Unfortunately...life happens

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Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
So with me having started my new nursing job and trying to get all of my stuff together to go back to school for my bachelor's degree I'm finding it a bit difficult to manage life lately. That, on top of other things in life (that I'm having a hard time dealing with) I've decided to take a break from HNZ. I'm not leaving, but just giving myself to deal with life in general because to be perfectly honest it's all getting to be a bit more than I can handle at times. With that being said I'll be on and off to check PM's, but that will pretty much be the extent of my activity for a little while. I'll miss y'all loads, but I'll be back eventually...this place is like a bad habit, I always come back.

Until next time...

Katie :hug:
Eep! D:
Well, I hope stuff sorts itself out for you, Katie.
See you when you come back! :D
Have fun with your new job, Kart! :D
We'll be waiting!
:wub: Mini Me
Real life always comes first. Good luck with everything. :)

Seems like a lot of people are having s rough time lately. I hope everything sorts out for you and if you need anyone to bother or talk to I'll always be here. Have fun with your new job, I'm proud of you and I know you'll do awesome no matter what.

- Jessye
:hug: You know who to hit up. :DE: Miss you on here!
Good luck with the job!!
See you when you're back :)


Yes, now it is time for payback! My love for HNZ has been increased ever since Pat said she was going away and now you are taking a leave of absence. WOOH! Party time! I'm not going to miss you. Not one bit

Only joking, I will miss you, even if it is only just a little bit but Im sure we'll speak soon on f.b chat or msn. Until then, I will browse the board in peace and quiet!

Good luck with everything Katie. I know you'll do awesome. At least I have my t-shirt to remind me of you :wub:

- Pat :hug:
Ahh just saw this! I hope you're able to deal with things in RL, I know how stressful that can be and I hope you hurry back to us soon!!! ♥

RL comes first. Pop on every once and a while, Southern Belle! xD
So essentially for all intents and purposes I'm pretty much back for the most part. Still a bit sketchy on the activity front, but at least I'll be on and off for more than a few minutes. Missed y'all loads!! ♥
Good to see you are coming back Katie. :) :hug:
We can meet up at my apartment! :woot:
I am a little...half way between you two, older me and Katie. xD
Aleyha Devearux said:
We can meet up at my apartment! :woot:
I am a little...half way between you two, older me and Katie. xD
This had better be done while I'm visiting you :glare: :abby:
If you, Katie, and Kaitlin meet up half way, it could be done at my apartment, since I am like, almost half way between the drive. :p
I live in TN now. :p
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