there is never an ending, just a new beginning

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
hey all
I m bored ans ws wondering if anyone wanted to RP with me? I will list my accounts below and give some background on them. but there are links to each of their profiles in the manner if you want more information.


Briar Rowan, she is who i am on as most. she is 17, a sixth year and a gryffindor prefect, on the quidditch team (chaser) she is pretty tough and will take anything that is thrown at her as a challenge and find a way to prove she is above being brought down by it. she is pretty nice, though she does stand up for what she believes in and will stick up for the underdog, oh and talking of dogs, she is a werewolf. meet and greets, friends any maybe enemies welcome. if you have any other idea just let me know


Professor Elvera Le Fey: Divination professor for the fifth and sixth years. she is nice, a little dreamy but down to earth at the same time. she
she will try and help any students through their problems if they want her to. she stays pretty isolated in her tower most of the time, but when she makes her way down she will happily chat to people though it isn't often she starts the conversation. any plots with students would be nice, as would plots with professors


Tara Sitara: Hufflepuff fourth year, I haven't been on with her much this year and her plots have sort of taken a back seat for a while as bigger plots have come into play with other charries. as a consequence i am a little slow but she is a nice girl. rather bubbly and would do anything for her friends. she is finally growing up a little and loosing her rise tinted glasses other youth. She loves drawing especially in the garden or lakefront. she is engaged, but doesn't particularly want to be (though the idea is growing on her). friends are always open for her, as are meet and greets, she probably wont have many enemies. though maybe it would be interesting if there was a guy who liked her, who she cant be with (wether he knows she is engaged or not).


Morgan Le Fey, Shopkeeper of the inner eye. she has her own post here so i wont but too much here. she is open and motherly. she will look after anyone who comes into her shop and talk them through their problems. she has recently decided to start looking after children (and teenagers) who have no where else to go so if you have someone like that who wants a hand morgan is your lady. otherwise she hasn't got many friends (if any). I cant think of what else to say, She is also a seer if that helps at all.


Myuna Kickett, my newest account. i only made her yesterday so she really needs a little more developing, but i can say she is from Margaret River western australia, she is part Aboriginal, she loves surfing, is home schooled (probably 14 or 15 but that is subject to change) mixed blood, umm, that is about as far as i have gotten with her for the time being.

I also have Aspen, a centaur at hogwarts though she isnt a member of the herd. And I have Praneil Patil a Beauxbattons 7th year who i sometimes find hard to use but if you ant to have a plot with either of them just give us a yell out, and i will see if i can work something out.

any suggestions or ideas, or just wanting to say, I will have a RP feel free to post and we can work something out from there.
Hey Mia,

For Tara, I have Shiloh, they were pretty good friends in 2nd year, if I remember. It might be nice for them to meet up again.
goodness I haven't seen Shiloh around for ages. I think it was first year anyway It would be good to RP them again, like they just bump into each other after having drifted apart for a few years.
Well i only just reactivated her, but anyway she needs to see her friends again, catch up and stuff. I'll make a thread soon, or do you want to?
Hey, for Tara I have Gracie (If you remember her) they met ages ago, 'bout the time of Shiloh and all that, I has recently reactivated her and would love to Rp her again, she was one of my favs :wub:
And I think she would help Tara with her engagement as she is very lady-like and would find it 'simply delightful' that Tara was engaged :)
I remember Grace. yeah she was froends with Tara through Shiloh.
if grace is exited for her engagement that will make about one person on the site, which will help tara. do you want to start a topic or do you want me to?
You can if you want :)
okay i will start one later today and post the link.
Okay, thanks :)
its been a while is the topic for grace. it is in the (well actually by the) rose bush
sketching people here is one for Tara and Shiloh. I hope that you don't mind me putting shiloh in but it sort of made sense. I can edit her out if you want me to.
Okay I shall reply nayo
I have Kate Moon here.Sorry the last one didn't work out,just been really busy with exams :doh:
So would you like to start another one with either Briar or Tara?

JOHANNA! while Im here, I will say that we should rp Kate and Shi again :D
Koolz But i have to get off now, so I'll reply tomorrow. Most likely, lol.
If she stays 15 and what not, I have Isidora for Myuna Kickett. I'm going at a slower pace with rp, but since they both are out of school I thought it be cool to have a surfing buddy.
Jhanna, dont stress about not replying, your exams are much more important. do you want to start one and i'll see who will turn up to it.

Madz, I was hoping Isadora would show up. I have an open topic with Myuna who no one has replied to in the ice cream parlour called A snack that you can reply to. or i can start another when they are actually in the sea. maybe talking between catching waves. its up to you. and a slower pace will suit me so thats cool.
Hey Mia! I have Klaus here that can be a possible love interest for Tara. I plan on transferring him into Hogwarts NZ. He is really fun and is JazzyMae's elder brother. He is sensitive and it hard for him to express his feelings to someone he likes. So tell me what you think.

Hey Lovi
sorry i haven't replied to the other topics, My muse has been pretty low, except for in a couple of topics I'm sorry :(

Anyway what year will he be transferring into? and what house do you think he will be in?
it may work, she would be pretty clear to where she stands as soon as she picks up he likes her (which may take a while). maybe they could be friends but he has a crush on her.
It should not start until next year, as I cant think on where they would meet before the holidays. and then she is back in india for the break.
What do you think?
No problem. I'm not throwing a fit over it. :)

I am aiming for him to be in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor and he would be transferring into 5th year. I was think them starting out as friends and then he can for a crush on Tara.
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