Up to mischief

Athene ducked behind Bellatrix, defenceless. She wanted her wand. She felt completely naked with out it.

"Blow things up!" Athene shouted. "Confuse them!"
Professor Weiss saw the spell flying at her and quickly put ducked away from it. "Stupefy!" she cast at Athene, since she knew that Professor King had already sent one at Bellatrix.
Professor King gave his wand yet another grande flourish which slammed the great hall doors shut. The boom from it echoed through the hall. "Why did you even bother running?" he called out to them, wondering what the other Professors were doing. He then heard Belladonna send a spell towards somebody and smiled, four trained wizards/witches against two hopeless students, it almost seemed unfair.
Knowing that Bellatrix was well covered by the other two Professors, Professor Lloyd cast his wand after Belladonna, saying simply, "Incarcerous," with a flourish of his wand, the ropes snaking towards Athene.

Athene whipped around, screaming a string of curses, and just as she did, a spell hit her right in the chest. She flew back, and felt the strength of ropes secure themselves around her as she blacked out.
Bellatrix yelled "Protego!" to all of Kings spells. And leapt to Athene trying to put her protection spell around her too but it was too late. Athene was feet away. "sh1t...sh1t...sh1t...." She then began to flourish her wand making different objects fly every which way, and began to set things on fire.
Cecily was behind the large table and slipped, falling heavily on her arm. She cursed loudly and got up, muttering, "Scourgify!" on her shoes and the floor. She followed the trail of blood and saw the girls wrists. "No," she breathed. Their prank had gone too far. She waved her wand and sent a healing spell first toward Athene then Bellatrix, who was creating havoc.

She ducked out of the way of a stool and sent another "Stupefy!" toward Bellatrix.
"Finite!" Professor King yelled, stopping many of Bellatrix's sheilding spells and stopping many of her fires. "Ms. Green give it up." he called, sending a disarming spell in her direction.

He was growing quite tired of Bellatrix and her ways, it seemed every step forward she made somebody would come along and help her take two steps back. At this rate he hoped she would be expelled.
Professor Weiss quickly cast "Incarcerous!" at Bellatrix, hoping to catch her off guard and bind her as well as Athene was. "Do you REALLY think you are going to get away from us?"
Bellatrix who had forgotten about her rather deep wound for a moment suddenly looked down. Caught off guard she noticed a massive amount of blood surrounding the floor around her. As she then watched the wound slowly heal, she looked back up. First at Professor Rambolt and then back at King. Bellatrix then fell backward from the binding spell, hitting the floor with a thud, she laid watching Athene's wand fly out of her hand.
"Get away from you, rather -- you're in charge of the hunt." Professor King chuckled in correction of Belladonna. He had been thinking the same things, this whole situation was astounding. 'If only Alicia could see this' was his only thought at that moment.

Just after thinking this he noticed Bellatrix lose the wand she was using. He smirked, "Accio wand!"
(Athene, are you bound? I wasn't sure. :unsure: )
Professor Lloyd had not been at the school long enough to know what other mischief Bellatrix green had caused, but he had heard rumors. He moved over to where Athene was, keeping his wand pointed at her despite the fact that she was helpless. He watched the Green girl with amusement; he found her to be an incredibly stupid person. He refrained from commenting, however, leaving that to the other Professors.
Professor Cecily Rambolt said:
(Athene, are you bound? I wasn't sure. :unsure: )
(((I believe so. :) )))
"Professor Lloyd," Cecily called to him, her wand still trained on Bellatrix. "Did my healing spell reach Athene?"

(Okay! :lol: I'll pay closer attention. ;-) )
Belladonna was about to call for the wand when Nicolas yelled out "Accio wand!" Instead she responded to him as she watched the wand land in his hands. "And yes, Nicolas, I guess I do mean ME." She looked pointedly at Bellatrix, who seemed to be the master of this little plan. "But I thought since all of you were so kind as to join me, it would be us." She smirked at the girls, especially Bellatrix, and wondered how stupid they really were.
Gabriel's eyes darting to Cecily, who had just asked him a question. He looked down at the cut on Athene's arm, which was slowly healing itself. "That it has, Professor Rambolt," he replied, smirking, and then looking in disgust towards the wall. "What in the world would possess two children to do this?" he exclaimed in obvious repulsion. He figured that it might have something to do with how they were raised.
(((Belladonna, I edited my post to reflect Bellatrix's... :unsure: so we both have one wand :p )))

Athene was pale from loss of blood. She was lying in a pool of red, and choked as the salty liquid entered between her lips. She didn't wake up, however.

Her hair was sprawlled around her, thick and matted with red. Her robes were stained and her bretahing shallow. The deep cut in her wrist, however, was beginning to heal over.
Bellatrix suddenly lurched trying to struggle from the binding charm. "Because we don't need any mud-bloods, blood-traitors and filthy unloyal witches and wizard! Only those who are loyal to the snake and shall be great. The Dark Lord was strong, and left you all in fear, it shall happen again!"
Cecily nodded, "Good!" she called back to Gabriel. Her arm struck something as she backed up. Turning, she saw Alicia's chair. Peering closer, she saw it was covered with the girls' blood. Her stomach nearly turned. How could they have done something so foolish? The arrogance!

She heard Bellatrix's words as though through a fog. Something niggled in the back of her mind but refused to bear fruit.

"Silence, girl!" she roared, her patience at an end.

(Um..should one of us get Athene to the hospital? )
((OoC: U was wondering, can you guys not clean the writing up until the school come in for breakfast? I purposefully made it close to morning, so that some students would walk in on it.))

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