Visting the tower....

Bellatrix quickly followed. "Hell yes..."
As they were walking Maddiie felt a little akward they were just arguing and now they working together. It doesnt make sense. "Did you at least heard the noise?" she asked Bellatrix.
"I heard something that wasnt normal..." she said sheepishly. "So...does this mean... were acquaintances? Distant acquaintances..."
"I guess..but its going to be hard to trust someone like you, but I can give it a shot" Maddiie replied.
"I wasnt asking for the acquaintance ship or whatever you could call it I was curious... I'm not asking for trust..."
"Yeah we can be...its whatever you want to be" Maddiie saying sheeply
"You know to be honest I think it does..but I mean your hard to get close too" Maddiie said sadly
"Exactly... I'm hard to be close to because I don't want anyone close to me and also because I don't trust many people.... so either way I'm a hard bargain for any type of acquaintance ship with."
"Did you know while I was away the only person I was thinking about was you..and its hard to say because we fought so much in the begiining. So its whatever you have to offer. Im just tired of fighting with you"
"So yeah..." Maddiie looked down as she walked towards the end of the corridors and heard the noise again. She did not know what to make of it. Than she tripped over a slab of raw meat. "Ohh this is intresting" Maddiie wrinkle her nose to the horrid smell.
Bellatrix cackled. "Are you alright? Raw meet! Holy hell its brilliant! We really do have a warewolf."
"You really thing so, aye mi madre but thats not enough evidence anyone could have been playing a trick on us" Maddiie said a litttle worried.
"It could be a first year prank you never know" Maddiie tossed the meat to a near by window.
"I know" Maddiie smelled her hand and gaged a bit in her mouth.
"Damn it and if there is a wolf he going to be after me quick do a smell spell"
"Is there a bathroom round here?" Maddiie complained.
As she went towards the nearest bathroom Maddiie heard a big growl."Ssh you heard that" she whisper loudly to Bellatrix.

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