Valentine's Werewolf

Currently no votes have been placed. 6 hours remain!
I'm not particularly good at werewolf, i get just easily suspicious of people and the manner in which they vote. And I just have like gut feelings (i mean most of the time they're wrong but hey, gut feelings). As of now, i don't really know, I don't trust anyone. I'm perfectly innocent but i can see why my behaviour may cause folks to think i'm not.
The pattern. I did noticed it too. What if the wolves are really skipping names? because none of the people in the center had gone and die :erm: I'm very suss about Dan. He rarely post even he's online. Hasn't voted (correct me if I'm wrong) even. We either vote or let this day phase pass without anyone getting lynch or the wolves gets lucky again? Our choice, really.
I really have zero clue. I mean, I'm no good at this game at the best of times, but I'm completely stuck
Although they were trying, the town was confused,
But the werewolves were obviously very amused.
Hiding in shadows, they were part of the crowd,
Perhaps they would win this and go out all proud.

The village returned back to their beds,
After water and nurture and a little dry bread.
Locking the doors they hoped not to find,
Yet another poor soul left for dead on the line.

<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">
Up and about, the wolves were searching,
Delighted with progress, and their plans of hurting.
They were however, not the only to fill,
As the ghost of the town came back for a kill.

She may have been quiet, but she knew much,
Patricia Styx was found cold to the touch.
With the chill of Alexis running through the room,
The Seer had no time to escape through the gloom.

There was one person who was particularly lucky,
Avoiding a death because the Doctor was plucky.
Little Miss Rosemary could have awoken that day,
Although not their target, she'd stood in their way.


This is the worst D:

It took me a second to remember the ghost could kill someone today. This is really bad.

We need to take action I think. I find it hard to pick who to lynch but I need to pick someone because it's time for action. If the village stays passive, the wolves are sure to win. I'm voting for Alex, as I feel like she's been acting suspiciously and trying to confuse the other players.
UGHHH okay!
So that means Clara protected a wolf right? She hasn't been very active, but the suspicions yesterday were for Dan, Kathy and Emzies right? So maybe she protected one of them and they attacked her.
Amber Chou Wilson said:
This is the worst D:

It took me a second to remember the ghost could kill someone today. This is really bad.

We need to take action I think. I find it hard to pick who to lynch but I need to pick someone because it's time for action. If the village stays passive, the wolves are sure to win. I'm voting for Alex, as I feel like she's been acting suspiciously and trying to confuse the other players.

Tbh, I'm confusing my self too. I was afraid I'm talking nonsense here xD but seriously. Do you have proof that I'm confusing y'all? I mean, I'm very concern that main roles are going extinct now and thankfully none of villagers had gotten by the wolves yet. I was getting frustrated that no one voted on the last day phase but whatever you think of me I'll accept. And also, I'm very active on this game. Let's consider about the people who are laying low. They are online but they simply lurk and never post ... just keeping that in mind ;-)
Aurora Night-
Professor Katherine Alicasell-
Professor Monty PendletonVillager
Lauryn Woodlock-
Daisy Parker-
Oliver FoyCupid
Amber Chou Wilson-
Stefan Archer-
James Cade-
Professor Patricia StyxSeer/Fool
Ainsley Lynch-
Zennon Baros-
Amy RosemaryDoctor
Alexis Sage KramerGhost
Professor Cyndi KingsleyMayor
Naomi KeithSeer/Fool
Roles Remaining: 1 Alpha Wolf, 1 Wolf, 1 Janitor, 1 Apprentice, 1 Medusa, , 1 Diseased, 3 Villagers

So currently its 3 vs 6. I'm curious to know whether the Apprentice silently takes on a new role, or if its announced. (Like, could we currently have a third Seer, or a second Doctor?)

Donna - I'm not so sure I understand the thought process there. Why would the doctor opt to protect someone who has had suspicions thrown at them, since they'd be more likely to kill them?

This is so frustrating, I think I expected to make at least some progress by now :lol:
On the plus side, its entirely possible for the wolves to hit the janitor, so we might get lucky in them wasting a night taking out "one of their own" for us.

Honestly at this point, with very little to go off, I'm not opposed to lynching Alex. Her name is high on the list, so she'd have been safe if there really was a pattern, and her defense of being active doesn't mean a lot in this game. Though I think a lot of her confusing/suspicious behaviour could just be put down to some miscommunication, like Patricia's post about the Mayor was, for example.

I do agree that Dan has been active on the site, but not present in the game, and might be someone to look at either now or further down the line. As Cyndi said earlier, there's almost always one laying low.
I might be up on the list but so does Claire and she's a VILLAGER. I would focus on the ones that are not active. What if all the villagers are up there on the list? Because I'm telling y'all now that I'm innocent and y'all cry when I die. It is time for me to vote and my suspicion lead me to Dan, I vote to lynch James Cade. If you don't participate you're surely laying low
Okay no, that doesn't make too much sense (my thought pattern). I was thinking along the lines of the games I've played in RL, often an outspoken person would be targeted, so perhaps she thought to protect them.
But I also think I'm grasping at straws here.
Okay so one thing about Clara being killed - I'm actually interpreting the rhyme as she and the wolves both chose the same person to target:
There was one person who was particularly lucky,
Avoiding a death because the Doctor was plucky.

Little Miss Rosemary could have awoken that day,
Although not their target, she'd stood in their way.
Feel free to discuss if I've got this confused, but as the only roles with the power to kill at night are wolves and the ghost once (which we can see from the first part of the rhyme, Arle unfortunately went after Pat), I can only assume that Clara died as a result of protecting someone, rather than actively guarding a wolf herself.

This is also useful, because it indicates that the wolves decided to break their previous pattern last night (even though circumstances actually mean it still continues xD ). They clearly took advantage of Jesse pointing it out, which now also means they don't have to worry about skipping any names and potentially outing themselves to those who had been quietly following. Annoyingly, my ever present suspicion of Jesse in these games gains some small traction xD

As for Alex, by implying that people who don't participate in the vote are lying low - what happens if no one else votes today? Are we all wolves? You said you were frustrated by the lack of votes yesterday, yet you didn't act to force a vote then. What makes voting for Dan today so different from doing it yesterday? Perhaps the fact that Daphne has decided to go after you without reservation? Personally, from past experience I believe Dan has a boring role and has lost interest, or surely he would be here trying to prove his innocence and stay in the game.

I'm only going to hold my vote here because I'm interested in what everyone else thinks.
Doctor (Night) - Each night, the Doctor is allowed to guard one player from the wolves. If the wolves attack the guarded player, the attack will not occur. However, if you guard a wolf, the Alpha Wolf will kill you instead of their target.

I took "stood in their way" as her guarding one of the wolves, and in doing so literally being present with them that night, so they were unsuccessful in attacking whomever their actual target was. Because it specifies guarding a wolf results in death, I feel like it would also specify that guarding a player who is attacked would still result in the doctors death, which it doesn't. So I think its more likely she guarded a wolf than the same person the wolves went after?
Ohhh that would make sense too. Okay, I guess I'm the latest person to confuse things now xD
But then again - wouldn't that just mean they would have gotten their original target as well as Clara? Seeing as she could only have stood in the way of one wolf, if she did at all? Also, wouldn'tsomething like 'the doctor guarded a wolf' be explicitly mentioned in the rhyme cause plot twist? I'm reading too much into this I'm sure, but if we're allowed to have this clarified Pheeb - could we?
:lol: Think of it this way - how many people can the wolves kill at night? Whether there's one, two, or three wolves, they can only select one target. When it comes to attacking, the wolves are basically one entity, not two or three. While it doesn't necessarily make sense from a story-telling standpoint, its just a game mechanic to make things fairer.
Maybe the two wolves are roommates and she stood in their doorway and didn't let either of them out? :p
Just because I like things to make in world sense :p Okay, I'll continue my path as a confused person who just spread unneccessary confusion around only my own brain, thankfully.
Aurora Night said:
As for Alex, by implying that people who don't participate in the vote are lying low - what happens if no one else votes today? Are we all wolves? You said you were frustrated by the lack of votes yesterday, yet you didn't act to force a vote then. What makes voting for Dan today so different from doing it yesterday? Perhaps the fact that Daphne has decided to go after you without reservation? Personally, from past experience I believe Dan has a boring role and has lost interest, or surely he would be here trying to prove his innocence and stay in the game.

Did I said if the people didn't vote were werewolves? -checks back- I'm not saying about votes, I'm saying participation in general because unfortunately we forget the people who are very quiet because yes, in previous games I'm in, I tend to forget them and never laid my suspicion on them (then finding out they're the wolves). I've actually forgotten you're even playing Kathy. Hey, we have different ways suspecting people, I don't blame y'all. Although my vote still stay and I don't care if we have a tie tomorrow. My problem is just that the werewolves are getting lucky on their picks.
So, I don't think I want another tie today, because I feel like we're getting nowhere if we just go another day. I can believe Kathy in saying that Dan is bored/unmotivated with the game because he has a mundane role, so while he is the biggest "laying low" target, I suppose it isn't out of the question to say that both wolves could be particularly active, or more active than just one post in the game.

I'll vote for Alex today. because of the two current votes, I think she's more likely to be a potential wolf.

I do also want to say I feel like Donna isn't entirely out of the question either. This whole time I've been like "Donna is too nice to kill people!", as if the role generator would even take that into consideration? :lol:
My only reasoning for that is I feel like she's basically the only person no one has pointed a finger at, and maybe we should be? She made the suggestion that Dan/Kathy/Emzies could be a wolf all because they were yesterdays suspects, and that may well have been to keep us focused on a group of people who might all be innocent. She also mentioned that she too was wondering if the wolves were going down the list order, which I didn't even figure out until I made the updated list and saw the pattern myself - maybe because its her very own wolf tactic? Not to mention she's particularly close to the top of the list, too. On top of that, she did cast the first stone on day one, choosing to lynch Teigan. Was it simply because of the Kait/Teigan thread as we were all innocently lead to believe, or is really because she's a wicked wolf in disguise? :drat:
Donna claims to not be so good at this game, but her comments throughout seem to suggest otherwise. I think she knows more about what is going on than we're lead to think :p

Or I could be completely wrong and she's innocent. I don't really have a lot to work with :p
Aurora Night said:
But if we're allowed to have this clarified Pheeb - could we?
'Although not their target, she stood in their way'


6 hours remain, Alex currently has 2 votes, Dan has 1

Tensions were high as the village chose,
Who to put forward to the lynch on the close.
Pushing Miss Woodlock up through the crowd,
They waited for judgement to reveal it out loud.

Perhaps it was changing, perhaps it was starting.
Perhaps the village were awake to the parting.
For the Alpha they'd managed to capture that day,
And the sun went down with hope in the ray.

As the town slept they waited to see,
Which of their members wouldn't be free.
Clearly however the wolf had been grieving,
For no one was hurt and all remained breathing.

With lives on the line it was time to choose,
The ones who would cause the village to lose.
With hope in their eyes and joy on their minds,
Those that were innocent were desperate to find.

Okay, this makes me think it could be Teigan or Rowan, neither of them have been on since the 3rd (so my time says). Alex could have just been sending kills in by herself.
Lauryn Woodlock said:
Because I'm telling y'all now that I'm innocent and y'all cry when I die.
Tears of joy :cool: :p

Donna makes sense, but I feel like it needs to be pointed out that:
1. People can have been online but still inactive as many people have proven here by lurking but (unfortunately) not posting
2. It's possible that the apprentice is now the new doctor and protected someone. The chances are slim, but it is a possibility. :x Hopeful optimism
That's true, but the way that I took the poem was that the wolves didn't attack

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