The Bi-Weekly Update

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
After much weeping and gnashing of teeth on my part, I've been forced to make this update. :(
Sooo I'm trying to get this update out for you all before I head out for the day. :tut: Wish me luckkk!

April Fools!
Once again, thanks for everybody who made Cyndi's "mishap" one of the best prank we've pulled on HNZ. :) This was something we've wanted to try for quite a while (even preparing for it last year), but we could never set it up quite right - so we were quite happy when this year was the success that it was. ^_^
Read the original reveal!

The HNZ Gradebook
The HNZ Gradebook is the system we're using for maintaining information about student grades and class enrolment.
If you're a student, click this link for the gradebook then enrol in your semester two classes.
If you were a professor in semester one, please make sure you assign the semester one grades in the gradebook.

A Very MESSI Poll
MESSI is trying to figure out which Harry Potter sweet the HNZ community would most like for Easter. Make sure to put in your two cents (and destroy the Chocolate Frogs) here.

"Getting Back to Basics"
Several changes have taken place over the past few days to make HNZ a little bit more manageable for staff.
Graphics Forums - The Art Gallery and Graphics Help have been merged back to the general off topic board.
The Hogwarts Halfway House - This forum has been removed. While many users said they would use such a forum, it went largely unused.
The HNZ Wiki - The HNZ Wiki has been archived and partly dismantled. While I still feel the wiki was a fun idea, nobody really latched on to it, and managing it was overly difficult.

Applications: Delay and a Pause
Anybody who has tried to submit an application in the past several days will have been redirected to a notice stating that that specific type of application is disabled for the time being. This is largely because Cyndi is a new admin, and I still haven't gotten the chance to show her everything she should know at least to start off. So, we're going to process the applications we have now when there's time, then take a break from them to do a lot of other things.
The problem with applications is that every time we empty them, there are another dozen that come in; and frequently it's the same handful of people submitting them. Not every character needs to be outside of the confines of what is normal in the world of Harry Potter, so not every new character should need an application - but for some reason, that seems to be the popular occurrence. So, to discourage excessive applications, we will be making disabling applications a habit. They will be enabled for a lengthy period of time, then they will be disabled for a period of time so the administrators can focus attention elsewhere without always worrying about applications.

Graduation Video
Joyce is once again putting together a grad video for HNZ! If you could help her with submitting information for that process, I'm sure that would be appreciated.
For more information, click here.


Hiring: Professors
HNZ is currently hiring a large number of professors!
If you're interested in being a professor, check out the available positions here and apply soon!

Vacation's Extended!
Due to the need to hire new professors, we've extended the yule/Christmas break an extra week! The Yule Ball will close on Friday, with holiday forums and the semester beginning on Monday.
Professors will be hired for on Saturday.


[ul][li]Shedding Tears Is Nothing To Be Ashamed Of
Jaedan is thinking of an incident that happened a few weeks before. Fayt, whom she doesn't get along with, walks past. They chat and things seem to change.</LI>
[li]Separated, Condemned, Deprived
Charlie Willow is just minding her own business when two idiotic boys decide to have muggle hand to hand combat. Charlie, being deprived of her family, separated from her soul, and condemned to be lonely, is depressed and tenses up when they come in the room. Charlie isn't used to it.
Then, a boy walks in and tells the boys to stop it and see's Charlie. Justin Valentine soon realizes that the boys aren't going to stop and there's chair throwing too. And one narrowly misses Charlie, so Justin takes her out. The two start talking, maybe there's more to their feelings.
[li]Another Weekend
This rp is Zac and Izzy bumping into each other again. They really develop their relationship and it's sooooo cute. A very sweet rp with lots of young, teenage love involved.
[li]Temper... Temper...
The Howards, odd family. Dorothy, aka Miss Scream, the whole plot starts with her screaming! Her brothers, Dancel, Donavon and Devlin want to shut her up so badly. Donavon' the eldest, and he never sleeps. Soon it ends up with Devlin almost hurting Dorothy, when Dakota, the second eldesttells them to break it up. Dakota and Donavon argue which ends up Dakota running away...again?!
[li]The Artificial Stars
It's New Year's Eve, 2027: The Olaf family are having a family celebration. However, with a couple of empty spaces this year, one member of the family has invited a very special guest. Will Yakov ever admit the undying love he feels, and has always felt, for Aaliyah? Will they ever reignite their relationship? And will Kristo be able to keep Zdravko away from anything flammable, sharp, or explosive?
[li]You Kicked Me When I Was Down.
Stefan Archer has seperated himself from his friends and those closest to him, last year he left Kate with a kiss as all she could remember her y, and she stopped eating. Sara and Willow, their closest friends are worried and they intercept Stefan at the Halloween ball, outside as none of them are taking part. Willow has an angry outburst, caused by her strange illness. This leaves Sara alone to face the troubl3esome pair.[ul]<LI>[li]Other RPs in this plot include:
Half the World Away


[ul][li]MESSI's Easter-time madness!
[li]Applications returning to a webpage near you.
[li]Cyndi's evul schemes and machinations.
[li]The beginning of Semester 2
[li]Some GIANT birthday-sized updates. :r
[li]The return of the character spotlight?
<LI>[li]Other thinggsss~![/li][/ul]

Thanks for reading this update! If there's anything you think I've forgotten... well, I probably did. ;)
Any questions/comments/concerns, you can post 'em upppp (like always).

Hope you're having an awesome spring time! (Except for your Aussies and the like, who are in Fall. But your winter isn't even that bad, so whatever. :p )

(On behalf of the HNZ Site-Staff)
YAY! My plot was included!! YIPEE

i love BWU!
Nice update Nick. :D Great job.
Oh.. so that was why I haven't received any reply on my application yet.. nevertheless, it's fine.. It is worth the wait anyways.. :D

Great Job in doing the update by the way! :D :lol:
whoa, double post!
Nicolas King said:
[*]The Artificial Stars
It's New Year's Eve, 2027: The Olaf family are having a family celebration. However, with a couple of empty spaces this year, one member of the family has invited a very special guest. Will Yakov ever admit the undying love he feels, and has always felt, for Aaliyah? Will they ever reignite their relationship? And will Kristo be able to keep Zdravko away from anything flammable, sharp, or explosive?

(It went well ;) )
Lovely updates, as always. ;) Need to get my characters enrolled in their classes. Woot. ^_^
Good job Nick ^_^
Nicolas King said:
Hope you're having an awesome spring time! (Except for your Aussies and the like, who are in Fall. But your winter isn't even that bad, so whatever. :p )
I would actually have thought it would be "Kiwis and the like", being a site about a school in New Zealand. :r xD
(oh how nice it is to be competitive against the Aussies again.. we invented the Pavlova!)
But never miiiinnddd. Hehe. Great update Nick! ^_^
Nice job Nick. The BWU looks great as always. Keep up the good work guys. :)
Is the gradebook in the site Doc?
Future reference and stuff, I don't want to keep coming back to this topic to get into it xD
The applications that are down redirect you when you try to load them.
The ones that aren't, don't.
Currently, all applications except like simple group change (durmstrang, beauxbatons, members, family, reactivation), BWU highlights, name changes etc. are not down. :)
Sorry, my post got a bit mixed up.
To clarify:

Down application types: Major applications (Ministry, Auror, DE, Special Ability, Plot, Pureblood)
Up application types: Simple applications (easy group changes, name changes, BWU plot highlights)
Estimated return time for all applications: Later this week. :)

Thanks for your patience, everybody. :)
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