Start of Year Feast!

Ava King

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Professor Ava King joined in as the Great Hall filled with cheers and claps, welcoming the new students to each of their houses. Sorting was such an exciting time but Ava bet that many of the first years were relieved that it was over and they now knew where they would be for the next seven years. She remembered fondly back to her sorting day, though Hogwarts New Zealand didn't exist at that time; which was a scary thought and not one that she'd share willingly with everyone.
After the Hall quietened down slightly, Ava removed the sorting stool and hat, not wanting to deny the young witches and wizards of their feast any longer than needed. Approaching the podium, a silence fell over the Hall. "Before we begin the amazing feast that has been prepared for you all, I have a couple more things to say. I am Professor Ava King, and I am the Headmistress - as some of you may know. Our Deputy is Professor Elvera Le Fey, and if you don't know your head of house, you will get to meet them soon." Ava said, smiling.
Ava looked at the students, feeling her own stomach grumbling. Sorting had, of course, taken awhile and it was time to wrap things up knowing that the young student's stomachs were probably way more empty than her own. "I hope you have all emptied your brains and are ready for a year of learning - keep out of trouble, but have fun! And now, we eat." Ava grinned at the Hall as the plates filled with food. Ava swiftly made her way back to her seat before filling her plate with some food and turning to the Professors next to her and began chatting.

OOCOut of Character:
Students and Professors are welcome and encouraged to post here ^_^
Please remember that this topic takes place after the sorting, so before all the crazy OSW!
James sat near the bottom of the Gryffindor table where most of the new first years seemed to be sitting. A couple had moved further up to sit amongst people they already knew, but most were clustered around him. It made him feel slightly important as he hushed a couple of nattering students to listen to Professor King. He hadn't properly met any of the new kids, and letting them talk over the Headmistress wasn't the best way to get the introductions over with. Settling down himself, he listened attentively to the thankfully short speech, noting the command to keep out of trouble. He sincerely hoped that this would be the case, but the new ones already seemed more boisterous than last year. He crossed his fingers under the table. Soon the tables were full of food, sent up by the House Elves in the kitchen, and he began to tuck in, thinking that talking to the first years could wait until the Gryffindor House meeting.
Amy sat happily at the Hufflepuff table, listening carefully to the Headmistress. Some from her year she recognised were talking in hushed whispers excitedly. She fought the urge to talk herself; she knew it was disrespectful of them to talk over the Headmistress. Instead she ignored them and gasped in delight once the short speech had been given and all sorts of food appeared on the table. Literally everything. She wondered how the House Elves could cook so much food! Well at least she had heard that House Elves prepared all this food for them. She was grateful. Her stomach was grumbling and she started serving herself.
Avie had arrived back at Hogwarts feeling decidedly strange, and not just his usual strange but really strange. Nothing had felt right at home, his family finally realised that he now knew about his mother and had managed to notice the difference between that and when they had just assumed he'd known. It had been strange for Avie, he'd spent hours just sat in his mother's old room, it had been left untouched since she'd died, a thin layer of dust coated everything. He had spent time with his old friends, who'd all grown up, unwilling to spend the time with him doing what they'd used to do. Looking at Avie with strange expressions and told him that they were sorry about what happened, in the end Avie had spent most of his time with his now old family dog who could barely keep up with him. The nights where Avie would lie awake listening to the snores of his cousins, the dog would snuggle up next to him, and Avie would just curl into him, enjoying the comfort. He'd more than once buried his head into the dog's fur and just cried his eyes out, because of how much he missed his mother. His aunt and uncle had taken him to the where his mother now was, or well, they'd said that, and he'd gotten so excited thinking he might just see her again, but all he'd actually seen was a stone with some writing on it. It hadn't been what he'd wanted, and not exactly what he'd wanted to see, to think that his mother was so close but she wasn't alive with him to tell him everything was going to be okay like she'd done when she'd been alive and he'd been young had been hard. He'd gone about things at home as he'd normally did, but his cousins didn't play with him, and his aunt and uncle didn't even scream at him once, they'd even sat with him and explained the letter he'd gotten from the school close to the end of the holiday.

Prefect. A prefect, that was what he was, not that he really knew what that was, he'd seen them before, people older than him but he hadn't paid attention to them. Now he was one of them, and he didn't know what it entailed, or what he would have to do for it. He didn't like the idea of having responsibilities, hell, he could barely even say that word. But, his aunt and uncle had sat with him, explained the letter and even bought him a book about prefects, given it to him as he'd left for Hogwarts, but all Avie had done was stare at it, because it wasn't like he could read it. He had it under his pillow, he wanted to ask Lucien to help him with it, to read it to him but he didn't think the other boy would want to do that since he had a reputation to maintain and the other boys in the dorm would likely laugh at them. Avie wouldn't mind, but sometimes he got the impression that Lucien did mind, that he minded when Avie didn't understand things and he was forced to explain it. The only good which had happened was that now Avie knew that his hugs had worked, no matter how much Styx said otherwise, he loved him. Avie had always known that Professor Styx would one day bend and decide to love Avie as Avie loved him, and it brought him the greatest amount of joy to see the man once again sat at the top table with the other professor's. The slytherin boy was determined this term, that he would learn to read, or the basics, so that he wouldn't have to rely on his best friend to read it to him, so that he could do his mother proud, do Styx proud because she had thought he could read, and Styx had put his faith in Avie and he could at least try to leave this school with the ability to read.

The slytherin teen was sitting next to Lucien on the Slytherin table as the sorting ceremony unfolded, just staring ahead at the students being sorted, clapping loudly for all those in Slytherin with the rest of his house. He was so happy to be back at school, his home didn't feel the same without his mother, this place felt like home, his friends were his family, and in the moment the food appeared, the teen washed all his thoughts away and he just started filling his plate with all the food he could, "Lucien, pass me the bread!" he asked him nudging him lightly waiting for him to pass it to him.

i did not keep this brief like i thought i would...
"Holy..." I whisper as the food appears on the table. Appears. It wasn't served by anybody. No one brought food out to the tables. No. It just quite literally appeared. "Am I in heaven?" I mumble to myself as I stare at all the food.

This is a feast if I ever saw one. There are all kinds of food filling the long table almost so much that our own plates barely fit. I realize that hands are grabbing at the food from all different directions now, and I need to grab some for myself before it's all gone. If that's even possible. Maybe they're never ending plates that just get refilled as soon as they're empty. That really would be heaven.

For the first few minutes, I just stare at my plate as I stuff my face, but then I start slowing down as my stomach starts to feel the weight of all the food. I look up and down the table full of students. Everyone seems really happy. It's easy to pick out the other first years, though, because their happiness has a slight twinge of horrible, terrible fear. Or maybe they're just the other muggleborns. The magic food, the magic ceiling, the funny clothes, the talk of transfiguration and spells and werewolves... It's probably the biggest culture shock you could ever experience. Especially when you remember that this is all real and not just a bunch of nerds talking about books and movies and pretending it's real.

I'm not so sure I really believe it all myself yet.
Slytherin. Of all houses to be placed into, Kimmyeon had followed her mother and cousins footsteps by being placed in the house of snakes. She was not best pleased, as she knew what a reputation would do to her. It would be more difficult for her to remain inconspicuous, nevertheless Kimmyeon vowed she would do the best she could.

As she took a seat at the Slytherin table, she glanced upwards to see the students she would be spending the next few years with at least. Luckily no one seemed to be bothered by her, and most were enjoying the massive piles of food in front of their face. Who could eat at a time like this, she considered, grabbing a notebook from out her bag. Clearing a small space on the table in front of her, Kimmyeon began to make notes on the students around her. Just basic ones - Appearance, estimated age, and names should she hear it. It would be a good starting guide.

She took a moment to observe her surrounding, looking across the tables to the other houses. Everyone looked so happy. Kimmyeon had grown up with magic her whole life, and was unable to understand why perhaps muggle borns would be so excited. In all honesty, Kimmyeon was incredibly overwhelmed with the number of people she was forced to bond with, as she was doing her best to be ignored. Closing her notebook she hid behind her hair, her dark eyes constantly scanning the crowd for anything she could use later.
Maddie was proudly sat at the huge Gryffindor table at the bottom end with the rest of the first year Gryffindors and someone who looked a lot older than the others. She guessed he was a prefect or someone like that. It was nice to have an older student near who had been through all of this before. She couldn't believe she had been sorted into Gryffindor house, it was a dream come true. She hoped she would make good friends here at Hogwarts, be that people in her own house or in the others. Maddie didn't believe the prejudices of the other houses. As long as they were a good person it didn't matter about the house they were in. She just wanted to have fun. Learn things obviously but enjoy herself at the same time.

Soon the headmistress had ended her speech "Does she really think people are going to stay out of trouble?" Maddie thought to herself. It was the first time many people had been away from their parents so there would inevitably be times of rebellious behaviour, herself included.

Suddenly the table in front of her was filled with food. All kinds! Maddie put one pumpkin pasty on her plate to start, it would be a long evening of eating and she would have to pace herself.

Silus sat at Ravenclaw table, smirking to himself. He had already gotten 30 points deducted from the Sapphire house, and knew the other members were probably not too pleased with having him in there. He didn't like being in Ravenclaw either. To him, it was a house of painlfully awkward bookworms and that was something Silus never was or would ever be. He glanced enviously at the Slytherin table with a jealous sneer.

The food however, broke his focus, and he began greedily snatching whatever was on the table and scarfing it down, not caring about the stares he was probably getting. Hey, he was hungry and this was da** good food. At least he closed his mouth when he chewed. He shot one last glance at the table donned in emerald and silver before grabbing something out of the hand of another student and scoffing it down. Yum..
Alana barely paid attention to the sorting ceremony. When her housemates clapped, she joined in and when they didn't, she sat with her head down as she thought. Her holiday had been awful, filled with arguments with her father and slamming doors. The teenager had never been so thrilled to be back at school, not even bothering to say goodbye to her father and only giving her mother a quick glare as she stalked out behind Lorin. Now, she could see why he felt the way he did about their parents. They were dictators, and Alana would not have her life dictated.

She'd come up with a plan to get this engagement called off, and she'd do it without her parents. She'd do it without seeing Chaos either. Alana figured that if all went to plan, her engagement could be called off by the end of the year. Two years tops. Glancing around the table, Alana spotted Hamish Kaster and gave him a tiny wave. He seemed nice, and she hoped he'd had a better vacation than she had. As the Headmistress finished off her speech, Alana reached for the nearest dish, making sure her fingers brushed against the older Slytherin boy who'd also reached for something. With a coy smile, she pulled the bowl towards her and served a portion before pushing it back in his direction.

A huge cheer erupted from the Gryffindor table which put a smile on Hemi's face. He practically skipped to the Gryffindor table and plonked himself down at a setting. There was only one person left to be sorted after Hemi so he didn't have to wait as long as other people to get his food.

On the headmasters word, there was food. Hemi had never seen so much food in his life, and such a varied selection. He started plating with a selection of food and ate. Hemi had not noticed how hungry he was until he started eating.
Chatty Students. Awesome ceiling. Headmistress talking. Wait what? Xio was straighten up and listened to the rest of the Headmistress's speech though she never really comprehended. She knew she had a straight face, all the time but deep inside she was really excited especially with the food. I'm starving.

Right after Xio said that, one by one different foods popped out of nowhere, like literally. Each delicious in its own way. She can't help but say "Am I dead?" Xio can't wait no more and stuffed herself with food, not caring what others might say.

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