False, it doens't appeal to me.

TPBM eats toads on cold winter nights while trying to rob a bank somewhere in the middle of the Saharah.

False - I do it about twice and then it sits right.

TPBM will sing us a song.
True.... BORED (ANd I can get rid of a few *wink* *Wink* jk :p)

TPBM was born at some point in their life...
I keed, I keed.

TPBM likes pokemonz!
False :p
If you woulda said used to then it woulda been true :D

TPBM Likes little children :shifty:
False, One I'd feel like an odd perv because of the :shifty: and two I don't have the patience to put up with anyone under the age of ten except for my nephew xD

TPBM, has more than one baby account?
True. Well.. I have one baby account and one account that is going to be a baby in a few IC months.

TPBM lurks other people's character-in-actions (or theme songs) just to see if they like the song.

False - I don't do it most times, because Youtube likes to crash on me, and I do so much at the exact same time, it isn't worth my while.

TPBM enjoys watching horror movies, and will tell us there favourite.
True! Old Fasioned rock and roll! "Cmon Baby! Let's do the twist!"

TPBM loves to sing in the shower...that is if they take showers :)
False. I used to, I just really don't even sing in the shower anymore.

TPBM likes orange juice.
False. My dog would kill me if she tried.

TPBM lies quite frequently about things in their life to other people for whatever reason.

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