Studying notes

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka had all of her school books infront of her and some that provided additonal information on the subjects she was sure would be on exsames. To block out the rest of the world she had her ear buds in her ears and the magical music device reapeting one of her new fevoret songs though the lyrics where nonsencical to her. "You wonder who I know I inspire." Zazuka whispered to herself as she skimmed over a passage she had read so many times before. She wanted to make sure that she had everything memorised. Not a detile missed and she would have one of the highest marks. Not that she wanted to beat everybody out. She was working this had for another reson completly but still working unbelielvely hard to get top marks.
Harri skidded to a holt infront of the libary, she had only visited when she was doing homework but thought this would be the best place to come and revise for exams. She walked in quietly her satchel bumping against her legs in a steady rhythm. It was very quite in here and she lost concentration for a moment and appeared to trip over her own feet. This was unlike Harri, being a gymnast meant that she was more graceful then clumsy, she fell flat on her face she quickly stood up embarrassed "Erm sorry guys!" she called, though to no one in particular. She blushed visciously she walked over to one of the tables her head down. She looked up and saw someone else was occupying the table "Hey Zuka!" she said, her cheeks still read from blushing "Mind if I join you?" she whispered pulling out her study materials.
At that moment "Now, with a walk like mine, I'm a big presence
So make your move real slow my mind's a weapon." came out airly from behind her notes. It took Zazuka a minute to even notice that someone was there so when she finally did it made her blush. "Oh I'm sorry how long have you been standing there Harri?" She asked while removing the buds from her ears. Zazuka could usully tell when someone was there even with her ears and eyes blocked.
"Oh not long!" she said feeling her face returning to normal colour, she was glad Zuka hadn't seen her fall. "So is it okay if I sit with you? I won't disturb you if you'd rather be alone!" she added quickly, so as not to put any pressure on her.
Zazuka shook her head. "Go right ahead I'm just regoing over what I know I know. Better safe than sorry right?" She said with a bright smile. Zazuka gestered over to a seat to tell her it was open for her to take if her wanted to.
Harri grinned and sat down "Thanks Zuka!" she said happily. "Yeah I know what you mean, I'm sure I know most of this stuff but I just need to go over it again!" she said and anxious smile creeping across her face.
Zazuka sighed. "If where this willing to prepare for first year final exsams imagen us right before our O.W.L's." Zazuka said thining about it alittle bit. She hoped by then she would have found a way to fix her eyes. Or at least spot glasses that where not quite so big.
Harri grimaced "Don't!" she said and laughed weakly "Gosh I think I'll be so anxious and nervous! I can't even bear to think about it!" she sighed and shuddered. "I'm nervous enough as it is!" she said shuffling through her notes.
Zazuka smiled softly. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll do well in everything. I'm just hoping I do well in Porions. I've gotten high marks on all my homework but I'm still not sure about it. I need it to become a healer anyway." Zazuka said all to fast. Zazuka looked at Harri the put her hands over her mouth. "Opps sorry I didn't mean to make more nervace." She said looking down at her shoes.
Harri laughed then remembered they were in the libary and stopped quickly "Oh thats okay!" she whispered "I'll deal with it!" she said giggling quietly. "Wow you want to become a healar? that sounds great! What marks do you need?" she asked, geniuenly interested.
Zazuka sighed. "E's at least but my goal for next year will be all O's. I'm sure I can do it if I get over my enate fear of Professor Loyd." She said with a small sigh. Zazuka shook her head. She wasn't sure she didn't like the Charms professor but she just didn't.
Harri shuddered "He is so scary!" she said, she hadn't realised anyone else felt that way "Kinda cute. But seriously scary! I don't know why cause I really like the lesson and everything but him." she shuddered.
Zazuka suddenly got a sturn look on her frekled face. "As a Ravenclaw I refuse to talk about a Professor in such a way." She said quickly. Then sliped into a smile. "But as a girl, I have it from a very reliable sorce that he may have a thing for the Runes Professor so I wouldn't feel to bad that you think he's handsome. It could be because he seems to injoy making us students misrable that I fear him. Do you notice that he tendes to sort of bark if he wants the class to be quiet or growl at times if he's angry?" She asked in a dreamy sort of voice. She often made observarions about people like that.
Harri laughed quietly "As a Ravenclaw?" she muttered laughing and shaking her head "Really the Runes professor?" she whispered laughing "I know I think thats scary. Makes me jump. Alot!" she said laughing.
Zazuka nodded. "I think her name is Professor Waiss or something like that I've never met her but she has to be something special if she doesn't fear Professor Loyd." She said brightly. "Yes a Ravenclaw must be respectful to her superiors at all times or at least that's the way I see it. Besides it was a joke." She said laughing into her hand.
Harri laughed "Well I suppose it's good you have your morals!" she said laughing fully aware that it had been a bit of a joke. "Yeah she must be. I think he's really scary! So whats your favorite subject then?" she asked looking at the notes spread across the table.
Zazuka thought about it a little bit. "We the easyes subjet for me is Trasfigurations but I like Herbology the best." Zazuka said with a bright smile. "What's your's?" She asked at the end.
"I love transifguration!" she whispered smiling "But I also like potions and DADA alot!" she added "Got a worst subject?" she asked.
"Charms?" Zazuka said unsure of herself. "I would say flying but I'm pretty good at it. The only reson I got an A was bacause I ran out of allergy medecen so I was out for a long time." She said with a sigh. Being sick like that put a damper on her whole grade point avrage. "Do you have a worst subject?" She asked.
"Well thats a coincedence actually! I loved flying but I missed so many lessons! I got an O in my actual exam but got a bad overall mark!" she sighed, she was so disappionted with herself "I think it would have to be History of magic though fingers crossed I'll keep getting hte same good marks!" she siad laughing.
Zazuka alughed into her hand. "Hey if you need any help with it I almost always do pretty good in that subjet." She said with a bright smile. Zazuka liked the fact that she could help in something.
"Really that would be great!" she said a little loduer, then realised and went quicker "I'm really bad with dates. Do you know like what year the Salem Witch trials were and stuff?" she asked.
Zazuka thought about it alittle bit. "What year I don't remember what happened that I do remember. Then again who really remembers dates anyway most of what sticks is the events." She said matterafactaly.
"Oh good!" Harri sighed "I know most of what happened, Would you mind running through the Merlin stuff with me though?" she asked hoping Zuka would be able to help her with this. She hadn't really been paying the best attention to this lesson.
Zazuka nodded. "Of course, what do you need help with in that department?" She asked as she put down her own notes. Those she could run over later.

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