The Final One

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Jacob had decided to just do it. He'd sat at all of the other house tables, either by invitation or through his own volition but he still had one left to conquer. He had plenty of friends, perhaps acquaintances was the better word in Hufflepuff. From Lavinia to that guy in the brotherhood who'd offered to help with homework. Tristan. Jacob had felt a funny sensation in his stomach when they'd shaken hands, kind of the same kind he did when he looked at the posters in his room of his favorite singer. But that had been a while ago, and today he was simply focused on getting to the Hufflepuff table.

It was between meals, so Jacob didn't have to contend with a huge crowd as he moved towards the Hufflepuff table, swinging his legs over the long bench and slowly settling himself down.
Kengi Smile could not wait for the school year to be over. All the first year wanted to do was go home and play with his sister. His past few days had been interesting. He had been attacked with glitter by some strange girl, but he ended up making up with her. Therefore, there was no reason to call her strange anymore. Kengi hated glitter with a passion because it was so hard to get off. It was like a contagious disease. The Hufflepuff walked into the Great Hall and looked towards his table. He could not help but smile because he absolutely loved his house. They were the family away from home that he absolutely needed. If there was something wrong, he knew that he would be able to lean on them, which he had done a lot this semester. However, there were times where he was tired of being around Hufflepuffs all the time. He needed someone else in his life.

Kengi's stomach growled and he realized how hungry he was. He skipped over to the Hufflepuff table and took a seat. He proceeded to pack food onto his plate without bothering to look next to him for awhile. He was too busy stuffing his face to realize that Jacob Kingsley was sitting next to him.
"Hey Kengi" Jacob said as casually as he could. He'd watched as the Hufflepuff boy settled in and began to eat, a grin on his face as he watched. If that was what he looked like when he ate, it was no wonder his mother was always telling him to slow down.
Analei couldn't believe that the first semester was coming to an end already. It felt like she had just arrived at the school, and though a lot had happened in her first semester, she was still in disbelief that she had survived it. Analei was definitely going to brag about this when she got home; she knew her dad would be proud of her. Her mom, not so much as it was 'what was expected' of her, but the Hufflepuff was proud of herself nonetheless.
Sitting down for breakfast, Analei reached forward for some cereal, glancing up as she heard a voice opposite her, double taking when she realized who it was. Analei glanced around, unsure if it was usual etiquette to sit at another House's table; otherwise, why wasn't she sitting with Zennon?
Kengi had not realized how hungry he was until he was on his second place. That must have been all the stress from this semester manifesting in hunger. He heard someone talk to him and he looked to his side with a mouth full of food. He quickly finished chewing what was in his mouth before he wrapped his arms around Jacob to give him a tight hug. "Long time no see, Jacob! How've you been? I've only seen you in classes so far!" he said and let go of the boy. Kengi looked in front of Jacob and realized that he did not have a plate in front of him. Sure he wa sitting at the wrong table, which was clear by his robes, but he was still welcome to eat! It was what Hufflepuff did best in his opinion. "Here's a plate. Eat!" he told his friend kindly and set a plate in front of him. The two were getting a few stares, but Kengi was going to welcome his friend no matter what. Plus, there were no rules saying Jacob wasn't welcome her. It was not like the Hufflepuff house had secrets they needed to keep.
Jacob liked how welcoming the Hufflepuff was and returned the hug. So far, the Hufflepuffs he had met had all been kind. "I know. I thought I'd pay you a visit" he joked, and then added. "And this might be the last table I need to sit at to say I've sat at them all." The boy sounded proud of himself as if he had accomplished some great feat. Glancing around Jacob noticed another person, a girl, looking his way. He gave her a small wave, remembering her from the truth or dare game and classes, of course.

But the thought of eating was enough to distract him and he was happy to accept the plate in front of him. "Thanks!" Jacob said to his friend before beginning to dig in with him.
Analei watched the two boys interact, nobody seemed to be doing anything about it. Perhaps it was alright to sit at other tables. Now that she thought about it, Analei couldn't imagine why there would be a problem about it, they were just tables. They should be able to sit wherever they wanted to - right? "Are you allowed to sit - at any table?" Analei blurted out, before a blush grew on her cheeks. "I mean - no, sorry, never mind." She managed to stutter out, embarrassed for interrupting their breakfast and their conversation. How rude. She looked down and concentrated hard on the food in front of her.
Kengi smiled as Jacob started to put food on his plate and eat. For some reason, it made him feel proud, like he was being a good friend. He was probably feeling this way because he missed his sister. He missed taking care of her, playing with her, and being there for her when she cried about ridiculous things. He was pulled out of his thoughts when a girl asked if it was okay if Jacob sat at the Hufflepuff table. Kengi simply shrugged. "I mean, you can think of him as my guest?" he asked and looked at Jacob for reassurance.
Jacob shrugged his shoulders and nodded at Kengi before looking at the girl. She seemed to need some reassurance that he wasn't about to get in trouble. "I get a few dirty looks here and there, but none of the professors have told me off so it must be ok" he said, giving her a smile. He'd grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and took a big bite. Strawberry jelly was his favorite. "I'll take the blame though if I'm not allowed. Don't worry, I won't get Kengi in trouble" he reassured her. "We're buddies" he added, elbowing his friend. "We met on the express before we were even sorted" he continued. "Are you two friends?" Jacob continued, only quieting because he wanted another bite of his sandwich.
The boy she knew as Kengi responded to her and she looked up again, and nodded her head at his response. It made sense, she was stupid to think that they weren't allowed to. Analei didn't want to be known as the weird girl - she had never had that fear before, but now that she was faced with it, she was scared that her introvert-ness would be a flaw that others would see and decide that she wasn't worth it. Why those thoughts came to her head, Analei didn't know, but the Gryffindor continued talk, and she managed a smile in his direction, thankful that they both seemed to keep talking to her. He asked if they were friends, and Analei shook her head. "No. I mean - well, we can - I just. I'm Analei." She decided introducing herself to Kengi would be a good start for friends, so she put her hand across the table to shake.
Kengi felt so much better at the sight of Jacob's confidence. He had been worried that his friend would not back him up, but he should not have even had that thought in his head. Kengi gave a nervous laugh when Jacob elbowed him. It kind of hurt too. His arms were fatty because he didn't get a lot of exercise and was prepubescent. The girl introduced herself as Analei and Kengi smiled. She was just the awkward type, not the get-you-in-trouble-for-sitting-at-the-wrong-table type. "I'm Kengi! I don't think we have met before, Analei." he said. When Jacob asked if he knew her he shook his head. It was hard to know everyone. Kengi wasn't extroverted enough to get to know every single person in the school. That took too much effort that Kengi could use elsewhere.
Smiling as the two introduced themselves to each other, Jacob was happy to have helped them. "See, that was easy" he grinned. Jacob took another bite of his sandwich and then kept talking. "Are you guys ready for the holidays? I asked my mum and dad for a broom. You?" he asked. He just knew he was going to get it.
Analei blushed slightly when Kengi introduced himself and then mentioned that they hadn't met before. It was true, they hadn't spoken to each other yet, but she had a vague idea of who he was, being in the same house and year. It turned into a small smile when the other boy continued, but she realized that he hadn't introduced himself to her. She was too embarrassed to ask his name, knowing that Kengi had recently used it, and he was a Professor's son, but Analei couldn't for the life of her remember it. She hoped it would come up in conversation at some point again. "A broom's a great idea." She said in response, thinking of the Quidditch games and wondering if she should ask for one as well. "Are you going to try out for the team next year?"

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