Open Treat It Like Quidditch

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel knew that he wanted to try his hand at duelling. He didn't know what it would be like or what it would take, but Emmanuel wanted to do well at it. Emmanuel wasn't sure what it would involve, but he knew he should practice, he should learn how to practice it and do well with his spells. He knew it should be treated like quidditch, like any sport, just get himself practising. Emmanuel wasn't sure where he would be to practice, but after asking some older students, the duelling chamber was technically an area he could go and practice. So this was where he found himself, there wasn't much in the room, some dummies, and the stage. He took out his wand and went to one of the dummies, wondering how exactly it worked.
Yuelia's father had been apprehensive when she had told him that she wanted to duel. Ultimately, however, he was unable to stop her. If anything would test her abilities and allow her to prove herself as someone worthy of notice. Show that being a powerful witch was what she was born to be. She had to be.

She had been coming to the duelling chamber regularly and practicing her spellcasting all year. But with the tournament coming up, she really couldn't afford to slack off. It seemed as though she wasn't the only second year with that idea, and she tensed for a moment, before relaxing. Competition was good, as long as she could win. "Hello, Emmanuel," she greeted, politely. "Are you entering the tournament?" Half as practice, half as a confident display of assertiveness, she turned to one of the practice dummies and gleefully cast a featherlight spell on it, before knocking it back with a strong stupefy.
Emmanuel wasn't sure how many other people used this room generally, how many people did actually practice. He wasn't too surprised to hear someone come in, but more so that it was someone he knew. Emmanuel glanced at Yuelia and gave a polite smile. His impression of Yuelia was that she was polite and well put together, not too unlike him, though he knew he was perhaps a little more informal. ”I am yes,” he watched as she did two spells with ease and gave a little laugh. ”I assume you will be too?” He was sure that she'd probably beat him, his spell casting was not that smooth but he wasn't going into it with the idea of winning. Just wanted to take part and experience it.
Yuelia nodded stoically. She liked duelling, although she hadn't really done it except in class. Mostly she'd just been practicing on the target dummies, as well as practicing her stance in the mirror. She had read some muggle stories where there were powerful, intimidating sorcerers and she kind of wanted to be just like them. Not so much the evil part, just the intimidating part. "Of course," she said in response. "It's everything I've been working for. Failure is simply not an option." There wasn't too much emotion obvious in what she said, like she was stating a fact more than a feeling. It wasn't really as though she'd been given an ultimatum, like succeed in duelling or you'll be disowned, nothing like that. It was simply that magic was what she was good at. All that she was good at. So naturally, she had to succeed at duelling, otherwise she was worthless. "I think you can make some of the dummies throw spells at you. But...I don't know how to do that." It seemed to be advanced magic well beyond her knowledge.
Emmanuel wasn't too surprised after that show of magic that she was going to be doing the duelling tournament. He hoped he wouldn't face off with her in the first round, so he could have more opportunities, but he didn't think it would matter, he'd just had to deal with it. ”Wow, I thought it would just be good,” he knew that if he was against her he might be content for her to win. If she needed it somewhat. ”I think you might need an advanced charm...we could just practice with each other,” he wasn't sure this was a good idea, but quidditch teams practiced against each other so why couldn't they do the same.

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