Closed Starlight And Star-Crossed

Ruby Morales

organised | healing
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ignacio) (Bi
2/2009 (53)
Mrs. Morales. Ruby couldn't stop looking down at the rings resting on her finger, or at the man she had just pledged her love to. Before meeting Ignacio, Ruby had never dreamed her life could be like this. She had Vivian, she had her shop, and she was just going to work for the rest of her life, nobody to lean on, nobody to share those days with. Now, though... she had never really seen how empty that life had been until she had started living one that was full. Ignacio had changed absolutely everything in her life, and Ruby couldn't ever see herself going back to those lonely days. Today had just been the final confirmation of the commitment she had already felt in her heart for a long time. The wedding would have come a lot sooner, but the surprise of her pregnancy had brought a second surprise along for the ride, and Ruby hadn't felt up to an entire ceremony while she was carrying twins. The girls were happy and healthy now though, and Ruby looked away from her ring to smile at the sight of Vivian gently dancing with one of his new baby sisters off to the side of the dancefloor. All of the loneliness and the waiting, all of it had been worth it for this perfect moment.

The ceremony had been scarier than Ruby had anticipated, but with the vows and speeches all over and done with, Ruby was looking forward to enjoying the quiet reception fully with the people they loved most. She had gotten her mum to help with the decorating, tiny lights all around the Morales' backyard twinkling brightly as the afternoon crawled on towards evening, creating the perfect, magical atmosphere. There were plenty of tables of food and drink, a wide-open dancefloor, and places to sit and chat, and just enjoy one another's company. Looking around the garden full of people she loved though, there was only one Ruby wanted to spend this perfect day with. "Today is perfect." She said in an undertone, running her hand softly down Ignacio's arm and resting her head on his shoulder for a moment. "I'm so glad..."

((Open to friends/family of Ruby & Ignacio - if you're not sure if your char would be invited, drop me or Anna a PM!))
While Rose was slowly starting to be more and more certain about what she wanted from a career in Herbology and getting more sure of herself in her field, it was still difficult for her to let go of her job at Honeydukes. She had grown fond of the work, the store, and her boss. And today, her boss was getting married. Even though she had grown close to Ruby over the years, she had still been kind of surprised to get an invite. But here she was, wearing a red dress and beaming at the sight of the happiness and love happening in front of her. She was at the wedding on her own, but that didn't really matter to her. Rose hoped she could find someone to hang out with at the party. She noticed Vivian Brackenstall, who she knew was Ruby's son. She knew him because they had been in the same year at Hogwarts, but she also didn't think they had ever really spoken before. She wondered if he thought it was weird that she was here. Rose waited her turn for congratulating the couple, and then headed off to find herself some snacks. She hoped that she could have a fun time here tonight, though she had already enjoyed the ceremony a lot.
It had taken a while for Ignacio and Ruby to finally get married. Despite their short courtship, followed by adopting a cat together and a relatively and quick engagement, the engagement itself was long, their wedding plans delayed by Ruby’s unexpected but welcomed pregnancy, and the also unexpected but very welcomed arrival of their two daughters. But as far as Ignacio was concerned, the wait was worth it, and the wedding itself was a celebration of the love and commitment he had felt for Ruby as soon as he met her. Their vows and marriage were finally complete, the rings on their fingers a symbol of the love and commitment he had felt all along, that was a tie to bring the life and family they had built all together. It was the final step in Ignacio achieving the life he had always wanted but never thought he would have, a celebration of how much Ruby and their family meant to him and it was difficult for Ignacio to keep himself together emotionally, he was so overwhelmed with happiness. He was a brother, a father, and now a husband and all his dreams had finally come true, he couldn’t wait to raise his daughters and grow old with Ruby, the woman who had entirely changed his life.​
Smiling to himself, and feeling himself begin to tear up for the millionth time that day as he swayed to the music, arms wrapped comfortably around Ruby, his wife as they watched their loved ones celebrate, Ignacio couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten, how his trip to Honeydukes all that time ago to buy his mother a gift had led to something so magical. “I’m glad too, I love you.” Ignacio responded to Ruby, chuckling at the sight of Vivian dancing with one of their daughters. “This is worth the wait, to have everyone together.” He mused, before stepping back and stretching. “Care to dance?” Ignacio asked, stepping around to offer his hand to his wife so he could lead her to their makeshift dance floor.​
It was amazing, to finally see Ignacio and Ruby have their wedding after so much time. After the struggles Ignacio had faced early in his life, to see him with someone that truly made him happy, and someone that he was happy enough to start a family with made Pia feel so happy for them. The twins were happy and healthy and now Ruby and Ignacio were married, and things couldn’t get any better, Pia truly wished her older brother and now her sister in law would spend the rest of their lives together. Ruby, and Vivian were such natural additions to the family, Pia couldn’t imagine life without them and was happy to celebrate with them. She was tired after a long working week, but had managed to dress up and curl her hair for the ceremony, and now with it over the reception was underway and Pia, with a glass of red wine in hand, smiled at how beautiful the lights were, especially now that the afternoon was fading into evening. “This is nice, isn’t it?” Pia mused, sipping from her wine and turning to smile at Orwell.​
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The last wedding Amy had attended was her brother's, years ago now. She was excited for another party, and was glad Tobiah was once again there to accompany her. She held his hand during the ceremony, watching it avidly. Ruby was one of her close friends, mostly because they were both shopkeepers of stores in Brightstone. When Amy had started, Ruby had been a great help for her. Amy had been pretty clueless in how to run a whole store, and Ruby's advice had been valuable. Ruby's husband was less familiar to Amy, but everyone could see they were happy together. Once it was time for the reception in the beautifully decorated garden, Amy dragged Tobiah onto the dance floor. She was sure there would be more time to congratulate the couple later, but right now they also seemed to want to dance.
Vivian knew it would have been strange not to feel strange about today, but there seemed to be no escaping the bizarreness of all of this. For so much of his life his family had been small and united; just him, his mum, and his Nana, the three of them against the world. That wasn't the case now; it never would be again. And Vivian was happy about it, he was... his mum was happier than he had ever seen her, and he was adjusting better than he had expected to being an older brother. The twins had been a definite surprise, but babies were surprisingly fun to be around, and Vivian was finding he just didn't mind at all.

Today it all really became official though... his mother was a Morales now. The ceremony had been beautiful if a little uncomfortable for Vivian - the thought that Flavio had become his uncle had been strange enough already before having to walk arm in arm down the aisle with the former Ravenclaw - but now that it was over all there was to do was celebrate, and adjust to this new reality of his life with a bigger family. The twins at least, were a good distraction from having to talk to anyone at this wedding, and Aleja's giggles as Vivian lightly bounced and spun her around was much more fun than the uncomfortable conversations he knew were coming if he crossed paths with Flavio or worse, Kauri. No, better to just enjoy this happy bubble with his baby sisters, and pretend the rest of this party wasn't happening around him. He would congratulate his mum and Ignacio later, once there were less people around them.
As happy as he had been to be invited to go to a wedding with his new flatmate, Kauri was seriously reconsidering the wisdom of his decision to come here. All he had known was that Flavio's older brother was getting married, and it hadn't been until he arrived at the wedding that he realised who Flavio's brother was marrying. Kauri knew there was a conversation long-overdue between him and Vivian about their respective relationships with Tristan Collins, but a wedding definitely wasn't the place to have that conversation. To make matters worse... Kauri had no idea how she was connected to the couple, but Rose was here. Another uncomfortable conversation Kauri very much didn't want to have at a wedding. He had practically glued himself to Flavio's side as soon as they arrived at the reception, hoping he could get through this party by just hanging around Flavio and Marcos, the only familiar people at this wedding who didn't have some kind of grudge against him. He was already on his second glass of wine as he watched the couple heading to the dance floor, more than he would drink under normal circumstances, and his head felt a little swimmy. At least the wedding had been beautiful, and he was happy for the couple, that was certain. "Your brother looks really happy." He commented quietly, leaning closer to Flavio to avoid his voice potentially carrying to Rose or Vivian. Despite the circumstances, Kauri didn't think he would ever stop loving weddings.
Ruby smiled warmly when Ignacio said he loved her, leaning back against him more fully. "I love you too." She whispered, revelling in the warmth of her husband's arms for a long moment. Today couldn't have possibly been any more perfect. She smiled warmly as she watched Vivian and Aleja with Ignacio, nodding in agreement. "I'm so glad we waited for the girls to be born." She said softly, heart warming at how happy Vivian looked in his new role as a big brother. She was sad when Ignacio pulled away, but that sorrow was quickly replaced as he held a hand out to her. "I would love to, my husband." She said warmly, taking Ignacio's hand and crossing to the dancefloor with him. Once they found a space she wound her arms lightly around his neck, leaning close as she started to sway to the music.
Flavio was thankful more than he cared to admit, to have Kauri attend this wedding with him. There was no doubt Flavio was happy for Ignacio, both over the fact his older brother had finally found someone that made him truly happy and someone he was happy to start a family with, as well as happy over the fact Miro now had cousins to bond with. But Flavio alternately felt uncomfortable and awkward about it, realizing Ignacio’s marriage to Ruby meant Vivian was officially his nephew by marriage and it was the worst thing Flavio could imagine, as happy for his brother as he was. Meeting Ruby for the first time when he was in school, and being met with the awkward reality Vivian was her son was one thing, but having it solidified in a marriage, even with their long engagement, was difficult to adjust to. And as if the universe was making things especially humiliating, Flavio had to walk down the isle arm and arm with Vivian like everything was normal, like Vivian wasn’t the person Flavio had shared his awkward first kiss with. The reminder of that fact made Flavio blush, downing the last of the wine in his second glass as he listened to Kauri comment that Ignacio looked happy. “He does.” Flavio responded, nodding his head. He wished he could tell Kauri how uncomfortable he was, but November was the only one who really knew, and who would understand, and Flavio was conflicted whether he should keep it that way. “More wine?” Flavio asked, picking up a new glass for himself and offering one to Kauri as well.​
Sticking as close as possible to Flavio really felt like Kauri's only respite from this party, and he kept his eyes on his flatmate, wanting to avoid risking eye contact with Vivian or Rose as he took another sip from his wine. He had been glad to be invited, he really had, but now that he was actually here, surrounded by people he shared such a fraught history with, Kauri really just wanted to go back home. He couldn't bail on Flavio's brother's wedding though, that would be unspeakably rude. So instead he finished off his second glass of wine, deciding his nerves were rattled enough to throw caution to the wind. "Yeah, yes please." He laughed nervously when Flavio offered him another glass, quickly regretting how fast he had responded. "Sorry. I'm trying really hard to avoid awkward conversations with Vivian or Rose." He confessed in an undertone, glancing around to make sure nobody but Flavio would overhear.
Marcos was so happy for his oldest brother. To have found someone they love and to get married. The ceremony had been beautiful and after moving so far away it was good to see them all. It had been a while, it was as warm here and now as it had been in Norway. he didn't regret moving, things were good for him, he had plenty that he could be around but despite the magic, he didn't often come home. he didn't often bother to come to see his family. He was busy, they were busy, the time zones were difficult and every other excuse, but seeing his brother so happy, seeing his sister and Flavio, he did realise he missed them somewhat. He'd come alone, having thought about inviting Gabriella, but she was busy a lot of the time and he wasn't intending to stay in New Zealand much more than he was supposed to. He admittedly stood a little awkwardly he could speak to Flavio or Pia but they were both busy and he didn't know most of the others. But it was no matter. He could handle it. He took a drink, another drink of beer and just watched with a fond expression. He was happy for them all, and wished in part that he would have the same one day with Gabriella. It would be nice to celebrate like this, or have a son like Flavio did. he didn't feel jealous but wanted the same things for himself.
Orwell had made an effort, it was after all Pia's family and he didn't want to just make a bad impression. He was sure that it would be fine. but he cleaned himself up. Made himself be more presentable. He hadn't dyed his hair many wacky colours and he was keeping it to a dirty blonde which he enjoyed. Adult life was good for him, he was glad Pia had invited him along and seeing her in her beauty in amongst her family had made those feelings he'd had for her just grow. She was beautiful to him, in a way that no one had ever been before. He was to ask...He had a glass of red wine and was sipping it as he marvelled at the beauty of the lights. He looked at Pia as she spoke, smiling with fondness and nodded, "Yeah, if you're into that capitalist stuff...," he joked, "It is nice though, I love the lights. Did they do this all themselves?"
November was happy to come to the Morales wedding. After all things between her and the family could be awkward if they had let it be but November did love Flavio. When he asked her to marry him at the birth of their son November knew it would have been for the wrong reasons. She smiled down at the boy she was holding on her hip. She was proud of how well he had done today at the ceremony. It made her feel a little awkward when she looked around and saw Flavio leaning in close to Kauri. She never asked about any relationships he might be having now but she was glad that she was finally able to move from his place and support herself and Miro for the most part. Looking around she saw Pia and headed over to her favorite Morales family member. "You look beautiful today as ever, doesn't she Miro?" She said coming up to Pia looking down at Miro, who was busy looking over towards the food on display currently.
Flavio picked up a new glass for himself and sipped from it, before handing another to Kauri and clinking their glasses together in a cheers to their mutual feelings of awkwardness. Flavio smiled, nodding at Kauri’s words to show he understood, though Flavio would feel uncomfortable sharing the reason why he understood, at least in the middle of the wedding where he could be overheard and god forbid, his family found out, he was pleased he wasn’t the only one feeling so out of place. “Cheers to that, Kauri.” Flavio said softly. “We can hide behind the tree, if you want.” Flavio suggested half-jokingly, nodding to the tree in the back of the yard. “Though we might look suspicious.” He added, smiling to himself as he sipped more of his wine. Looking away from the tree and to the rest of the party, Flavio noticed Miro trying to reach for the food on the table and waved at him, though the three year old was too distracted by the food to notice.​

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