False. I think he's overrated.

TPBM is an awesome person. Yes, I am trying to catch people not being modest. :p
False!!! Everyone else seems to be but not me. :D

TPBM has far too many characters on HNZ. :D
False. I don't trust myself with lots of characters. just about to go get a flu jab.
True! I honestly have to keep a page in my diary with all my characters so I remember them :doh:

TPBM has a 4th year student character ^_^
True and False. I only have two. My room is filled with various pictures and awards.

TPBM giggles every time they read "The person below me".
true, although that's partly because I'm listening to Achmed the dead terrorist at the same time.

TPBM...loves Achmed the dead terrorist xD
True! Who DOESN"T like rainbows?

TPBM....hates it when peanut butter sticks to the roof of their mouth. o_O (the fear of it is called Arachibutyrophobia, apparently)
True. I highly dislike it, but I don't fear it. It's very annoying.

TPBM has a strange fear that they will share with us.
True. I'm seriously freaked by those muppety things in Labyrinth.

TPBM prefers Slytherin to Gryffindor.
False. It's not even 10 PM. Plus, it's spring break.

TPBM loves HNZ.
False. Almost every colour but green.

TPBM...often finds bruises/cuts on themselves and has no idea how they got there.
True... people call me a natural klutz..

TPBM prefers Harry Potter to Twilight. :p
True. I haven't read or seen Twilight. And nothing can beat Harry Potter!

TPBM likes to sing songs from commercials.

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