Closed The Truth

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
-Set in early 2056-

Lily was nervous. She'd moved out and really gotten settled into her new place with Rose. She was doing well, her bake stand was selling great at the market every weekend; she'd had to start increasing her inventory every week. She and Rose were having a good time, she enjoyed making dinner with her sister every night. She thought a lot about Aj, but she was trying to dismiss those thoughts. She was sure he had better options than her.

Though that thought had been bothering her. It reminded her of something Alice had said to her... Lily had been avoiding talking to Elliot for a while now, feeling almost guilty of her feelings. Would he be upset with her? But honestly, she knew she had to confront these feelings at some point. So, she'd invited Elliot over for some tea, hoping he'd find the time without too much trouble. She'd been cleaning all morning, making him his favorite treats and getting the kettle on when it was almost time for him to come over. She felt nervous, straightening her skirt for the hundredth time.
Elliot was glad to have gotten the invite from Lily; since he had graduated it felt more and more like time kept slipping away when he wasn't looking and he barely saw anyone besides Alice if he wasn't careful so it would be good for them to have a proper catch up since she'd moved out. He understand why she'd left to go live with her sister, family and all, but he did still miss having her around all the time. And not just for her baking.

It did feel strange to knock when he made it to Lily's place, they'd been friends so long Elliot was more used to just wandering in and settling down where she was, but it seemed wrong to come in announced, so Elliot knocked, smiling when she opened the door before holding up a finger. "Hey, brought you someone that missed you," he said, scooping Penne out from the inner pocket of his jacket where she'd been snoozing on the trip over. The rat was getting old and slow but there was no missing the way she perked up, nose twitching as she no doubt smelt Lily's familiar presence.
Lily lit up when she heard Elliot at the door, rushing over her to let him in. She went for a hug, but stopped as he held up a finger. She melted at the sight of Penne, holding out her hands. The rat was a little slow at first, but was quick to scurry into her hands and up her arm, hiding in her hair. She giggled, opening her arms then for Elliot to get a hug. "Hey you," She smiled brightly. "I've missed you, come on in." She stepped back, motioning for him to come inside.
Elliot returned Lily's smile, watching as Penne made herself comfortable, before following Lily inside. It was amazing how easily things seemed to click back into place with them, like they were back at school even though so many things had changed. "I've missed you to," he said, stopping to give her a quick hug before entering the flat properly, taking in the clean living room with a quirked smile.

"So how's living with Rose? She still trying to intimidate all your friends when they come over?" He asked, checking around quickly just to make sure Rose wasn't actually here. He felt like she and here were easily friends by now, Rose having calmed and started to trust Elliot years ago, but he still wasn't sure he trusted her temper enough to let her hear him joking about her. "Place looks good, suits you," he added with a softer smile, looking back over at Lily.
Lily hugged him back easily, smiling gently. She moved to the kitchen, grabbing the tray of treats and tea she'd made, moving to set it on the coffee table in the living room. "That depends, does she still intimidate you?" She asked, giving him a shy smile before settling in on the couch. "She's out today, if that helps. She's working at a studio now, in house guitarist. It's run by one of the Michaels kids." She told him, patting the seat next to her. "Tell me, how are you?" She questioned, wanting to catch up before they got to the awkward bits.
Elliot felt something unknot in his chest as he saw Lily moving around the flat, noting that she seemed comfortable. He'd missed having her living with them though it had been nice to have space just for him and Alice. After practically living with Lily all through school though, it had been odd to have her gone again. Not to mention he'd missed her baking, he thought, grabbing some sort of slice off the tray little had brought. "No. Well. Maybe just a little," he said with a sheepishly smile, trying not to get crumbs on the sofa. "That's cool though, good for her," Elliot said, glad Rose was doing okay as a musician. He'd never be able to work in an industry that sounded so unstable.

"Oh, you know, more of the same. Keeping busy at Ollivander's. Stuff with Dad is still kind of-" Elliot shrugged, waving a hand vaguely, not really wanting to get into it, "-But it's fine. We don't talk that much anyway. I've been thinking about taking an apprenticeship with some other wandmakers but it'd be a lot of travel so I don't know," he added, trailing off as the thought made him uncomfortable, turning to face Lily more instead. "What about you, how's the bakery stall and stuff? You seem happy..."
Lily giggled softly at Elliot's quick denial. "She has really mellowed out a little bit," She offered easily. "I think being with Iris has really softened out those rough edges she used to have." She smiled fondly, shifting to tuck her legs under her. She could feel Penne nuzzled in against her neck, a comforting and familiar feeling.

She reached up, grabbing his hand as he started to fret, rubbing her thumbs gently against it. "Oh, I think it's going well, I have a few regulars at the bakery stand that come by whenever I'm out." She offered easily. "We should try and meet up more often, this is nice," She added gently, giving him a shy smile. Despite a possibly uncomfortable talk, it was nice having Elliot nearby again.
Elliot had nearly forgotten Rose was dating Lars little sister, marveling for a moment at how things were all connected like that. If they got married, it would sort of make Lars Lily's brother in law, which was an odd thought. Still, he smiled, glad to hear Rose was doing well, and even more so that Lily was too.

He gave her hand a return squeeze, enjoying the nostalgia of the moment of them comforting each other even if all the trappings around them had changed so much. "That's great, it means everyone else finally knows what I've known since like second year," he said, giving her a fond nudge. "And yeah, I get busy around the school holidays, but otherwise things are pretty quiet. I just need to remember to pick up a quill or the phone sometimes," he admitted sheepishly. It was so easy to get wrapped up in everything in his head sometimes Elliot forgot time was passing. "I'm pretty sure if I didn't live with Alice I'd barely see her half the time," he joked, though quietly he wasn't sure if that was true, sure he would miss Alice like an ache if he didn't see her at the end of each day.
-godmod approved-

Lily sighed, ignoring the sad twist her heart did in her chest. She didn't understand it, and instead shut her eyes, leaning her head against Elliots shoulder. AJ flashed across her mind, but she pushed that aside. He had Quidditch and more important things to worry about. She doubted she crossed his mind unless he was hungry. "I've always been jealous of you, you know." She admitted gently, feeling the tears well up again as she finally said it out loud to him. Without thinking a hand went to his sleeve, wrapping her fingers in it gently. "It's still something I'm struggling with growing out of."

She sighed, trying to hide in his side a bit, not wanting to talk about it but knowing it would never stop bothering her until she did. "You and Lars both, really. You know I adore you, I always have. You're my best friend in all the world, and I love to see you so happy and fulfilled in life. I..." She stammered a bit, sighing as a few tears slipped out.

"I've always known you were amazing. Running clubs, leading teams. Finding Alice." She bit her lip. "I've never been more than just a silly girl with a basket of muffins. And you- you're so amazing, You have everything. I still struggle sometimes thinking that you'll wake up and realize that I'm not worth your time anymore."
Elliot enjoyed the quiet for a moment, feeling Lily lean against him, until she spoke again and he had to dislodge her slightly so he could turn to look at her questioningly. "Jealous?" He started, confused even has he automatically turned his hand when she gripped his sleeve, rote habit even after they had mostly grown out of the movement as they'd gotten older. For a heartstopping moment, he wondered if Lily was going to say she was in love with him, or with Alice, before mentally chiding himself for being self-centered when Lily was clearly upset.

"Hey, don't say that," he managed, brushing a hand gently over Lily's cheek where he could reach before patting her vaguely on the back of the head as she burrowed her way into his chest. "I.. I think most of us feel like that, you know," he offered, sad to hear Lily thought so little of herself. "It's so easy to see other people's successes and positives and all that stands out to us is our flaws," he said softly. "I mean, at least you still talk to your parents, and you're off trying new things and working hard to chase your dreams. I found one thing I was good at and latched onto it. Plus I was terrified the entire time in school. You don't wanna be like me," he said, aiming for jovial though his voice wavered uncomfortably. "But please don't say that. If you want to get rid of me you'll have to do better than that," he added softer, giving her another squeeze.
Lily smiled shakily. "I could never get rid of you." She told him. "And I'm not trying new things. I'm just- baking. It's all I've ever done." She sighed. "I just... feel so rejected, all of the time." She laced her hand through his out of habit. "Do you remember, when we were little? I used to carry around that old copy of Pride and Prejudice?" She bit her lip a moment. "I wanted to find my Mr. Darcy... I spent so much time dreaming of it. But I-" She grimaced, and hid in his chest a bit more. "I'm never good enough. Over, and over, and over, I'm overlooked. I wasn't enough to be a prefect. I can't get a date to save my life, and even if I do get someone's attention I'm never enough to keep it." She felt the tears welling up, and she squeezed his hand gently. "I'm the only one left now... Everyone has someone, has a life they're building... sometimes, I just.... I feel like I'm never going to be anything but the silly little girl with the basket of muffins."

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