
That is insane @-)
Music videos of the now:
Morcheeba - Enjoy the Ride
MGMT - Eletric Feel

Warning: Sturgeon General reports that the severe strangeness of these videos may be hazardous to the health of the extremely young, extremely old, anyone who takes themselves seriously, and rhinoceroses. They made cause mutations in unborn children, therefore should not be viewed by pregnant women. Really only wookies should view these videos, because they are awesome enough to do so.
Type in Charlie the Unicorn on youtube. Either possibly the most annoying thing on earth or the funniest thing on earth

Type in I HATE PAINT NAMES. LOL funny.
Fred McElroy said:
zomg, that was on the music TV show on Saturday morning.
The radio station I listen to has been going on about MGMT and Vampire Weekend. For the former, I can see why. It's awesomeness!

So, how many people have seen that video of that guy from Brisbane dancing in various places around the world? I'd link you but YouTube is blocked here at school. I saw it on breakfast TV this morning. Not nearly as awesome as MGMT...but still kinda cool. In an 'omg look at all those places and people' way.
Estrella Drage said:
The Vortex

This one is so catchy!
Oddly enough I still like the Mysterious Ticking Noise more...

But "Lose some weight before you hug me, Ron." is awesome. :D :p
Professor Nicolas King said:
Estrella Drage said:
The Vortex

This one is so catchy!
Oddly enough I still like the Mysterious Ticking Noise more...

But "Lose some weight before you hug me, Ron." is awesome. :D :p
Oh yes it is. "Pituitarious shrinky dinky!"

They have some really weird Puppet Pals knockoffs though. =/ But the ones made by Cicierega are all cool. :D
I suspect I should warn people about the content. The song can be taken in the wrong way and the ad contains bad language.

I love Patrick Wolf so much. I will never, ever get tired of this song. The Magic Position.

This is why Australia is awesome: Australia Ad. It's from a TV show called The Gruen Transfer...which is about ads. Interestingly, this ad was a response to an ad they made about invading New Zealand.

And this? Why, this is absolute hilarity. There's a series of these, where a guy from The Chaser's War On Everything (another great Aussie TV show) goes up to Americans and asks them about stuff, proving the stereotype that Americans are stupid. This one is classic: 9/11 Test.
I wouldn't say it proves a stereotype, in part because they say it's only 30% of those questioned, hardly a majority, and also because I haven't met a person in my personal experience who doesn't know the date. :ph43r:

Now, a video: The Galactic Empire invades San Fransisco.
Oops, bad wording. The interviews are obviously skewed to get the dumbest people they can find. They found people who believed Mt Rushmore was in Australia...along with the Eiffel Tower, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I mean, what?

But yeah, it would have to be a minority.
:p We're not all mindless hicks.

I present to you a video on ferrofluids. Basically a liquid in which very tiny particles of a magnetic substance are suspended and put under the influence of a magnetic field.
You're not? Well, that's a revelation. =O.

This is a little (well, fairly) rude (so keeps the little kids away), but so awesome. I mean, it's got A-ha, what more do you want? Weebl and Bob - Paper.

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