The HNZ Wheelbarrow Race!

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Dimitri continued to run on his arms as Riley was behind him. He was having so much fun, and now he could see the finish line he was more determined than ever to get over it. He sped up and just hoped that Riley would be able to keep up with him. He knew they hadn't won but he wanted to have second place at least, it would make him happy. He had come here so that he could spend some time with Riley, and he would make sure he had fun. He ran over the finish line with Riley behind him.
Riley could now see the finish line, and she could see that Dimitri was pumped for second place. She didn't want to disappoint him so she sped up and together they crossed the finish line, carefully putting Dimitri down not wanting to hurt him. She smiled a him, "Woo! Second place! We were close Dimitri." She said, smiling and hi fiving him.
"I know Kate!" Sara replied, beaming. She ran even harder, her legs pushing heavily into the ground. "Are you okay Kate?" she asked, realising that Kate might be tired, with her arms having to hold her up.
They didn't cross the finish line first or even second, but the moment they did, Jeremy rolled right over onto his back and stayed there. He stared up at the sky for a second. That had been a truly good time. His arms felt like they were about to fall off because they were burning so much, but he hadn't had such a good time in a very long time. "Well, at least we finished" he said, looking over to his partner with a grin.
Logan rolled his eyes. Georgies comment about Quidditch did nothing in that way of motivating him to go faster. Still he wanted to make her happy so gritted his teeth and sped up. He would surely sleep well tonight that was for sure. "That may be but I dont usually have to carry people around with me when im training." He said with a laugh as he saw the finish line and quickly crossed it. Collapsing on the flood breathing heavily. "Ok well i need to start working out more." He joked as he breathed quickly and deeply
Chris gave his face a rest and settled back to his grin, hearing Willow's reply he offered up a laugh. "I used to take the mice out of their cage and put them down the back of that girl's top, what was her name? Eliza?" the boy mused, face oddly thoughtful. "Miss Wilson hated me for it."

Chris had loved his six years at Kaikorai, and equally so the five months at Balmacewen before finding out he was a wizard and all that. The Gryffindor found it strange that Primary School was over and he was at intermediate age. "Isn't it kinda weird that we left? I sorta miss it." he said slightly quietly.

He really couldn't care less about winning, rather spending time with his only real friend, and only friend at Hogwarts. Willow replied and Chris gave a smirk; "Shall we just move forwards a bit?" Chris prepared to move, knowing there were people watching, but then he turned his head to see other students nearing the end. "Uh, Willow? We may be a bit late for that."
Willow laughed, she thought back to Eliza - she hated mice...a lot. It was funny at the time, but coming to think of it, it was actually quite mean. "Yeah, I don't think Eliza forgave you, but it was pretty funny. Didn't Miss Wilson try to like...make you sit in at lunch time to do extra spelling or something?

She pondered back to her primary school days, listening to Chris about how he misses intermediate school. Willow was feeling melancholy, living their lives as muggles has gone by quickly and now they were witches and wizards. Willow said nothing about intermediate, she missed it of course, she remembers eating wildberry juicies in the back field with Chris, forever wandering around the school, chatting amongst themselves. It was the same here at hogwarts, but much different and very much in a place far away.

She turn to him and smiled, she realized now that the race was over and indeed they came last, infact, as Willow thought and she gazed over at the cheering, smiling contestants that Willow never really cared for the Wheelbarrow Race, it was just harmless fun. She turn her attention to the spectators, most of whom were starting to turn their attention to the other delights of the carnival affair, she eyed the candyfloss; "Say, you want to grab some Candyfloss as celebratory first-place-if-it-was-in-reverse-order?" Subconsciously, she held her arm out, for reasons she had no idea why.
They were nearing the line. Dakota put her all into the last few seconds. They certainly weren't first, but she didn't care. Dakota had no idea who had won and who had lost, but she was smiling as her hands managed to make it across the line. This was to be a memorable day for more than the obvious reasons. Not only had Dakota participated in the wheelbarrow race, but she had also found someone to join her in the race and have a laugh with. She only wished that she had been given the chance to race either partnered with her sister, or against her. Those days were gone and it was time to move on. Dakota was beaming. "Who's the winner?" she panted audibly.
They crossed the finish line and it was over. "Close race, close call man"Victor sighed happily. It had been head on literally, between all team. Well except one, he look around almost laughing a little. Had he been the only to see one team hadn't move at all? Still it was fun and tiring at the same time. "I need gaterade or some power fruit think. Dehydration no good for me.Phew! Kinda drink to cool you down"he bent over breathing in slowly to catch up his racing heart.
"Mm, well, Eliza may not have gotten over it but she did bully Ben in year four," Chris pointed out solemnly. Eliza had been the playground bully later in their time at Kaikorai, tyranising both those her age and those younger than her while the teachers sat in the staff room. It was funny how things changed like that. "I had to sit in the office through classes, I got to miss a maths test." the boy laughed, the punishment ended out working in his favour.

"Say, you want to grab some Candyfloss as celebratory first-place-if-it-was-in-reverse-order?" Willow asked Chris, before seemingly subconsciously putting her arm out. "Uhm, er, yeah?" The awkward moment left the Gryffindor pondering as to hold hands or back away slowly, but before he made up his mind Chris realised he'd taken her hand. ..uhm? This's kinda nice... her hands are soft. he thought, face turning a tinge of red but smiling wide.
Georgiana fell to the ground once they made it pass the finish line. She was glad they finished but her arms hurt, they never did such long races back home. Laying on the ground she looked over at Logan and smiled. "Well you don't need to work out too much afterall we did just finish the race," she said with a laugh. She sat up and gave him a hug even though they didn't finish they at least managed to make it pass the line without falling over at any point. Kayden wouldn't have been able to make it at all.
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