Visting the tower....

"Bellatrix maybe we should go the other way" Maddiie whisper trying so hard to cover that smell.
"No just go wash up, quickly! I'll distract anything that comes our way!"
Maddiie hesitated a bit, she didnt know if she can trust bellatrix but she had no choice. They made fast towards the bathroom Bella decided to gaurd the door with her wand. "Ill be out fast" Maddiie rushed in.
Maddiie had never been in this bathroom. She had not know if anything would pop out and scare her. She struggle to get this smell out of school robe. Oh great she thought to herself if their is a werewolf its going to really get me. Than she heard a loud HOWL.
Bellatrix quickly turned on her heels and ran into the lavitory. "What the hell?!" she said frantically.
Maddiie screamed,"I heard it from there" she pointed towards a closed door.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes. And walked over to the door and opend it...

ooc: I'll let you post what happens... if anything.
A beast had pronce on Bellatrix getting ready to rip her head off. Maddiie was shocked with panic and tried to focus fast.

ooc: I was thinking all long the line for it to be a borrat or something like that.
"Ah sh1t!" she screamed as she thre the best off of her after a good fight. She had loads of scratches all over her body and was bleeding. "Maddiie stun it!" she screeched as she drew her wand. "Reducto!" she screached at the animal.
Maddiie got in front of it and shouted "Reducto" She had tried to push Bellatrix out of the way."Not her you beast" she screamed.
As the spell was blasted by Maddiie wand the Beast had disappear. Maddiie sighed of relief and fell next to Bellatrix."Wow and we just started school"
"I dont know but are you okay?"
"Just a bit scartches"
"What should we do?I mean if we tell somone they are just going to deny it and not believe us. But if we dont tell that beast is going to attack again"
"First lets go to the nures your bleeding like hell"
Bellatrix looked down and didn't notice until now that she had lost a large amount of blood now on the lavatory floor. "Maybe you should get a Professor..." she muttered looked around and starting to feel light headed from the blood loss. "Plus if we ever try and convince someone they should see the evidence..."
"Ok I'll be right back." Maddiie rushed hoping to find a professor.
(((Alex, your character's name is Bellatrix ;-)
Also, what attacked you, there's a rule that says there are no dangerous creatures in the school unless approved by Alicia.)))

Professor King arrived behind Maddiie, "Where is she then?" he inquired.

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