appreciative enough, but slightly confused. What if he'd missed something? It was the thirty-first of October, wasn't it? Maybe it was just part of the idiosyncrasies of Halloween that he hadn't known about. There were a few people dressed as cupids or Santa's. Simon felt like a dope. Shaking his head at himself, Professor Blackmoore leant back once more against the pillar and had a look around.
"So waddaya think, aye? First Halloween at Hogwarts NZ?" he queried, knowing that Professor Hadan was just as new as he was.
Mel floated through the Great Hall, a slight smile on her face. It was odd for Mel to be smiling, because usually she was as gloomy as Hogwarts Scotland's Moaning Myrtle. However, tonight Mel was actually quite pleased. Halloween had always been her favourite event of the year, even more than birthdays or Christmas. She supposed it had something to do with being a witch, and being able to reveal yourself to the Muggle world, and they just think that you're going trick or treating. Her smile widened she shook her head as she remembered how one of her friends, Anna, a muggle-born, had always been shocked about magic, and had attempted to dismiss her accidental magic as a figment of her imagination. Her smile dimmed slightly as she remembered Anna and all of her friends at Hogwarts... How they were still alive, and probably had started their own families by now, and here she was, haunting a school for the rest of her life.

A group of students stopped her, and began talking to her, and her smile returned full force. Nothing would ruin this night for her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a person dressed up in a creepy costume sneak up behind a professor dressed up as an elf in an attempt to scare them. When the person succeeded, Mel couldn't help but giggle, and after dismissing herself from the group of students, she floated over to the two Professors. 'Good evening Professors.' she stated, smiling at both of them. 'Nice costumes.' She laughed, her eyes darting back and forth between them. 'I assume this is your first Halloween at Hogwarts New Zealand?' she asked grinning at the both of them. She knew they must be, because Mel had always came to the Halloween feast, and she would have recognised these two Professors, especially if this was how they dressed for Halloween...
It didn't annoy the young professor, the laughter was funny to him too. He had never imagined that it wouldn't not bug him, but it was clear to him, by this, that something of that sort, being laughed in a sense at was alright. He was smiling and he was laughing himself, there was no real harm done. Which was the best thing about it. He gave a larger smile as the guy patted him on the back. It was alright, this was another professor, who like him taught the elder years. There was no harm done. There really wasn't. So that was okay. He was okay with that. Misha was not the kind of person who like being played tricks on, but in his mind this was the beginning, it would start with this halloween. There was many little ideas forming in his mind about what he could do in return. Since he was quite sure how far he could go. They were new professors, teaching the elder students, they were to show an example. "You can bet I will," Unlike this other professors, thick english accent, Misha's had much more of an American accent to it. Mixed in with Polish, and Russian. Since he'd gone to Durmstrang, been brought up in Texas, but lived in Poland. His accent was a mish mash of things. Misha finally had composed himself enough to stand up straight. He felt slightly on edge, but he wasn't feeling as bad as he had moments before. He watched him get two pints, which Misha was happy about, not that they cost anything, but still, it was the principle. "Thanks," He smiled taking the drink from him. He raised the glass to his lips and took a long sip. Glad for the sugar, glad for a new drink and the feeling that he wasn't still being laughed at. Although, his costume wouldn't really help him in that respect.

"As it turns out, this was the only costume I could get on short notice." He gave a shrug. "I don't really celebrate Halloween, but couldn't not get dressed up." He looked at his outfit and gave a light laugh. Professor Haden knew that was really just the tip of the iceberg in this situation. Misha was wearing a ridiculous elf outfit, where the trousers were a little on the tight side, and well, it just, it wasn't good. "It's never too early to instill Christmas cheer into the hearts of the kids." He gave another light laugh. Nothing he could say would make what he was wearing any better. But, at the other professor's comment, Misha took in the entire hall more. All of the decroations. Everything, this was clearly a big deal for the people here. "It's quite something. I didn't quite believe this much work would be put into it." Misha shrugged slightly, looking back at him, "What do you think?" He returned the question, just as this ghost, floated over to them. Floated, because unlike everyone else, this woman/ghost wasn't dressed up. "Thank you, ma'am." He said, with a smile. Motioning to his costume, it was silly, but it wasn't an awful costume. He nodded at her second question, "It is indeed. Probably the first Halloween I've celebrated in years."
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