Tēnā koutou!

Emma Elfeirr

Active Member
OOC First Name
Tāne Mahuta wood 9 1/2" Essence of Abaia fin
That's Māori for you! It just means hello when you're talking to a group of people. :)

Boy, the emoticons here sure are something, aren't they?

Anyway, hi, I'm new. Er, no, my name's actually Elizabeth, not new. But you knew that, didn't you? I work in the non-profit sector as the Artistic Director of an arts company in my hometown. Artistic Director is just another word for overworked pack mule, really, but I enjoy it. I'm our resident script writer, run the publishing house, direct the plays, organise the adult performance troupe, and am starting college in a month. It'll be nice to be a kid again every once in awhile. (I thought about looking into being some kind of professor because I used to teach on all the forums I was on, but seriously? Do I REALLY need more students? Jeeze, no.)

So hi! I'm excited to start escaping to New Zealand!
Hi Elizabeth ! Welcome :)
Hi there, Elizabeth! :) Welcome to HNZ! Thanks for the translation of the Māori. xD I suspected it'd mean something like 'Hello' but I really didn't have the slightest.

Thanks for giving us that little glimpse in to your life. ^_^ That's pretty sweet that you're so involved in the arts community. Writer, director, stage manager all in one?! Well, stage managers are likely the most under-appreciated people in theatre. Them, or grips. I'm not sure which. :lol: I'm sure your troupe appreciates you loads, though. :)

Mind if I ask what you're going in to for school?

I'm Nick. I live in Canada and am starting University next month. :) (Double Majoring BA[H] - English Literature & Drama)
I'm an admin here, and would be more than happy to answer any of your questions or concerns, if you have any, as they spring up. ^_^ My PM inbox is always open.

So0o0o0o0 welcome to HNZ, once again, and I'll see you around!

(And yes, we're quite peleased with our emoticons. :cool: )
Our emoticons are green, it scares me slightly. :r
Although, the best out of all of the emoticons would have to be :jesse:

Hello Elizabeth, and welcome to HNZ. My name is Jesse, the sites most coolest member. ;)
I'm also Australian, so I'm right next door to New Zealand! :woot:
I hope you enjoy your time here, it'd be near-impossible not to. Most, if not all of the members here are friendly and we're all like one big family.

If you ever feel like chatting, you can find our OOC Discussions here - http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7322928/1/
Jesse, you should really stop lying to the new people.
I counted three outright lies in your post and at least two fibs. :r
(Who thinks they can discover them?! Screencap Jesse's post and circle the lies/fibs. There might be a prize in it for you. xD )
Wow, thanks for all the welcoming!

I love my job, I love my students, and I love being an over worked pack mule. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I haven't decided my major just yet, but I'm pretty determined to get into USC. I'm between Film (this was what I first wanted to go to USC for), Business, and Architecture. Probably Business, since I figure I'll be running the business side of my company indefinitely.

Lies/fibs: The emoticons aren't green, the best emoticon is actually :woot: , Jesse isn't the most coolest member, it's "impossible" not "near-impossible", and, uh, maybe Jesse isn't Australian? I know, I know, screencap. Oh well.
Welcome Elizabeth!!

I really like that name. My daughter is an Elizabeth. Do you go by Elizabeth or some other sort of nickname? My darling goes mostly by Lizzie now, but has picked up the nickname of Lizard. xD

So, USC for film? That is awesome! I was a radio/tv/film major myself. Loved the work but the jobs were not really great for family life. Oh, well.

OH, and the biggest lie Jesse told was not that he is the most awesome member on the site, but the best emoticon. It really is :nick:
I've had Liz, Lizard, Gila (or Gila Monster), Lizzy/Lizzie, Elle/L., Beth, Betty, and anything else you can possibly think of, but I always tell people to just use Elizabeth.

Yeah, I can definitely see how it's not exactly the best career path for having a family; even just doing local theatre work, I easily go a week or more at a time without any contact with my family. Obviously, I'll just have to marry someone who doesn't mind living on set/in the theatre for weeks at a time and bring my kids along for the fun.
Welcome to HNZ, Elizabeth. We're always glad to see a new face (or member, rather :lol: ) around here.

The job you have sounds like a lot of work, but at least you're not bored, right? :D

I'm going to college in the fall, too. Sounds like you will have an interesting major. Do you want to be a director/producer or something else? ^_^

Feel free to call me Amanda (or Manders, or Mandrake, or whatever curse word they're all calling me these days. :tut: )
First of all, I'd like to thank you for joining and Welcome to HNZ. :) I'm glad you joined up with us and are about to explore the limitless amount of fun we have here at HNZ. :D There are many things you can do right now, such as starting new RP's, posting in the development forum to find people to RP with, make new friend's, and one of the best things we have around here, our [Spam] topic. Hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions, I'd be more than willing to give you a tour of HNZ if you'd like. Contacting the Adminitrators Nicolas King may be a good idea if you are not sure about something as well.

Also, did I mention welcome to HNZ? :wub: :wub:
Haaaaaai! Another Kiwi!

Tēnā koutou, ko Olivia ahau. I'm from the 'deep south' (Dunedin, actually :r ) and I'm in year 11 at school (fifth form.)

I bet you'll love it here on HNZ. The company is incredibly epic :D everyone's so nice and yeah. Meeep!

The biggest lie that Jesse told was that the coolest emote is :jesse: , it's ACTUALLY :frantics: . We all have completely different opinions on what's cooler, but meh. Who cares.

SOsososososoSOOOOOOOO glad to see another Kiwi online here, hope you enjoy the ride! *mimes starting up a car*

Oh and also. WHOOOOAAAAAAAAAA you're a drama-people!!! I officially :wub: you (in a non-creepy way).

Well, nice to meet you, and I hope to see you visit our spam topic,

Olivia :hug:
Hey, fellow Lizzy! :woot:
I also have the full name of Elizabeth, but stick with Lizzy. ^_^
Also a fellow New Zealander! :woot:

Hogwarts New Zealand really is the best RPing site around, especially artistic peoples, which you seem to be. Pack mule. :r << By the way that is the best emoticon, don't listen to the others.
Enjoy yourself around here, there's plenty to do and get involved in.

If you ever need anything or have a question, don't be afraid to ask! ^_^
Amanda: Definitely not bored, no. My career path is probably going to end up including a lot of directing, but there are a lot of other things I'll be doing too, I'm sure. Overworked pack mule.

Hamza: Thanks! I've thus far found my way around pretty well, but I'll be sure to ask questions if I have any.

Olivia: Sadly, I don't live in New Zealand; I'm actually in Los Angeles right now. But I AM most definitely a drama-people, always and forever. ^_^

Lizzy: Like I told Olivia, I'm frolicking around in the States right now, not enjoying wonderful New Zealand. But give me a few years; I'll get myself to New Zealand, butchering up te reo Māori along the way!

I still say :woot: is the best emoticon. It's my overworked pack mule face, see? :woot:

Not everybody Is kind. Look at me, for instance?

Hi Elizabeth :D Ima call you Beth just to confuse everyone -Evil grin-

Welcome to the site! Hope you have loadsa fun here :)
you can't call her Beth we already have a Beth!! :o

xD Hey Elizabeth, welcome to our whacky and wonderful site. Glad to see you're finding your way around the board nicely. Alot of work has gone into making this site as awesome as it is. Nick puts blood, sweat and tears in to it and the rest of us sit back and applaud his efforts xD I keed of course, we all do our part which is why our site has lasted as long as it has. We are a great community of absolute nut cases! (some are actually certified :r not naming names but they know who they are )

Hope you have a great time here


ps the best emoticon is my one ... :linda:
Oh dear, look what I did! I joined up, got excited, and then chased butterflies and completely forgot to come back. Actually, I got whisked up in all sorts of crazy adventures, and am still caught up in them for the next, say, lifetime or so, but I am here now! Hopefully.

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