Liz looked up from her papers. "Alright! Since we're missing Pungahn, I'll pair up with Courtney!"
She grinned. "Alright, now that you've chosen your partners, we're going to switch them around a bit. The new partners will be Kiera and Sophia, Ford and Courtney, and myself with Caysi. Pungahn will step in for me once she arrives"
Liz nodded towards the pitch. "We're going to be doing some trust-gaining exercises with our partners. The reason I had you choose your own, was so I knew who not to pair you with. We need to gain trust in those that we don't know so well yet."
"The exercise is as follows- both of the two partners will fly around the pitch. One of them will have to close their eyes." she looked at each team mate in turn. "It's up to their partner to prevent them from crashing at all costs."
Liz smiled. "So! Go ahead and start on that! We'll fly in height increments of 25 feet, to avoid any sort of collision. Kiera and Sophia will be slying 25 feet above the pitch. Ford and Courtney, 50 feet. Caysi and myself, at 75."