Open The Unofficial Quidditch Club

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest · tall
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 9 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2051 (12)
Miles had been a little disappointed when he had gotten to school to find out that there wasn't a quidditch club. How could Hogwarts look over something like that? He was sure that he and Theo had hit the goldmine when they had come up with the idea, so, if Hogwarts wasn't going to do it themselves, then the two first years were just going to have to take the lead on this. Which is why Miles was now stood in the entrance hall, clipboard resting against his arm and waving his arms around to try and get people's attention as they walked past. "Come and join the Unofficial Hogwarts Quidditch Club! Are you disappointed there isn't an official quidditch club outside the quidditch teams? Do you want to discuss your favorite sport with other willing students? Exchange tips and tricks and the best warm up routines? Have the chance to participate in some pick-up games on the pitch? Then this is the club for you! Sign up now!"

He bounced on his heels as he tried to wave people down, a big smile on his face, as he moved to stand in front of one of the many posters he had gone and made to try and grab people's attention. The name of the club in big bold font with little drawings of quidditch hoops and brooms scattered across the paper. While he wasn't much of an artist, the Gryffindor liked to think he had done quite a good job with his posters. Now all they needed were some interested students to come along and sign up for their really undoubtedly cool club.

OOCOut of Character:
Miles and Theo have decided to start their own quidditch club, disappointed that Hogwarts didn't have their own. Open to any student of any house of any age. Any characters interested should post below, and more info on the first unofficial meeting will be sent out later into the semester.
Finley had Lemon in tow as he headed on his way back to the common room after taking her for a walk, when he heard the unmistakable voice of his roommate, Miles. He stopped in his tracks, taking a moment to watch his friend wave enthusiastically in the air, bit like a funny dancing air person he'd seen once on a trip with his mum once. It wasn't hard to figure out what he was doing since they were roommates, but he hadn't initially put this together. "Oi, Miles!" he called out, making his way over with Lemon in his arms. “You’re gonna scare people off if you keep waving your arms like that. They’ll think you’ve been hit with a Confundus charm or something.” He leaned over to glance at the clipboard. "Is this what you've been up to, I wondered where you were going when you left earlier, you should have asked me for help and I would have helped, guess I've got no choice but to sign up huh?" he said, "seeing as you're my roommate and all." Finley grinned and tapped one of the posters. “You’ve got some real talent with these, though. Ever consider a career as a professional Quidditch cheerleader?”
Theo had utterly been disappointed at the fact that there hadn't been a quidditch club at Hogwarts. The fact that the sport had been one of the important things in the wizarding world and they didn't have a quidditch team in sight at school had been an absolute bummer. But he wasn't going let that stop him and Miles. They had decided to make the club a reality and decided to make the club happen themselves.

The Ravenclaw had come a bit later than he anticipated, helping Miles with placing posters where he could around the school before meeting his friend at the entrance hall to help Miles sign people up. Theo quickly made his way to the entrance hall, smiling as he saw the Gryffindor with some posters around him as well as someone else already being there, which seemed like a good sign. "Sorry I'm late! Lost track of time when putting the posters up! Whose this?" Theo says apologetically, as he grinned at the other boy.
Evan walked by the Great Hall, and overheard some excited students talking about an Unofficial Quidditch Club starting up. He perked up - flying was probably one of the best parts about being a wizard! He had read up some on the most popular broom sport - Quidditch, but still didn't understand a lot about it.

He wandered over to the students handing out flyers and said, a bit shyly, "Is it OK if we don't know a whole lot about Quidditch? I want to learn -flying on a broom seems so cool! It's traditional witchcraft, really!" He said, getting more excited as he continued.

He looked at the other people gathering around, and noticed one of his dorm-mates, Theodore. "Oh, hi, Theodore -or do you prefer Theo?" Evan said, a little shyly.
"It got your attention, didn't it?" He sniggered as Finley came over, instantly brightening up as he noticed Lemon as well. So, of course, he had to reach out to give the good dog a few scratches behind the ears. "You should want to join up because it's going to be super cool, not just because you're my roommate. But, I already got my partner for this particular venture," and to speak of the devil, Theo finally decided to make his appearance. "Hey, mate!" He greeted, waving his hand over. "This is Finley, we're in the same house. And that's the absolute bestest girl, Lemon." He couldn't leave out the most important introduction.

And then another new first year came over, one Miles recognized a little from the sorting. Another Ravenclaw, if he was remembering correctly. Eagerly, he nodded his head. "Absolutely, yeah. Learning on the job is the best way to go about stuff. So you're more than welcome to join as well."
Autumn loved quidditch, and to find out there was no club in the school that had anything to do with it was a little disappointing. It made sense that first years couldn't join the quidditch team just yet - after all, they hadn't had a single flying lesson yet, but she thought surely there would have been something else, just like the SDA, that gave tips and tricks outside of lessons. When the girl heard a boy yelling over the crowd after breakfast that morning, this perked her interest. She headed over to he boy whom she recognised from the sorting ceremony. "Hey, what sort of things would we do as first years in this club?" she asked, wanting to know a little bit more before she put her hand up for it.

@Miles Flynn
"It sure did!" He said, laughing slightly. He could certainly see why his roommate was into this, Quidditch was a great game and if you didn't play it, it was hard to stay focused and what if you didn't know anything about magic? Well you wouldn't understand the game and how good it was. Lemon snuffed slightly, brightly, when Miles gave her head scratches. "Well I would definitely sign up because it's super cool as well, but ah well, being your roommate definitely helps," he said, turning as they were joined by another. "Hey, Theodore, do you want to meet Lemon?" He asked, before noticing another boy also standing with them. "This is Lemon."
Theo was grinning ear to ear when he saw that people were starting to slowly swarm in on their club, this was great! He was happy Miles had come up with this cool idea! Theo smiled happily at Miles' roommate. "Nice to meet ya! Call me Theo! You have a dog? That's so cool!" Theo says with a smile. Theo thought the name 'Lemon' was a big strange, but maybe that was because Theo didn't like Lemons, but he wasn't going to say that out loud, especially since he was meeting one of Miles' other friends.

Theo whipped around when he noticed his roommate. Evan if he remembered correctly. "Hey Evan! Theo is perfect!" Theo says happily, waving his hand enthusiastically. He much preferred to be called Theo than Theodore. The Ravenclaw was happy with the turn out so far. He smiled at the Slytherin girl who had asked Miles a question. Theo was happy to stand around and answer any other sort of questions that other people may have had for them, and he hoped that the posters he had posted around the school had helped them grab attention as well. But so far, this seemed good!
Vex was curious in the new year to see what the new baby students were up to. Of course whenever there was some kind of a gathering or anything happening at all, Vexie liked to get involved. The poltergeist watched keenly as the little babies talked to each other, curious about their conversation, enjoying the utter chaos of it all. Hmmm, just what could he do to join in? He so very much wanted to join in. For now though, he remained invisible, out of their sight, waiting to see just how much trouble he could get into.
Peregrine was looking to join in with all sorts of clubs, as she thought that would be a pretty good way to make friends. She wasn't really sure what was available, as Jasper hadn't exactly been the most helpful person to go to for information and her dormmates were kind of off on their own so she didn't exactly have them to turn to either. There wasn't a magical creatures club, it seemed, but the others would surely be fun. As she approached the club fair, she saw a couple of her classmates had set up their own stand trying to get people to join a Quidditch club. That didn't sound so bad, Peregrine thought. She liked Quidditch, even if she wasn't playing it. Though she had no idea what the dog had to do with it, and it wasn't nearly as cool as a three-headed dog. "Oh, are you guys going to play for fun? That sounds really exciting," she said, cheerfully, pulling her quill from her bag. "Where do I sign?"
He had been hoping for more older students to take an interest in his club, but it appeared as though they were only attracting other first years. Not that it was a problem or anything, but he was still hoping some older students might want to sign up as well. He smiled brightly as he was asked a question, "Well, we were planning on setting up some pick-up games and stuff like that. And sharing tips and tricks. But if you're not much of a flyer there is still stuff like having listening parties for some of the games on the radio and talking about our favorite teams and players. We're just going to have loads to do with quidditch." He hoped that sounded appealing enough to the girl to want to sign up. And again, he nodded at the other Gryffindor girl. "Yeah, it's basically how the idea came about because me and Theo were talking about how fun it would be to get people together to play some pick-up quidditch games." He was still grinning as he thrust the clipboard still in his hand out towards the girl and her quill, "You can sign your name right here if you want to join in. It's going to be loads of fun."
Dahlia remembered that a Quidditch club had tried to get off the ground a couple of times, but since the people running it had graduated she had assumed that was that. It was a little surprising to see it back up and running, this time by a few enthusiastic first years. Honestly, Dahlia felt a little old going up to join them, but maybe they could make Quidditch fun for her again. It was worth a try. "Hi! Is this like a firsties only thing? Or have you got room for someone who can pretend to have authority?" she joked, putting her hands behind her back and rocking on her heels. Honestly, she desperately missed group sports and definitely wanted to play something a bit more casual, even if that meant playing with a bunch of kids.
Peregrine nodded, quickly signing her name on the form and handing it back to the boy - Miles, if she remembered correctly. There were so many names to get to know so fast that it was a bit overwhelming. But she knew he was in Gryffindor, at least. "Thanks! ...I, er, is it okay if I don't have my own broom?" she asked, a little bit awkwardly. Her old broom was a bit beaten and ancient and she hadn't even bothered bringing it. A new one was a little unaffordable with all the other expenses of going to Hogwarts, but it was something to have on a wishlist for now. And she could always participate in discussions and listening to games, at least.
Theo had noticed that Miles had been preoccupied with a classmate of theirs when he noticed an older student had approached. She had seemed interested in the club which was a relief, as they were hoping for a couple of older students to join in on the club. He smiled up at the older girl. "Nah! Other students from different years can totally join in too!" Theo says with a grin as well as laughing a little at the older girl's joke. "Do you have any cool tips on quidditch too?" Theo asked the girl with curiosity. It was fine if she didn't but he also just wanted to keep the conversation going in some way and hoped that they could have more older students in the club.

@Dahlia Doherty
Maggie was looking for even more clubs to join, not that she wasn't already apart of almost every club she could be. But there was just some things missing from her extracurriculars, and that one thing was quidditch. While she had made the team as an alternate, the Ravenclaw wanted to learn more and more about the sport so she could eventually make it on the team. She noticed some first years gathering around a table and realized that an unofficial club was starting, something she loved seeing around the castle. "Older students allowed?" she asked with a little bit of a snooty attitude, proud that she could say she was now an "older" student.
Felix had been chatting with Lilith, the Ravenclaw that seemed to have her head in the clouds at times although it turned out she was quite interesting to talk to too. Usually, Felix had only really had glimpses of her around the school or in class, but spending time with her made a nice change. Up ahead and spotting Fin in a gathering of other students, the Gryffindor did his best to steer the pair of them towards the group subtly, trying to see what was going on. Spotting Maggie (another Ravenclaw he'd only really seen in classes) and hearing her talk about their year group as older students, made Felix chuckle a little. He supposed that was what they were now, even if there were only a small set of students they were older than. "Are you all Quidditch players?" he asked, feeling a little left out. He knew Fin had tried out as had Felix, but almost everyone he knew that tried out had managed to get a place on the team.
Despite never having a real interest in Quidditch, Ten knew it was something that was important to her little brother. Her brother that she'd not really spoken to properly for years, if she were honest. Their mom and aunt had both played for their house teams as seeker, and Ten knew that Felix had been trying to follow in their footsteps but hadn't made it on this year. She'd not told him that Veronica had been trying year after year for a place on the team, not wanting to dampen his spirits, but hearing Felix talking about Quidditch outside the Great Hall made the fifth year wonder if he was trying to make his own team with this mismatch of students gathered around him. "Hi Finley," she nodded at her little cousin, wondering what they'd all gotten themselves into. She was glad Finley had made it into Gryffindor, and even though Zennon and Leda probably would have preferred Slytherin, she was well aware they would have been proud of him wherever he was. Asides from Dahlia, most of the kids seemed to be first years, although she glanced at the older blonde girl as though she'd be able to gauge what this little gathering was about.

If she were honest, Ten was nervous that Felix would see her and immediately back away from the group because of the way she'd treated him before, especially in front of an audience. She'd kept her distance since Christmas though, and even though she'd struggled to offer her brother an outright apology just yet, she didn't want to completely ignore the fact her own flesh and blood was right here growing up with her. It was something she knew better than most not to take for granted and even if she'd been trying to break away from the idea that she needed to be like their mom, Ten knew it was important to Felix to at least pay some sort of tribute to their family traditions. "This better not be the only year you try out for Quidditch," she told him, struggling to know how to make her voice sound more empathetic.
Lilith had no idea why she was here, just that the blond Gryffindor boy with the name of a ketchup brand from her home country had more or less dragged her there. Though she was glad, he was fun to talk to she had to admit that much. There were a lot of people already gathered, her classmate and roommate Maggie referred to them as older group which made Lilith's heart sink just a little. Right she was now a second year yes, but she hadn't considered the fact that the first years would now see her as an older. "Felix... Why are we here? You said you wanted to tell me about something really awesome." It seemed to be something about Quidditch and of course, she was now a part of her own houses team, but she had no idea what this was. She clung to the sleeve of the boys robes for dear life, scared she'd lose one of the only familiar faces in the room. Lilith thought she had made a lot of friends, but completely forgot there were still a lot of people she would not know, every year that many more. Her nerves were threatening to spill over and she just really hoped they had brought at least Eoghan with them, if only to keep her overactive brain grounded.

@Felix Layton-King
The chills that ran down the back of Felix's neck the moment he heard his sisters voice were apparent enough that he stepped a little closer to Lilith out of anxiety. That was, until he heard Ten speaking directly to him. He wasn't sure he'd heard her correctly when she asked... no told him, that she thought he should try out again for Quidditch in the future. Was that a compliment? Felix said nothing as he dropped his eyes from his sister to the Ravenclaw beside him, too stunned to know what to say. It was only Lilith's question that brought him back into the moment, gathered around with the other students who were congregating together. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'll tell you later," he added quietly, not wanting to tell her when there were so many people around but especially not when Ten was lurking to the side of them. Felix was never quite sure what Ten had up her sleeve and this situation was no different. She hadn't spoken to him in months, and barely even looked at him over the holidays. It had been a welcomed change on the days he got to babysit the triplets because at least they seemed to acknowledge his existence.

@Lilith Ilves
"That's totally okay, I'm sure we can borrow the school brooms if you don't have your own." Miles was lucky he had gotten a broom for his birthday and has absolutely made sure to bring to along to Hogwarts with him. But, he also knew that not everyone could afford to have their own broom. And that was okay, too. It shouldn't stop them from joining the club.

More and more students were showing up, and Miles couldn't stop beaming, nodding as he thrust out the clipboard to the next person to sign their name. "Absolutely, anyone can sign up! It's not limited to first years or anything. The more, the merrier, actually." In fact, he would say that the more older students who signed up the better. He turned to the group of other students who had arrived, smiling at all of them. "You guys want to sign up for our Unofficial Quidditch club too? I promise, it's going to be loads of fun for everyone."
"Ah...great, thanks," Peregrine said, shoulders untensing in relief. She didn't exactly know what to expect with this, but she was sure it would be fun. At least, it would help to make more friends, and she did like watching and listening to games as much as she liked flying.
Dahlia couldn't help but laugh at the boy's comment. "Ah, not really? I played a bit but," she shrugged, "I think I like supporting it more." Maybe she would've had a great time if she'd played as a chaser instead, it would have been a little closer to netball. But being alternate seeker and failing to win when she was subbed in...the way she felt like she'd let down the entire team had not been a feeling she had wanted to replicate. But she had to perk up and have a good final year, so she signed her name. "I played muggle sports mostly," she admitted, since she was never sure if anyone knew what netball was.
Lilith gave a odd look to the Gryffindor beside her right now, he was jumpy and now refusing to tell her why she was there. "Or you can tell me now so I can leave and go back to my dorm, what even is this?" Her eyes ran over the space and then she heard a younger student talk about an Unofficial Quidditch club. "Did you-" she began, assessing Felix with a sharp look. "Bring me here to sign up for a quidditch club?" The Ravenclaw managed to ask, her heart threatening to thunder out of her chest. There were too many people around right now. A lot of noise too, she would much rather be anywhere else.
Vexxie was tired of waiting, he thought this was going to be more fun! With all the little firsties around surely that meant there was a game to be had, right? But all they were doing was talking, talking, talking and Vex'd had enough! He made himself corporeal and squealed at the top of his lungs before zipping down to the one who seemed to be in charge of everything and whopping his papers all over the place. He would fix this boring talking! "Talking! SO much talking! Vexxie help! Stop all the BORING TALKING!"

@Miles Flynn
Logan had been pretty mad when he hadn't made the Slytherin Quidditch team after trying out, not even as an alternate. He liked the idea of Theo and Miles' club, but hadn't planned on actually joining. He had thought he would be too busy being on a real team. He somewhat reluctantly made his way over to the two boys, surprised at the crowd they had gathered. He moved up to Theo. "Dang, you guys got quite a crowd. There's still room for me, right?" But he had barely said the words when he saw something appear, throw Miles' papers around and yell. He had heard of the poltergeist, but hadn't seen him yet. A part of him knew it was rude, but Logan couldn't help it. He laughed at the sight of Miles and all his papers strewn about. It was pretty funny, to be fair.

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