The Awesome Day

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Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose


So Imogen Day since coming to Hogwarts hasn't really had much in the way of storylines. Mainly, because it has taken me a while to come up with one, centralized around her. I won't go into much detail, but it's a slow moving plot. One that will take time, since, Imogen is only 12 at this point, and not really had much of childhood, or any sort of freedom before coming to hogwarts.
She'll become a little more immature, with that side of maturity, still there but only with select people. (Family, peers, classes and school work)
She's going to be having these sort of nightmares, which she'll at first not really understand, but they will become clearer over time.
It's still very much in the planning stages, but it's a slow moving plot line so that'll give me time to really iron out the faults.


Imogen Day need's

[li]Partner in crime - This would be better if she or he was in the same year as her, or maybe a first year, They'd be a best friend of sorts, who'd be there throughout it, and be immature with her and who'll be the one to help her through the hard times that will come as she grows older.</LI>
[li]Enemies - People who can hate her for the fact she can act immature at times, but is still quite smart.
[li]Friends in general - People, in any year, who would be friends with her and be immature with her, but not close even friends that Immy would turn to them when she has a problem.
</SIZE><LI>[li]<SIZE size="50">Crushes/Relationships - She's eventually going to end up with someone, and that place is already taken. But they've drifted apart, and will do that often. And since she is 12 her affection will be sketchy. But as she grows older, she'll want something more serious, before she settles down with someone.

Imogen Day is a very nice person. She is rarely seen without a smile. She likes to cheer people up and likes to have a laugh. She is hard working and reads a lot, but this will become less and less, as she grows older. She is very caring of others, and appears to put others before herself. She's very easy to get along with. She has a best friend already, but sees her very little. She doesn't mind being alone at times but does enjoy spending time with others. Imogen Day, can sometimes come across as a I think I'm better than you, but this is rarely and is only like that if you ask her about books or anything general knowledge related. Where she may talk about the subject with that kind of tone.
Imogen is a little too trustworthy at times, but is young and has so far lived a pretty closed off life. So is a little naive.

Thanks in advance ^_^
Emilie could always be a partner in crime... Shes not totally immature, but she can be mischevious and a troublemaker... She could always bring that side out of Immy, but she is also very kind, friendly and nice. She will begin to mature down in year 3/4 I'm planning...

Or, Jas as a partner in crime ... Immy already knows her too, theyre like friends/best friends (although we haven't RPed in ages) I mean she can be kind crazy when she comes out of her shell... like fun and sometimes a little immature (she sometimes rebels to what her parents want to be... and mature is one of them) She would also be their for Imogen at all times, cause shes a sweetie, Immy can also help her with getting over bullying.

I think that Jas would be better, but if you don't that they will suit, just say (I won't be offended :) ]

Em ^_^

I think Immy and Jas would be good partners in crime. They've met before and got on well, so there is already a relationship there we can build upon.
Would you like to start a topic or shall I?
Jade could be a friend of hers, they are in the same house, and even though they are different years, I reckon they could get on rather well together. What do you think?
Aroha could be a friend for Imogen, or an enemy. (I usually just suggest a charrie then let someone else decide what to do with it, I'm indecisive like that :o) She was quiet but is now starting to cheer up a bit. She is one to dwell on things but is determined to turn over a new leaf, which begins with making some friends. What do you think? (wow that an extremely over-used cliche :o )

Jade ~ That would be good. I'm sure Imogen will get along with her fine. She's not bothered by age. Would you like to start a topic or shall I?

Aroha ~ Imogen would most likely be easily her friend. She'll be a little more talkative, and not so quiet, so she might be able to help Aroha. Would you like to start a topic or Shall I?
I'm trying to think if Tony could fit into anything. They both have trust issues, and the part about Imogen being "I am better than you" would cause Tony to forget she exists. :/

It may not work. :lol:

Shall we RP, and see what happens.
If they end up not really being friends, they can be enemies. Imogen is lacking in them.

Okay, Thank you.


Anyone else?

I can offer Tyson, as a friend/ partner in crime/ future relationship.
They could be together for a while, but then towards the end of school, they could split? Tyson also has somebody to end up with eventually too :)

They've already met, I think, so we would have something to build on :)
What do you think?

Oooh, a mentor. I never thought of that.
Imogen would like a mentor, and she'd easily look up to Kat, since she is a Prefect.
Would you like me to start a topic, or would you like to?

Tyson ~ Sounds good. They have met once or twice, can't remember. So maybe it can be a friendship that develops, and they get together for a brief period of time, later down the line? And when they break up, they can go back to being friends/partners in crime.
Would you like me to start a topic or would you like to?


Well, I have a topic in the student lounge you could join, to save you the bother.
Lily Fossil said:

Shall we RP, and see what happens.
If they end up not really being friends, they can be enemies. Imogen is lacking in them.
Enemies are non-existent on Tony's radar. He will ignore them until they explode. xD :)

The only way to get to him is to hurt Amy, and she isn't here.

We could give something a go. I need to open him up a bit.
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