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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi smiled as she felt her feet being safely put down in the wonderful country of New Zealand. The blonde was going to do some well needed work and then relax by the ocean. Today it wasn't too cold, so she wore the proper attire for the weather, or something appeasable to just wear for apparation. The green eyed girl smiled at some familar people as she walked through the park that lead her to the cafe/bookstore. The petite blonde was carrying her laptop as well as every file that the world probably had. Today was going to be a stressful day.

She sighed as she opened the door and let herself in. Seeing as it was a Wednesday there weren't that many people there at all. The blonde said hello to everyone that she knew there, being familiar with almost all of them. Caysi ordered herself a coffee and sat down to start doing her work.
Sandokan Bruke walked around, alone as usual. He had sent his niece to a safe place away from this country. He didn't trust most of the people here being any of them could be the one who made his sister betray their father. He walked for a few hours looking for something but he didn't know what. Then he came across a cafe sort of place and entered and sat down at the breakfast bar table and ordered a small coffee to refeul himself. Looking around he noticed few people in the place and was glad of it. Less people to bug him was usually better. He wasn't sure if this was a wizard friendly place but he didn't see any out right magic being usedso he didn't think so.
Caysi looked up from her computer to notice a handsome man sitting across from her but she didn't look at him too long. The blonde could see her coffee ready and simply took her wand and brought it to herself. She took a sip from the cup and placed it down. But she was a bit hungry, the green eyes girl got up from her table and walked over to order a muffin. Walking back, Caysi bumped into the table causing something to fall down from the man's sight. She bent down and picked up the sheet of paper that was placed right beside him. " I'm sorry about that." She said looking at him, her green eyes looking at him up and down.
Sandokan glanced up with blonde hair went by him and listened the women order a muffin at the counter. He felt soemthing bump into his table and turned seeing the women with the blonde hair. "Oh that's quite alright," he stated gently taking the paper from her hands. after living a life taking care of his sister's daughter he knew how to be careful with girls, women, even if he worked hard everyday. He glanced at the paper and found it must have been left by whoever had claimed the spot as theirs before him. He watched as the girl's eyes trailed up and down him and tilted his head slighty at her. "Sandokan Bruke," he said holding out his hands towards her.
Caysi didn't mean to the alarm the man, she smiled at him. " I'm Caysi Finnigan." She said shaking his hand gently. Sandokan might've heard of her from her singing career, or from her world wide real estate business... or simply because her father was Seamus Finnigan. " I hope that I didn't ruin your breakfast." She gave a small smile towards him.
Sandokan smiled at her when she introduced herself. The name was familar but he didn't dabble in much these days being busy with work and taking care of his niece. "Oh it's fine I've been looking for something interesting to happen anyways. My coffee didn't even spill," he added wanting her know she didn't do any harm. She seemed very young and briefly wondered how young she really was.
Caysi smiled. " So have I, working isn't the most interesting thing in the world at the moment." The blonde said, Irish accent flowing out. " Are you from around here?" The witch asked curiously, hopefully he would add what school he went to as well. " You look a bit familair, ever heard of my father Seamus?" Maybe her father did business with him or father.
"Ah, work, I gave myself the day off and ended up here. And I'm sort of from everywhere, don't really have roots anywhere anymore. But I was raised in England if thats means anything to anyone," Sandokan said the young women. She must be out of school to be in the work force but she still looked very young to him, and he must not seem terriblely old to her for she was still there. "I can't say that I have, though you can't trust many people out there, prehaps I have met your father but he could have been under another name or prehaps maybe I was," he said with a wink.
Caysi nodded fully understanding what he meant. " I know what you mean." She smiled at him. " I was raised in Ireland.. but you probably guessed that." Caysi said with a side smile on the corner of her lips. " What school did you go to." Caysi said winking, knowing that he would get what she meant.
Sandokan nodded his head to her. He had seen her wand, she wasn't very careful with it but it seemed this was a magical place afterall. "Hogwarts, had to take the train to that school every year," he said looking at her to see if it rang a bell.
Caysi nodded understanding him. " I didn't go to the England one.. I went to Hogwarts New Zealand here." Caysi smiled happily. " But then I transfered to Durmstrang for my last two years, so I became a tough individual I guess you could say." The blonde laughed, she didn't change much at all, she was still the same sweet girl. Caysi could've sworn that she had seen him before. " So what kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking." Her green eyes watching him.
Sandokan nodded his head to her, the Durmstrang school was suppose to be tough. He wondered why she transfered there but he wasn't one for making deep connections with people, they get broken in the end anyways. "Ah I work for a trading company you could say," he stated with a wink at her . "What about you?" He questioned wondering what a sweet young women who went to Durmstrang would do with her time after graduating.
Caysi nodded, maybe she could see a future with working with Sandokan? " My father gave me his company now that he's getting older," The blonde said, her smile widening. " I do real estate, globally." Caysi's green eyes shimmered. The witch used her wand to close her laptop and put everything in the bag, she was more interested in talking with the man.
Sandokan turned his head slightly to the side, years ago women wouldn't even be considered for the handing down of companies he wondered if she had brothers or not a few seconds before resuming back to the present. "Real Estate really? Do you work with muggles as well?" He asked her wondering if the women was well rounded in all areas of the human species. He watched her put her things away and wondered if she had to leave soon, he hoped not.
Caysi nodded, " I deal with muggles as well as our kind." The young woman said before putting her wand back in her purse, just in case if someone looked thorugh the windows. " I've been doing that ever since I got out of the 'tough school'." Caysi said, giving a little laugh. " It's just been so busy at the office right now, I could totally use a partner." The blonde nodded, rubbing her forehead. Caysi could feel a headache from even looking at her work, or thinking about that darn office.
"Interesting," Sandokan said thinking on how her buisness must run having to deal with muggles, most likely there were muggles working for her of course in the dark. "I would be very interested in seeing how you run such a buisness," he stated leaning on one arm with his hands clasped.

OOCOut of Character: Wohoo
Two Pages already!
The blonde turned off her phone and put it into her bag also, that piece of technology was really bothering her at the moment. " I should show you, and if you're interested, maybe you can help me run it." Caysi said happily, awaiting his answer.
Sandokan looked at the young woman sitting before him. She didn't have any clue who he was or what he did for a living but thinking on it he knew it would be a great cover story if the police ever were saspcious of him for any reason. "You would? I think that would be wonderful, it'd give something to do today," he said matter a factly.
A smile came across Caysi's face, she would finally have some help at the office. " Would you like to join me in going back to the office now? I can show you around and give you a office." The blonde said happily.
Sandokan nodded the blonde he payed for the things he got. "That would be very nice of you. I thank you very much," he said. He stood and held out his hand to help Cassi up from her seat.
Caysi nodded, she was just helping another person out. It was just simply who she was. " Thank you." She said, as she stood up with his help. The blonde swiftly walked across the room and walked out the door with him. " It's just a simple apparation from here." The witch stated as they reached the forest.
Sandokan followed her otuside of the building, wondering where they were exactly going. The forrest seemed like an interesting place to go for apparation but it made since if they were in a muggle town. "Prehaps I had better hold your hand, I don't have any clue where your work is," he said facing her with a smile on his face. Though he was worn down from working outside, and very tan he had always thought himself to be sort of good looking and this women seemed to think so as well.
Caysi was a bit flustered with someone holding her hand, she hadn't had someone hold her hand in quite some time. The blonde put out her hand, ready for him to hold. Once she had felt his grip, she automatically apparated them to her head office in Dublin. " Here we are." Caysi said, opening the door to the large building. " I'd prefer to have the office in Hawaii, but I guess I can't have everything." The blonde laughed, getting up on the elevator. Once the elevator stopped on the third floor, she hopped off. Caysi said hello to her secretary and everyone that she saw infront of her on her way to her office. " Here is my cage." Caysi waved her arms around, showing her somewhat large office. " Would you like your own office or share with me?" She asked smiling.
Sandokan lightly smiled at her as he noticed her flustered motions in her body lanuage. He took her hand and prepared for the dizzying feeling of apparation. He only could hope she was trained well enough and he wouldn't be spliced. "Ah," he said as he looked around once they arrived. "I'm sure you have relastate in Hawaii you could buy out and transfer the buisness there," he said matter of factly. Though it would cause others to be forced to move or lose jobs which wouldn't be fair to them, but he never thought much on moving having gone all over the world multiple times sometimes even taking his niece out of school to travel with him. He looked around her large office, it didn't seem much like a cage though spending many hours in it and not leaving he could see the potential for a cage like building. "Do muggles work in this building as well? And where ever you would prefer to have me, far away in other room so I can't bother you or close up so you can keep your eye on me, which ever is fine."
Caysi nodded, " I could do that.. but many people just like the location here and I really don't want to ruin that." The blonde walked over and took a look from her window, it was a bit high up.. not that she was afraid of heights she could've been on the thirtieth floor for all she cared, all it needed was a nice view. Her green eyes looked back at him, " You can have the office right across from me, same size and I can keep and eye on you." She winked happily at him. " And for your question, only a few, but they are either married to magic folk or are squibs." She said with a smile at the end of her lips. " I'll enjoy doing work with you." The middle, Finnigan child stuck out her hand, for the welcoming handshake.

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