Open This Isn't As Wild As the Name Suggests

Hilda Bjork

wilderness girl
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Too young to care)
Sexual Orientation
Too young to care
Hilda was thoroughly enjoying the school she was at. The school itself was filled with magical and incredible things, the ghosts, the energy that it held, everything about it was pretty amazing. She liked running her hand against the wall as she walked through the halls, and letting her hand gently near the fire lights. The hufflepuff was touching all of the animals that she wanted to as she moved around the school. From her wandered she had eventually found out about a wild patch, and with the forest high on her list but forbidden so she couldn't first go there. The girl did decide that she wanted to visit it so the girl had headed to it. Wondering around until she found it in the grounds. As Hilda stepped inside the gardens and to the specific area that seemed to be for the wild patch she couldn't help but frown it wasn't wild at all, it was a very orderly garden really. That didn't make sense with the image she had in her head. it was just like any garden, and though this wasn't a bad thing, it just wasn't too wild. She stepped through, and noticed a flower crown. She placed it on her head as she continue to wondering. It was a nice area for sure, but not nearly as wild as she had thought.​
It still felt a little surreal to Ainsley, that she was in charge of this whole area. She had looked up to Ellie's running of the Wild Patch for years, and now she had some very big shoes to fill. As soon as she arrived back at school, Ainsley's first priority had been to make sure the Wild Patch was well tended, and keep it in good order for when the club resumed their activities for the year. She had a lot to prepare, and she wanted to do her absolute best, in every way. Weeding the garden after the holidays had been a bit of a task, and the earth was still hard and cold from the lingering winter chill, but Ainsley kept at it nonetheless, making sure the garden was perfectly up to scratch for the year's start. She was wrapped up in her work, dealing with a colony of aphids that had seen fit to make themselves at home on her blackberry bushes, when she spotted someone approaching, realising with a jolt that she wasn't alone. Ainsley sat up, smiling when she saw the young girl wandering through the plants. "Hi there." Ainsley said cheerfully, giving a small wave. "Can I help you with anything?"
Hilda adjusted the crown on her head as someone, a much older and taller girl spotted Hilda, ”Kia Ora,” Hilda replied with a cheerful wave, she shook her head at the question which followed. She didn’t need help with anything, ”I was mostly just looking,” the girl told the older girl with a shrug. She was still glancing about the place, ”I heard someone mention a wild patch, and had to see what it was like. No offence but the term wild isn’t too correct,” she had a small nervous chuckle, she didn’t want to offend the girl but she had to make the comment that it wasn’t all that wild. It was just a garden, but given that she was so new perhaps it was more that Hilda didn’t understand what was being done in this bit. Hilda glanced around, still enjoying the outdoors and being in the gardens surrounded by magical plants. She didn’t particularly want to head back inside so maybe this older girl wouldn’t mind her sticking about, wouldn’t mind her spending time there, if it was something she was allowed to even do. So, rather than heading back in, Hilda decided to ask, ”Can I help you with anything?”
Ainsley laughed softly at the girl's comment, nodding. “I thought the same thing, I was disappointed when I joined and it was just a garden. I like gardening, but I thought we'd be doing something a bit more wild.” Ainsley smiled shyly, remembering how alien everything around her had felt back then. It was surreal to be someplace so structured and organised, and it had taken a long time to get used to. After so many years at school though, this felt like home, and Ainsley wasn't looking forward to getting used to a new life all over again as an adult. She smiled at the girl's offer of help. “If you'd like! I'm just cleaning the garden up before our club meetings start up again. Do you know how to use shears?” She asked, not sure if the girl would have any gardening experience. She found herself excited at the opportunity to pass her skills on, happy for the practice before she would be putting herself to the test as the leader of the entire club.

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