The Leaky Cauldron

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Having gotten far away from Stark Manor, Estrella soon found herself in the streets of London, but she was unable to stop running. The fear that attacked her was indescribable, her rage knowing no bounds.

Vladmir. Dad, she thought angrily. Right now, if given the opportunity, she probably would have killed the two men. She wanted to know who the third murderer was also.

Unable to run any longer, Estrella slowed to a walk, crossing her arms over her chest. She had no winter clothing, and would soon freeze to death if she didn't find warmth someplace soon. Her lungs constricted in pain as she tried to figure out what had happened.

Somehow, she had blown everything up, she was pretty sure of it. But her guilt soon claimed her. She had left behind Liz and Sophia, without even considering them. What was she going to do? She would have to go back for them.

She was cast odd glances by strangers in the streets as she kept to the lights of the buildings. Surely, no one would attack her in the open.

All of a sudden, she saw a friendly looking tavern. But it was odd, as people strolled right by it, no muggles going in or out. As she saw someone apparate, however, she was sure that it was a wizarding spot.

She controlled the urge to punch her fist in the air in victory, and ran to the entrance of the tavern. The storm was picking up outside, and she needed to warm up. Even if she didn't have any money, she would have a temporary place for shelter.

She was met with the sounds of people talking and enjoying themselves, filled with Christmas spirit. She avoided looking at anyone, trying to hide her bruised face. If she wanted anything at the moment, it was not to attract attention to herself.

She took a seat at the bar, putting her head in her arms. She was so tired, and worn out. The bartender gave her a butterbeer, not charging her, and she thanked him quietly. Taking a sip of the drink, she turned her back to the door as the warm sensation spread throughout her body.

She did not notice the two men who strolled in the door casually.
The girl's trail soon led Ravus to the Leaky Cauldron, and he gritted his teeth. It would be much more risky following her in the open.

He tried to look as casual as possible as he strolled through the doors with Vladmir, spotting the Drage girl quickly at the bar. Beckoning to Vladmir, he took a seat with him in the back of the bar, observing her.

He was trying to find a good position to shoot. And a place where they would be able to make a quick getaway.
Vladmir took a seat next to Ravus, smiling broadly. He was quite glad that they were going to be rid of the Drage girl. And it would be quite a blow to Tristan, whom he hated, so it made things even better.

He chuckled as Ravus pulled back the safety on his gun.
Aiming the gun, Ravus looked at Estrella for a moment. He had one shot, and then he would have to make a break for it. One shot should be enough.

With a malicious grin he squeezed the trigger, watching the green bullet as it sailed towards the unwary girl.
He was already on his feet, making his way towards the door.
Estrella shrieked as her bottle of butterbeer exploded, shards of glass embedding in her hand. It had been very close; the avada kedavra infused bullet had nearly hit her. She would have died.

Without thinking, she turned to the door, grabbing a wand that had been left on a counter. Considering that she was planning on killing Vladmir anyway, she decided that theft wasn't that big of a deal.

"Sectumsempra!" she screamed at the door, the spell blasting off the surface and missing the two men. It was the first spell that had come to mind.

Her face screwed up in rage, she ran out of the door, raising the wand in the air and leaving the uproar in the tavern behind her.

She soon saw the figure of Vladmir. "Avada Kedavra!" she screamed. But the wand fizzled. She truly wasn't strong enough to cast a spell so powerful and so destructive.

She started as the blizzard picked up, and she could see nothing around her besides a few feet. She was trapped, and screamed as someone came up behind her, grabbing her wand. And putting her into a headlock.
Vladmir laughed as he snapped the wand in half. "Little children shouldn't be using grown-up curses," he snarled, "They might just get in trouble."

"This is way more fun than killing your dear mum was," Vladmir whispered in her ear. "Assassination style is so much better."

"I believe you can shoot, now, Ravus," Vladmir laughed, "It's better than standing her all day." He held Estrella with a strong grip, holding her in place.
Ravus laughed as he pointed the gun at the girl's chest. Now if I could kill both of them, he thought maliciously, that would be a treat. He didn't particularly like Vladmir.

He started as his brother apparated beside him, his expression dark and fearful.
"We need to leave," Draven warned, his eyes consumed by black. "Now!"

He slammed the gun out of Ravus' hands, yelling at his shocked brother. "I don't care what you were going to do," he snarled, and disapparated the both of them, leaving Vladmir behind with Estrella.
(gotcha, just got that pm wtf, i missed that one line in ur post <_< )

Professor King had been sitting in the pub and hadn't noticed Estrella's presence, as his mind was occupied. He caught a glimpse of a green streak in the air which caught his attention.Withen moments curses had been cast and one of the men had disappeared. Standing now and walking outside with his wand drawn he looked at the man holding Estrella, "Let her go." he stated firmly, "Duro"
Estrella could not believe her eyes as Vladmir let go of her. She was so sure of her death, and the wait for it was agonizing. She fell to the ground as Vladmir spun around, shooting a Killing curse at none other than Professor King.
Suddenly realizing that he was caught, Vladmir grabbed Estrella again, jamming his wand against her throat. "Make a move, and I'll kill her, pretty boy," he hissed maliciously.
Dodging Vladmir's curse Professor King paused for a moment to listen to his threat "Right." he chuckled, "I'm sure her father would appreciate that." he stated with a smirk, "But if it will make you feel better, I'll set my wand on the ground..." he offered as a wide grin crossed his face.
"I hope her father has to bury her dead body," Vladmir snarled. He flicked his wand at the man who had suddenly intervened. "Avada Kedavra!"

He used the girl as a shield, daring the man to make a move.
Professor King cast a quick shield charm and smirked, "Do you now?" he asked, then he flicked his wand upwards, casting an inverbal expelling charm.
As Vladmir's wand suddenly fell from his hand, Estrella stomped on the man's foot as hard as she could. She ran off from him, going behind Professor King but standing back, just in case there were any stray curses to be cast.
Vladmir scrambled for his wand, his face screwed up in anger as his foot throbbed in pain. "You're going to pay for that, Drage."

"Sectumsempra!" He bellowed, sending the spell hurtling towards the young man.
"Stupid man." Professor King laughed, "Gonna cut me?" he mocked as another shield charm emmited from his wand, "You death eaters need some new spells, Confringo"
"Now, now you can't confuse me anymore then I already am. Care to explain why you're here with Estrella, or why you kidnapped her?" Professor King asked as the spell flew past him, missing him and his pupil. "Duro." he stated again, he desperatly wanted this man to be a statue.
Vladmir dodged the spell, and laughed. "You'd like to know, wouldn't you? I'm not the one who kidnapped her; I'm just attempting to keep her imprisoned. Although I'd much rather see her dead. Expulso!"
"Yes, I would like to know, but worry not, I will come to know in time." Professor King said confidantly, he now was tempted to use the dark arts, he knew he was allowed to. He also knew it would be for the greater good, but he refrained from their use. A student was with him after all. "Incarcerous" he bellowed.
Estrella jumped out of the way as the curses came extremely close to her, knowing that it would not be good. She hoped that Professor King would be able to take care of Vladmir; he might not be so successful if Vlad willed the other death eaters to show up.
In a last aggravating attempt to kill the Drage girl, Vladmir bellowed, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" This was a mistake, however, as he was bound together by the ropes, unable to use the wand that was still in his hand. He fell to the ground, roaring in anger.
Estrella shrieked as the Killing Curse whizzed past her head. But in attempting to curse her, Vladmir had been caught off guard by Incarcerous.

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