Studying notes

Harri laughed as well quickly turning it into a cough as she saw other people studying there, "Well everything really, when I'm homesick I daydream of home and admittedly yes sometime I daydream of boys! But who doesn't!" she said grinning "You have to admit you do too, don't you?" she asked grinning.
Zazuka put on a mock sturn face. "That's where you have it wrong madam. I don't day dream of boys and daydream of a boy a singuler boy." She said then bit her lip. It was very hard to keep a stright face when she had nothing to keep a stright face over.
Harri kept her face equally straight "Ahhh yes Mr.Brian of Ravenclaw. I'm sure he's the only one in your daydreams!" she said fighting back a smile.
Zazuka put her hands on her cheeks and leaned over on the table. "Ahhh yes my white knight." She said with a sigh. "Though it never hurts to stray from one's dreams no?" She asked. She meant that she had looked at other boys and thought them hadsom but that was all.
Harri's face broke into a smile "And he doesn't know you like him?" she asked.
Zazuka sighed. "He doen't have a clue which is surpising because he is usually so smart." She said looking down. "He almost found out once though it was one of th most imbressing nights of my life that that's saying something." She said. Zazuka, who was always triping, bumping into things, crushing somthing delicut, spilling food on someone, was never more mortifide than when Brian almost read her journal.
Harri smiled sympathetically "What happened?" she asked softly.
Zazuka shook her head. "I left my journal on a side table. I can say this for Jinx though he tryed to protect it by laying on it." She said happely. "Luckaly it was turned to page where I had placed a picture so he thought it was a scrapbook." She said. That was not exsactly what happened but she thought it would make for a better story.
Harri smiled "So he didn't find out then?" she asked slightly confused, she thought Zuka had said that he had nearly found out.
Zazuka shook her head. "I took the journal back before he could look at any more of it. Thank goodness too." She said with a sigh.
Harri smiled "And you sure he has no idea?" she asked, "Ever thought of just telling him, or even just hinting?" she asked.
Zazuka shook her head really fast. "Are you insaine? Look at me I'm not exsatly a hottie persay that and I'm sure that he sees me as nothing more than a sister." She said placing her head on the table. Zazuka liked him so much but she was sure he would never feel the same for her.
Harri's mouth fell open "Don't be so down on yourself Zuka. You are pretty and you have a great personality!" she said smiling warmly at her friend. "You could just subtely hint you know, nothing drastic?" she said quietly, "I mean it couldn't hurt, could it?" she asked.
Zauzka thought about it. Could he really decypher clues that she drops? "It couldn't hurt. I guess though there is another complecation. I know of atleast two other girls that like him. If I do somehow manage to make Brian look beond the giant glasses I may become public enemy number one in thier eyes. Thier both my friends." She said with a sigh.
Harri half smiled "Who are they? If their your friends then you shouldn't become public enemy number one should you?" she asked.
Zazuka looked down at the table. "It think your right about the enemy thing. One of them I can't tell you because she had swarn me to secrecy but the other I think is Kailey. I her looking at him with mist in her eyes once. But that could be over by now." She said with a sigh. Zazuka often watched the people around her and made her conclutions. Usually she was right.
Harri smiled "okay!" she said "Well you never know unless you ask, you could maybe just start talking about it in a casual way?" she said smiling, "Kaileys nice enough I doubt she'd be mad!" she said confidently.
Zazuka laughed. "I do that. Brian and I are close friends but I want him to see me as more than a friend." She said honestly.
Harri smiled "Maybe he does."Harri said "How long have you liked him for?" she asked out of interest.
Zazuka thought about it. "Sense the beggining of the year even before then. I don't know, I mean it not like I fall for every cute guy I see, I've been around cute guys and not so much as stuttered but the first time I met Brian it was like... I don't know." She said words failing her though because of all she's read she a rather advanced vocabulary.
Harri smiled, she was a sucker for a romance. "Thats really sweet," she said truthfully "Doesn't he notice or anything?" Harri asked sure he must have some clue. "Boys ehh?" she said laughing.
Zazuka sighed and placed her head on the table. "Not a clue. Eather that or he's making like he doesn't know eather which way it's surpisingly dence of him." She said with a sigh.
Harri smiled "Lifes tough isn't it?" she said sighing slightly "Boys can be kinda dense though can't they on these matters!" she said laughing.
Zauzka laughed as well. "Your right but then again boys are dence by nature. I just happen to have a crush on a smarter one." She said brightly. "Are you crushing on any one at the moment now that valentines is not but a distent memeory that is." She said little to fast.
Harri laughed "But that just proves even the smarter ones still aren't smart enough!" she said grinning. She blushed slightly before answering Zukas question "Actually yes!" she said pausing before continuing "His names Kevin. Kevin Finnigan and I met him ages ago actually at a muggle camp.." she trailled off into a train of thought before continuing "And we recently met up again and well, we kissed and he kinda asked me out!" she said happily.

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