The HNZ Wheelbarrow Race!

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Dimitri saw how he and Riley were in the lead, and that just gave him more motivation for him to pick up his speed. The finish line was certainly getting closer, and he wanted to be the first person across it. He didn't know how long that would take, but he would give it his best shot, that was for sure. Dimitri wanted to make sure that Riley won, and then maybe she would have a lot of respect for him and he would be able to give her the greatest gift of all, but he couldn't be sure if she would want to hang with him some more after this race was over, but he could always hope that she would want to! "We're nearly there, Riley, let's keep going!" Dimitri said, having the time of his life out here. He had never done something like this before and he probably never would again but he wanted to make the most of it!
Georgiana heard alot of we're almost theres from around her and tried to pick up her pace. "Logan? How're we looking?" She asked wondering how groups were still infront of them. Georgiana was very competative when it came to things, though when she lost she wasn't very upset about it but she didn't like being last place so even fourth would suit her fine. Georgiana picked up her speed even more trying to past some feet she noticed running past them
Ostensia giggled as they carefully passed another group, whether or not they won didn't matter so much to her as them having fun for the most part. She didn't have a huge competitive side like others did. If she lost then oh well that was it and there was no use in throwing a fit over it. Damian seemed encouraged somehow to go faster though and announced it to her that she might want to speed up a little too. "Are you sure that's a good-ah!" He indeed sped up. Ostensia sped up a little too so that she could make sure she didn't lose ahold of him. For a moment Damian had fallen because his wrist slipped. It looked a little painful but Damian paid no mind and ended up still going. He went even faster now and Osa smirked to herself. Giggling along with Damian she charged though some others and glanced around to see if other's were right next to them. They should have a three-legged race next year or something, those were always fun too!
Damian charged ahead with amazingly quick movements of his hands, and if this was a cartoon, flaps of grass would be folded back like a noodle. And a white puff of smoke would be behind them right now, but Damian was not in a cartoon, and this was reality. Damian was going as fast as his little hands would take him. His teal eyes remained fixed on that finish line that seemed to get closer and closer. Damian was glad that Ostensia had a good hold on him, or else he would have taken off a flying down the aisle. Damian did not focus on whomever was close to him, and he was not going to slow down, not even for a kitten. It would be trampled, because the competitive edge has indeed taken a strong, firm control of Damian's mind. Damian rushed ahead, hoping that Ostensia would not let go of him, even if he was fighting to win now. But he was having a lot of fun, even if his laughter has ceased and been replaced with a smirk.
" mistake." Chris mumbled, still grinning because that's all he really felt like doing. Flopping to the ground the boy shivered a little, winter might have been the not so great season for a wheelbarrow race. A thought crossed his mind and he looked towards Willow.

"thisisgoingtosoundweirdbut arrowarmenuf?"

these are getting shorter and shorter..
Jerrod could see a few people in front of them but he couldn't look behind them. "How many people are behind us??" He called up to Riley. Of course today wasn't about winning but he at least wanted to try and do his best. His arms were aching but he ignored it and kept the speed up, trying to overtake the people in front. He managed to get past a few but there were still two or three pairs in front of him. "Come on, let's try and get past the last few pairs. We might be able to get in the top three." Jerrod grinned as he made his arms go faster and faster. He never realised his arms could go so fast.
"This is getting ridiculous man, everyone trying to win" Victor said to Jeremy. He was forcing himself to go further, faster and more potent when it came to holding up Jeremy legs up. Its was a work out in a half, and he felt himself almost let go. "Dude I'm so sorry! Your alright?!" he shouted a tad over the rest of his opponents. It did seem like they were almost there, but just like everyone else they were running a close race. Where the end of the race seem so close, but so faraway from their reach. They had to kick it up some more if they wanted to win, whatever it is they were racing for, Victor wanted to be worth at the same time he wanted to have fun. This was the fun part, both boys struggling to get to the end, it was hard still fun though. He went with that energy and kept pushing forward.
Riley looked behind her as Jerrod asked if there were many people behind them. "There are quite a few!" Riley exclaimed. She looked back ahead. "We're doing pretty well I think!" She said with a grin. Her arms and legs were really hurting, she was hoping that they would finish soon. Riley noticed the change in speed, and pushed herself mentally to keep going - she didn't want to give up or look lame in front of Jerrod. Riley grinned at Jerrod's determination to come a high number up, and reckoned that if they did come in the top three, Jerrod would be impressed with her. "Okay! We can do it!" Riley called back to Jerrod laughing, and pushed herself to go faster.
The race was nearly over and still Willow and Chris haven't moved an inch away from the start line - only to succeed in falling over and faceplanting mud.
Trying to spit out mud as 'feminine' as possible, she wiped her face on the sleeve of her hoodie and raised an eyebrow towards Chris; "thisisgoingtosoundweirdbutarrowarmenuf?" He asked, or did he make a comment?
She gave him an awkward glance; " going to sound weird...wha ah wha?" She didn't understand the last bit of his sentence.

She pondered on the last bit of his sentence; arrowarmenuf....arrowarmenuff...are you warm enough?....Oooohhhh. She gave Chris a smile, showing that she understood what he meant; "Yeah, I'm warm....ish. It his getting colder though, now that Winter has arrived." Willow was feeling a little embarassed now, by now she was getting the feeling that the spectators were wondering why they haven't even moved away from the start line yet. Maybe they thought that they were still arguing who was going to be the barrow?
Jeremy felt his leg fall a bit and as he tried to adjust, his hand slipped and he faceplanted. "Ouch!" he groaned into the grass. He heard Victor ask if he was alright and Jeremy nodded as he put his hands down and pushed himself up once again. "Yea, I'm fine" he grumbled. A few groups had gone past them during that time and Jeremy was surprised to realize that he kind of wanted to win.

Starting up again, Jeremy saw that just that little break had done him a world of good. He kept moving, one hand in front of the other.
Kate began to speed up they were passing quite a few teams and she could see the finish line is site but she still didn't go as fast as she could because she wanted to be able to make a sprint at the end. "Come on Sara"She said smiling she was having great fun even though her arms were sore and she could feel the pain beginning in her back "Come were are nearly there"She said more so encouraging herself then Sara
Georgiana gritted her teeth as her arms began to lose strength, if only the end was right there, she thought. She hadn't much from Logan up where he was in awhile and wondered how he was handling it. Out of no where she began laughing, still going forward as fast as she could, but she couldn't control her laughter. She didn't know why but she just found it really funny that they all should be studying for exams and instead the school was giving them a break by having a race on the lawn. She knew not to try to look up at him or she'd fall over she picked her head up and looked forward to see how many teams were infront of them, not many.
The young Gryffindor looked a bit embarrassed as Willow answered his question in a blur. Opening his mouth sheepishly to say it again, Christopher was relieved at her sudden understanding. His mouth closed again, reminding the boy of something from home.

"Look Willow, I'm a fish!" he laughed, not worrying about what everyone else thought and opening and closing his mouth. "Remember how there were goldfish living in room eleven back at Kaikorai? A black one and a gold one." Chris smiled.
"I know!" Sara grinned, speeding up-She ran ahead, hoisting her sisters legs higher on her waist. She ran, smiling at a friend as she saw them near her. She was almost about to wave, when she realised that she was holding her sisters legs. She then began to concentrate more and more on the race. "We're doing well!" she grinned, directed toward her sister and her legs ran even faster.
Kate was starting to get more worried as her arms were getting sorer by the minute but if she could just stay strong to the end she wouldn't blame herself for them losing.They were quite close to the top of the group there were only one or two ahead.She saw some people she recognised but she kept her head down looking at the ground as to not lose her concentration.She wasn't usually competitive but fro some reason she just really wanted to win. "Come on Sara we are going to win"She said smiling
Sara smiled at her sister's determination. "Yes, we can, but we have to try hard." she ran her legs into the ground. She felt the hard ground underneath her feet and urged her sister on saying "Don't worry Kate-It's not too far." She smiled and clenched her teeth. She furrowed her brow and prepared to sprint her fastest on the final stretch. She once more hoisted her sister's legs higher on her waist and speed up slightly.
Willow smiled at Chris and was happy to share the memories of the goldfish and grinned at his stark goldfish expressions;
"In fact I do, but then again room eleven was like that crazy zoo, I heard they have three mices, a parrot or cockatoo and more goldfish and some tadpoles." she grinned, she remembered walking past room eleven for the sake of looking at that beautiful bird, sqwarking at passing young children, fluttering it's wings within their cage and basking in the sunlight.

Kaikorai was a school of memories, the time at muggle school and the people she met...Chris...

By now, Willow thought that she didn't care (and possibly even Chris didn't care) about the Wheelbarrow race, they signed up for it, but they haven't even left the start line. Thinking that should actually get a move on, Willow suggested; "y'know, we should move a few feet from the start line, just so we can actually say we actually did the Wheelbarrow Race." She ruffled her hair in embarrassment.
Ostensia's arms were starting to get a bit tired. Damian wasn't really heavy or anything but since he was bigger than her and she wasn't very built, it was hard to hold anything heavy up for a long period of time. But she wasn't going to let it show. Nor was she going to let Damian down when it was obvious that he wanted to win this really badly. The finish line had to be sometime soon and all she had to do was keep going until they reached it. With a small burst of strength she made sure to hurry after him. Her breath was coming out in even puffs to make sure she kept it steady and even. Her legs carried her as quickly as her short body could to keep up with Damian. When this was over she was going to have question him about where he had kept this competitive side hidden at.
"I'm sorry dude! This is getting tiring" he complain. He felt his arms grow a little more weaker, near to letting his partner go, however he didn't. Again he remain to pull more energy somewhere deep inside him, though it couldn't just be Victor almost near quitting. He could sense the off steps of Jeremy's hands, almost railing their opponent right next to him. This was a fairly difficult challenge, but it was fun unlike qudditch. Qudditch was way more difficult than this, this was a muggel sport. He should be eating up those who weren't muggels, but he lack being competitive. Qudditch and Surfing was his main deal, this was fun. However, what's so bad about winning?! Its fun to win too!
The finish line awaited them, just around the bend.
OOCOut of Character:
First team to cross it, wins! Remember, both people of one team must cross it before they would be labeled the winners.
Riley raced forward, barely believing their luck. The finish line was in sight! "Come on Jerrod, we're almost there!" Riley cried. She kept running, her legs screaming in protest, but she ignored them as they ran towards the finish line.
Damian rushed forward, as his teal eyes saw the finish line. His two hands raced along the ground, as he said, "I can see it!" Damian beamed, and he raced forward even more. Damian remembered to breath while he was at it. He did not care if he got first place. He wanted nothing more but to finish this race, and then laugh about it. He crossed the line, but no idea what place they are in. Damian just hoped that Ostensia was ready for it though. Damian would need some serious relaxing time after this.
Ostensia noticed Damian starting to pick up speed again, then she heard that he could see and she stopped to look at him. See what? Then she lifted her blue eyes and saw that it was indeed the finish line! "I see it too!" she exclaimed and used the last little bit of energy she had to rush forward as well, her legs starting to ache and her hands started to slip. As the two of them crossed the line Ostensia breathed out before falling back onto her butt. Wow that was some race. It didn't matter what place they had gotten either. She was just happy to finish.
Georgiana saw the finished line ahead of them and smiled. "Let's go Logan we can do it!" She watched a team cross the finish line and began to slow down her speed knowing they had lost but at least it wasn't the 6th years who won, that wouldn't have been as fair considering the older you get the more your body matures and the more muscles one can have. Still hoping to get second Georgiana pushed herself hoping Logan would help them along.
"Come on Sara we are nearly there"Kate said seeing the finish line in sight
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