Tutorials and Quidditch Leauge

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
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13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust

So I have a few things in mind (I always do :r), and I was wondering if we could get a section for just tutorials only for the site? For example, how to use some of the unique features on this site or coding for characters bio, etc. I know someone new or old (me xD) would appreciate it.

And for Quidditch, I know not all the spots are filled for every team, but, I was thinking maybe generate a list every four years who wins the Quidditch World Cup. Or, have it every year. For bragging rights. And maybe every two years host a con? Yes, No? Maybe?

:p :wub: :pop:
Hey Madz,

One the first point, we'd be hesitant to create an entirely new sub-forum for site tutorials. We know that this is still a new site to lots of folks and people are still learning the ins and outs of the site, but a whole new section would be a lot. We still do have this topic here: https://hogwarts.nz/threads/lets-learn-together.86486/ where people could ask questions/post tutorials or even just discuss the easiest way of doing things that they've found.

As for quidditch world cup titles, while it would be interesting enough to have, it is perhaps a bit more work than would really be necessary. If the department in the ministry were feeling particularly inclined they could talk with the admin about it but for now we'd say no on this particular matter at this particular time.

On the final point of a quidditch con, if you and others were keen to host/have such an event you could always fill out a special events application form when the apps reopen, explaining what you want to do, where it would be, what it would involve then we'd decide upon that based on the app itself. It's not something we would at this point say no to, but encourage you to fill out an application so that such an event could be planned - when the apps reopen of course.

I hope this helps.
I think it's also worth mentioning that all our FAQ documentation were updated to match the new software, and the Xenforo Move FAQ includes some information on the software's features, as well!
I think the Quidditch here did not mean hosting an event but just to randomly pick a winner once every four IC years. For the sake RPing when it comes to talking about professional Quidditch. My Danielle Corelli is a Harpies player but all I can include in my posts that could mention her career is all about practices. No victories or loses since we don't have a basis for that fact. The Quidditch picnic was a great idea but reading all the interactions, there was no talk of QWC since there was no winner of that event.
I took an initiative of creating a simple random picker for the winners.

Hey Arle,

I think perhaps a re-read of Madz full question is necessary. She did, in fact, mention the idea of a con which is why Emzies' reply mentioned it.

As for the randomizer, there are a couple of issues. Emzies did mention that this was something the lead of that department could discuss with her, and that was an intentional decision. There needs to be some measure of control regarding how winners are determined and by whom. Making a randomizer available to the entire site could leave us with 10 roleplayers each having a different winner for the same exact world cup, mentioned in 10 roleplays which is obviously not ideal.

Additionally, the world cup that we learn about in canon involved the National teams and were country versus country [Bulgaria vs Ireland being the one we read about].

In short, both ideas - the con that Madz briefly mentioned and the idea of determining quidditch world cup winners- need work.

Making a randomizer available to the entire site could leave us with 10 roleplayers each having a different winner for the same exact world cup, mentioned in 10 roleplays which is obviously not ideal.

Well, I did not say anything about making the wheel available to the whole site. This is just a suggestion of a tool that the admin can use to generate a list on the possible QWC titles. It will be announced and that is where the basis of the roleplays relating to Quidditch.

I must have missed where you mentioned the tool was just for admin. At any rate, if you have any further tools you want to suggest, PMing them to the admin first is a better idea than posting them to the entire site.

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