Studying notes

Zazuka laughed softly. "But no one other than me loves him better than I do." She said then took out a spare quill. She passed it past his nose then up out of reach so he could chaise it.
Harri smiled "I'm sure!" she said warmly, "Is he quite young?" she asked seeing how playful he was.
Zazuka nodded. "Yes. He just turned a year old this month. I got him when he was three months of age." She said while sliding the quill over to her. "Get it before Jinx does." She said. Jinx pounced twords it like it as if it where alive.
Harri smiled "Well it's clear he loves you alot!"she said smiling, then quickly grabbed the quill and fluttered it high in the air hoping he would jump for it.
Jinx did jump for the feather quill and Zazuka smiled. "Nice catch." She said as she watched Jinx finally manage to get his claw on the quill and tucked it into mouth before jumping down off the table. He wasn't going anywhere we was just making off with the prize. "Luckaly I got a fifty pack earlyer in the year." Zazuka said with a sigh. She fixed her glasses on her face again.
Harri smiled "Sorry about your quill!" she said quickly, she smiled as the cat ran off with the feather "Erm is he okay to like eat that?" she asked, looking at the cat.
Zazuka laughed. "If he where going to eat it I would be worryed. Ne he's going to bat it around until he gets bored then leave it somewhere for me to find. I'll probobly be find it under my chair when I leave." She said. Sure enough there where sounds of light scraping coming from under the table.
Harri laughed "Smart cat!" she said smiling "I was thinking of getting a pet to bring here, What do you think would be best?" she asked, interested to get her friends opinion.
Zazuka looked up while thinking for a bit. "I would say you get an owl but it's intresting to see what cats do. There was a note on the letter that people could bring toads to school but I haven't seen any." She said in a somewhat dreamy voice.
Harri nodded "Yeah owls are a bit boring! Cat's are intersting and sweet!" she said weighing up the options, her face cringed "Ewww toads! there all slimey and horrible!" she said laughing at how girly her voice sounded.
Zazuka sighed. "Most people would agree with you about the toad. Owls can be very usful pets as far as I have seen. But if you want a cat I can help you pick one out so when it comes time to buy or adopt it you can just go in and tell the person what you want." She said brightly.
"I suppose owls are useful! But there's loads here at school anyway!" Harri said "Really? That would be great! I need all the help I can get!" she said laughing, "The only thing is i have to make sure it will be okay with me dog!" she siad.
Zazuka got up and looked around that the shelves. "Ah I think this one will do, A guide to cats." She said and took it down. She placed it on the table and opened it. "This should tell you about the diffrent types of cats and thier teperments." She said brightly. "Maybe you can take your dog with you so he can choose as well who he will get along with.
Harri smiled "That sounds good!" she said glancing at the book "I think that would be a good idea, they have to get along!" she said, Bruce was her number one priority "I want one thats sweet, playfully and cute!" she said trying to imagine her ideal cat.
Zazuka looked at the book too. "A British Shorthair looks like it could be a good match. It's both cuddly and playful but it does look a bit weird." She said looking at the picture.
Harri smiled "Hmm yeah I'm not keen on its face." she said looking at the picture,"I really like the ginger cats, do you know what breed they are?" she asked, thinking about the cat in her head.
Zazuka shook her head. "You could probobly look up the color and get a result." She said looking up at the cilling. It was her habit when she was thinking.
Harri smiled "Yeah I think I'll do that! Maybe when I get a cat it and Jinx could be friends!" she said excitedly, following Zukas gaze at the celing "Whatcha looking at?" she asked trying to see if there was anything up there.
Zazuka looked back down and laughed into her hand. "I do that when I think sometimes. It seems like I'm looking at the inside of my brain doesn't it?" She asked with a laugh.
Harri smiled "It does indeed!" she said laughing "I'm guessing you think alot then?" she asked "What were you thinking about out of interest?" she asked.
Zazuka smiled alittle. She asked for it. "Well was thinking of the colors that cats come in a that lead me to thinking about what would happen if anyone saw a purple cat. Not one that's been dyed but an cat that was born with purple fur and then it came to mind that if a cat could be born with purple fur then other animals could be born with purple fur then that lead to what if there could be an entire zoo filled with animals that where born the wronge color like blue and red and things like that." She said leading Harri down her train of though.
Harri smiled "Well that would be amazing! Wouldn't it?" she said laughing.
Zazuka nodded. "Well that what I could keep track of. Really things like that are going though my head all the time. I guess that's why I always seem to space out. Even when I don't want to." She said with a bright smile.
Harri smiled "don't worry I'm always day dreaming!" she siad laughing.
Zazuka laughed into her hand so as not to distureb anyone else. "Of what do you daydream? And let it be known that I will find a way to pick on you if you say boys." She said the last bit as a joke.

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