Open To Be Young

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Today was the day. Jacob was now officially an adult. It meant he could do whatever he wanted, and although that had a lot to do with responsibility, today it had a lot to do with partying. Jacob had sent our invitations mid-July to his yearmates, his quidditch friends, and others that he knew. He'd begged his mother to disappear, and she'd agreed to leave with Eleanor for a few hours and then to remain upstairs upon her return. It meant that for a few precious hours, Jacob had the whole place to himself. He moved around, using magic at every turn imaginable to decorate. There was no need to do any manual labor here, not on his birthday. And the hours flew by, soon enough the clock in the foyer proclaiming it was party time.

Jacob raced upstairs to change, leaving the radio playing some music and the door unlocked. Neither of his parents would be happy about that, but really they just worried way too much. The teen's thoughts were solely on the festivities he had planned, wondering if he'd bought enough drinks and wondering if his mom had left out enough food. Soon, he'd have the answer to both. Jacob was looking forward to showing off his home, the small pitch in the backyard, and the great big family room that had been cleared for them to dance and hang out.

Hi all! If you think your character knows Jacob well enough to get an invite or knows someone else who may have gotten one, feel free to have them join the fun!

Mama Kingsley isn't providing any alcohol because she knows Jacob invited some underage students and she doesn't trust that the adults will keep the kids from getting to it. :p

Oh, and Jacob's birthday is mid-August so this party would be just before the semester begins.

If I'm missing anything else you think should appear here, let me know and I'll add it in.
Jemma Potter knew Jacob Kingsley's house like the back of her hand, having spent almost as much time in it growing up as she had her own. It had always been one of her favorite places, so when Lyra had run off and Carter's problem was discovered, Jemma had moved in with Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Cam. Besides the fact that it meant she got to see Jake every day, it was nice to be back in a house where people seemed like they wanted her around.

The brunette had turned seventeen at the end of the semester, but she hadn't wanted a large party like this one. She wasn't nearly as popular with her classmates as Jacob, so she'd preferred a small family event that her older siblings had actually attended for the first time since the holidays. Jemma had offered to help Jake set up for the party, but he wanted to do it on his own which she understood. Instead, Jemma had gone to the Harbour to find him the perfect present. It had been a difficult decision but she'd finally settled on something she thought he'd love. She quickly changed into her party clothes before heading back downstairs. Jemma expected to find Jake, but instead, she found emptiness. Shrugging her shoulders, Jemma went over to turn the music up and get a drink.
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Emilia had been happy with the break, and was happy to be invited to Jacob's birthday. He was someone Emilia considered one of her closest friends, and she was happy to celebrate his seventeenth birthday iwth him. It was so strange that they would be in their final year at Hogwarts soon, and Emilia hoped she would be able to spend time with Jacob during that year. She had no idea what he was doing after graduation, but she also didn't know yet what she was going to do. Somehow she doubted they would end up in the same field. She had bought him a Quidditch Model Set, and hoped it would be something he could use, maybe for plans in games as captain for Gryffindor. It was likely he already had a lot of Quidditch things, but Emilia hadn't known what else to give him. The set was quite big, and she had wrapped it festively, adding colorful ribbons to the paper she had wrapped it in. Emilia headed to the address she had been given and found the door unlocked. She hesitated before heading inside, wondering if she would run into Professor Kingsley at any moment. "Hello?" She called out, following the sound of the music.
After thinking about it a lot, Abian had decided to get Jacob a good new pair of beater's gloves. It hadn't been the cheapest present, but he liked Jacob a lot and figured he could use it. He tried not to think too much about how much he liked Jacob, and how long he'd liked him. It was pretty embarrassing to pine after a guy so long, especially when he never seemed to see Abian like that. Abian had a girlfriend now too, who he also liked a lot. Emily was great, really pretty and really cool. But with Jacob he still felt the familiar fluttering in his stomach, which he was feeling now as he entered the house for the party. He had wrapped up the gloves a little clumsily, it wasn't the most beautiful wrapping. But he hoped Jacob would like his gift anyway. "Uh, hey..." He said, nodding to the people there so far. It wasn't very crowded yet, and Abian wondered if he was unfashionably early.
Noel was glad to hear that Jacob invited him to his birthday. He actually liked the boy and felt sad that this was his last year as their captain. He actually hoped they were able to win this last year than also. Liam was gone this year so he wouldn't play to his brother again. He had put on some nice clothes he liked and went to the house. He didn't want to be dropped of by his parents so went by himself and that was fine. Noel noticed he was one of the first persons to be there but they all seemed to be older. But Noel didn't mind he spotted two girls and a boy. Noel than smiled with his present in his hand trying to find Jacob the birthday boy. It was strange thinking he was in the house of his Head of House, but after all she was just a person too. And he liked the woman, although he was ashamed of the flubber worms incident. Noel was wondering if Sully got an invite as well and hoped to spot him soon or someone from his age.
Athena had heard of the party from Jacob. In the previous years of Hogwarts she spend time with him and saw him as a friend but the latest years he seemed to be spending more time with Emilia. Athena kind of spend most of her time with Mazi her best friend. Still she liked the boy and Jemma would be there as well so she would love to see her friend again. Athena had been thinking of an present what to give him and came up with something after all. Quidditch related ofcourse, since the boy played. She figured Emilia would be there too, but she knew Derek wasn't invited so she figured there was a chance to talk to her perhaps. But on the other hand she didn't want to cause drama on Jacob's party. So when she got inside she noticed a few people one of them was Emilia and the blonde looked at her for a moment. But walking over to Jemma who stood at the drinks. Athena smiled bright and was glad to see her dorm mate. '' Hey Jemma! Congratulations with Jacob.'' The blonde knew how close the family was. There was once a slightly chance they would even become family when Evelyn dated Noah. But that times was over. '' You look great. How are you doing?'' The blonde than said with a smile.

@Jemma Potter
Uno couldn't believe that Jacob was turning seventeen. What was weird was that meant she was sixteen soon. She definitely still felt like she wasn't that old, and it definitely didn't feel like Kingsley was that old either. She wasn't too sure about what to expect at his party, especially without Phineas tagging along, she at least hoped there would be other cool people there, as she suspected Jacob would be too busy playing host. When she arrived, she was glad to see Abian there, amongst some other people. She noted that he had a present, and she cursed under her breath - she hadn't brought him anything. The Slytherin had completely forgotten that that was a thing you did for people. Uno grinned and said hello to those around her, before covertly trying to nudge Abian. "Keen to say that is from both of us?" Uno teased.
A few more kids Abian recognized from Hogwarts started appearing, one a few years younger who he recognized from the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He smiled at Uno as she approached him, but at her question, his smile slipped. He hugged the present almost protectively, a frown appearing on his face. "I put a lot of thought into this." He said quickly. "And money. It's a really good gift." He said blushing. Normally, he wouldn't have said no to something like this, but... guiltily, Abian realized he had been hoping Jacob would start seeing him differently because of this thoughtful gift. He immediate felt guilty towards Emily, who wasn't here today. He didn't expect Jacob to want to date him... but it would be nice if he saw him more as an equal, and maybe something like this would help. But it wouldn't if he thought Uno had bought it with him.

@Uno Bear
Jacob was taking his time getting dressed. He'd heard Jemma head downstairs and knew she could keep everyone entertained until he made his entrance. He couldn't be early to his party, even if it was in his house. Eventually though, he'd done nothing but swing his legs off the side of his bed for a few moments, and he knew it was time to head downstairs. Jacob couldn't wait to see who'd arrived already, and if they'd brought him presents. Adult or not, presents were still cool.

Jacob grinned as he saw some of his closest friends there. Emilia and Abian and Jemma, of course. And some of his other friends too. Jacob waved at some, hugged others, and then moved to the radio to fiddle with the volume, making it louder. He'd never actually had his own party before but he figured people would dance and eat for a while, and if nothing else, they could play quidditch in the backyard later. "Emilia, you came!" Jacob exclaimed, happy to see that she'd come. They hadn't touched base as much as usual during the year so he hadn't been sure if she would.

@Emilia Manning
Emilia winced as she saw Athena was here, but she was at least relieved that Derek wasn't here with her. She turned away from her cousin, glad to see Jacob instead. He turned up the volume, and Emilia approached him a little nervously. She wondered if he would want her to be here, they hadn't talked as much lately But his reaction to her made her smile, and she hugged him quickly. "Yes, I did." She said brightly. "And... you invited Athena too? Not Derek I hope?" She asked, unable to cast a glance at her cousin. She bit her lip, but she was sure Jacob didn't know about the drama between them. She didn't want to ruin his birthday either. She wouldn't be surprised if he could hear something strange in her tone, but maybe he wouldn't. "I got you a present." She said, holding up the box. "Do you want to open it now, or later?"

@Jacob Kingsley
Uno burst out laughing at Abian's reaction, him hugging the present too much for her too handle. "Dude it was a joke, calm your -" She stopped herself, knowing it wasn't a very appropriate saying. "Adjust your bust, before it combusts." Uno said, with as straight a face as she could muster. She gave Abian a friendly whack on the shoulder, moving over to Kingsley, though he was busy, she knew her now, made up on the spot present, was going to be the best one ever. "Sorry - I just have to give you your present before it disappears. So um - " She awkwardly moved in for a hug, patting him a couple of times on the back, before moving backwards again. "You're welcome." Hugs were so weird.

@Abian Hunter @Jacob Kingsley
Jemma heard someone yell hello from the front door, so she answered back. "In here!" she called, hoping they would just follow the sound of the music. It was only a few moments before several people arrived though the redhead really only knew one of them. Athena had been her roommate for the last six years, and they were on friendly terms. "Thanks! You look great too! So glad you could make it." she said with a grin at the other girl. "I'm doing well. It's good hanging here with Jake all break. There's a mini pitch in the backyard, so we get to practice quidditch a lot. What about you? How's your break been?" she asked in a cheerful tone that was more chatty than she usually was.

@Athena Holmgaard
Jacob hadn't invited Derek specifically so he shook his head, but he'd thought nothing of inviting Athena up until this moment. A sinking feeling fell in the pit of his stomach as he realized why that might concern Emilia. He hadn't realized. "I...I didn't realize. Sorry Emilia" he managed to get out before their conversation was interrupted by Uno Bear. It was funny, even in his mind he always referred to her by both names. Jacob grinned, eager for a present but then he was enveloped in one of the most awkward hugs ever and he widened his eyes at Emilia and tried not to bust out laughing. Uno Bear would probably hit him. "Uhhhhhh, thanks" he managed to get out, biting his lip so he wouldn't laugh.

@Emilia Manning @Uno Bear
Emilia hadn't been entirely sure if Jacob had known about the fight between her and her cousin, but his reaction made it clear. She immediately felt bad for bringing it up. It wasn't bad that she was here, she could just avoid her. She shouldn't have brought it up on Jacob's birthday, and she quickly shook her head. "No, it's okay. Really." She said quickly. Then a younger Slytherin hugged Jacob, claiming it as her gift. Emilia had to try not to laugh, which was even harder as Jacob looked at her in alarm. She put her hand over her mouth, failing to stifle a giggle.

@Jacob Kingsley
Abian sighed in relief as Uno said it was just a joke, and laughed at what she said next. He grinned at her. "We should hang out more at Hogwarts, I forgot you were actually funny." He joked lightly, nudging her in return. He watched as Uno headed over to Jacob, and gave him a hug. He really wanted to wish him a happy birthday himself and give him his gift, but he also didn't want to be impatient. He shifted from foot to foot, edging a little closer to where Jacob while waiting for an opening to jump into the conversation without seeming rude. He knew he could get a snack or talk to someone else, but he figured he could do that later.
((OOC: Combining the twins to make it easier))

Sapphire dragged Onyx along with her, warning him before they came in to be on his best behavior. She dragged him with her over to Jake, unceremoniously plopping the crown on his head. "Your Majesty," The twins spoke in unison, bowing dramatically. Sapphire wrapped an arm through Emilia's, noting Amaya's friend nearby. "Stop lurking and get in here, Abian. We need to remind his majesty how ancient he is," She teased her friend as well as the other boy, giving Jake a tired smile.

Onyx stood a little behind Sapphire, smiling easily at everyone. "You didn't tell me he was cute," he said with a flirty smile. Sapphire turned and smacked her brother's nose. "Hey! No! You already tried that, bad!" She scolded. Onyx yelped and ducked around the other side of Emilia, laughing lightly. "Was it good?" He asked, laughing and dodging his sister's hit. "I'm kidding, please don't hit me," He laughed, hardly noticing how tired his sister looked. Sapphire shook her head, looking over to Jake. "Ignore him, do you feel ancient yet old man?" She teased lightly.

@Abian Hunter @Emilia Manning @Jacob Kingsley
Jacob spotted Abian then but before he could say a word the twins were crowning him. Jacob had only caught a glimpse of red jewels before it was placed atop his head, but it was his birthday and he wasn't going to say no to a crown on this day, no matter what it looked like. He grinned at Abian as they called him over, giving a little shrug to suggest they should go along with it. Jacob was happy to have such good friends. He chuckled, always amused by the twins' banter.

"Ancient? Psh" he said, dismissing the word. He was seventeen, not seventy! Jacob waved a hand. "So since I've got a crown, does that mean I can make orders?" he asked, "I mean it's really your fault you did this" he told the twins. "As my first decree, I command everyone to dance!" He declared in a voice that felt royal to him. Jacob then held a hand to his face to whisper. " I mean you don't have to but...I love this song! Raise it up, Jemma!" The teen yelled across the room to his cousin as he began bouncing his way to the empty space in the room, hoping some of his friends might follow.

@Sapphire Michaels @Emilia Manning @Abian Hunter @Jemma Potter
Noel didn't really know people they were all older than he was but he didn't mind that. Eager meeting people and just wanted to congratulate the captain. So he walked over the some group where Jacob was standing. He noticed the Slytherin beater and figured he could talk to her, he played with his brother after all. But first congratulations. So he tapped Jacob on his shoulder and smiled. He was a bit shorter since he was younger. But still tall for his age Noel was. '' Hey Captain. Congratulations! Thanks for the invite. Too bad it's your last year with us.'' Noel than said to the boy with a small smile. He than spotted the Slytherin girl and figured he could say something. At least he had people to hang out with than. '' Hey. Your Sapphire right? You played with my brother Liam. Glad that he is gone this year?'' Noel than asked with a small grin. He didn't knew how their relationship was but they played together for some time he knew. The music was turned up but Noel didn't actually liked to dance so hoped people had the same.
@Jacob Kingsley @Sapphire Michaels
Athena was glad Jemma was someone she knew. She had no desire to go the Emilia but Jacob was there and he was the birthday boy here. She smiled at Jemma. '' Thanks! Yeah I was kind of suprised I got an invite. But I like being here.'' The blonde said with a smile. Perhaps Jacob wasn't that busy with their drama. But what she knew was that Emilia and him were better friends than she and him were. But still Athena had liked the boy and liked spending time with him at her first years at Hogwarts. Ofcourse Jemma played quidditch as well and smiled to her. It was nice they could practice here. And that they were so close. '' Not something special. Working at Gladrags a lot and spending some time with family in Denmark.'' The blonde than said with a smile. Not that she hanged out with Emilia there but with others. She hoped that Evelyn would come soon enough again. But she seemed busy. She grinned as the music was turned up louder and than looked at Jacob he was alone now for a moment. '' Shall we go and dance with your cousin?'' The blonde asked to Jemma.
@Jemma Potter
Emilia jumped in surprise as Sapphire grabbed her arm, but then smiled at her friend. "Hi Sapphire, hi Onyx." She said, not sure what exactly transpired between the twins, but she confused on Jacob instead. She protested as Sapphire called him ancient. "Aren't we all older?" She asked with a laugh. Jacob with the crown commanded everyone to dance, and Emilia backed away a little. She wasn't very confident in dancing, and would rather watch first.

@Jacob Kingsley @Sapphire Michaels
Sapphire chuckled. Dancing was always fun. She looked to the boy that spoke, giving him a smile. "Liam? Nah, he was a good beater. I'll miss having his easy manner on the team." She offered. She would kinda miss looking at him, too, but that wasn't the point. She took Emilia's hand, pulling on it lightly. "Hey, you heard his royalness. Dance with us," she grinned, pleased when Onyx took Emilias other hand and tried to back up Sapphire.

@Noel Waldgrave @Emilia Manning
Uno watched as a few more people arrived, not really knowing who many of them are, but still recognizing a few faces. It definitely was going to be a lame party for her without Phineas there, but at least she had Abian, even if he seemed a bit highly strung that afternoon. She wandered over to the food, wondering if she should prank the juice somehow, when Kingsley commanded them all to dance. Uno laughed, happy that there was finally something happening. The Slytherin went to the dance floor and started dancing with Jacob, doing all the best moves, which included the sprinkler, the robot, and most importantly, the worm.
Abian was a little disappointed when Sapphire and Onyx pushed past him to talk to Jacob first, ad blushed as Sapphire called him out for lurking around him. "Uh, sure." He said, approaching a bit. He winced as he heard Onyx flirt with Jacob a bit, and carefully watched him for a reaction. But he didn't really seem to react. Instead, Jacob announced they were going to dance, and started doing so immediately. Abian laughed at his antics, and put his present down for now so he could join. He jumped over to the center of the room, dancing along with Uno and Jacob. "Woo! Go Uno!" He called to her as she started doing the worm. He clapped for her, then cast a glance at Jacob with a grin.

@Jacob Kingsley @Uno Bear
Jacob thanked Noel and then left Emilia to Sapphire and Onyx, hoping they wouldn't pressure her too much. He knew she was shy, but he did want to dance and was happy that Uno Bear and Abian joined him. And boy was she a good dancer! Jacob didn't bother trying to keep up once she pulled the sprinkler out and just joined Abian in cheering her on. "Go Uno! Go Uno!" He looked over at Abian, a wide grin on his face. This really was the best, him and some of his best buds. He still hadn't seen Zennon or Kengi, but most everyone else he'd invited had turned up.

@Uno Bear @Abian Hunter
Kengi Smile could hear his father's warning as he entered the home. "Don't get crazy," the man told him sternly. The seventh year had a reawakening of sorts. He was ready to put things behind him and grow up. He pulled the clear flask from his back pocket as he jogged to the "dance floor" and threw a playful arm around Jacob. "Birthday boy! I have your most entertaining present by far!" the Hufflepuff said over the music. He offered the flask with ruby colored liquid inside. "I hear muggles call it 'jungle juice,' and there is enough for everyone!" he exclaimed loudly. However, Kengi had to amend his statement after fully scanning the room. "Correction: 17 and up." he laughed. He pulled Jake in closer, "This flask with not run dry tonight, and don't be surprised if it changes color!" he laughed, releasing his friend from his grasp as he moved to the beat. Kengi's aunt had tried to help him comprehend how she did whatever she had done, but it was his last year. He was going to have fun for once.

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