Closed Things Which End

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel knew he had to do this, he had been stringing Penny along long enough. His family was all very pleased that he had a girlfriend, but he knew now that he really only liked her as a friend. That as much as he tried and wanted to, he just didn't have any deeper feelings. Kissing her was fine, he liked spending time with her, but he didn't like her more than that. He'd certainly been fooling himself into thinking that he did. The Ravenclaw had invited Penny out to the gardens, saying they had to talk and had a whole speech prepared for how he was going to do this, and boy was he determined that by the time the walk around the garden ended, they'd be broken up.
Penelope was overjoyed that Emmanuel had invited her for a romantic walk in the gardens. Or at least, that's what she assumed he had meant when he had invited her out there. They hadn't spent as much time together lately, and she knew she was largely to blame for that. The OWL year was no joke. Penelope smiled at the sight of him between all the flowers as she approached. He was so handsome, she was the luckiest girl in their year. She headed over to him and took his hand. "Hi." she said softly.
Emmanuel smiled as Penny appeared. He tried to keep his expression neutral or warm, not wanting to make her immediately worried. She went to take his hand and he let her with a little nod. "Hi," he replied softly. "Thanks for meeting me here, I wanted to talk," he said, and began trying to guide her into walking with him in the gardens. "it's about us,"

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