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Spike wants to have friends. He is a young centaur and he would like to get to know some humans, although he can not leave the forest seeing as if he did then he would be banished from his tribe.
I have a first year whom wouldn't mind having a creature friend; since she's not popular with the Humans. Her name is Angela Marion, she loves animals, and talking, and music. She could be a good friend?
Okay, i'll start it tomarrow.... Oh and this is Angela :D
figured :p ok then I look forward to rping with you. Any other people want to be friends with Spike or any people want to be like a love interest even though that would be super weird.
I have Elvera. to offer up as friends
she enjoys being in he forest and finds it peaceful. she has met the centaurs at least twice before and gets along with them pretty well. and she would probably love having a centaur friend. she is a third year claw and her favorite subjects are runes and divination.
I could try and make it a possible love interest if you want, but i dont know. Elvera seems to be the sort of person who would fall in love with a centaur. if you dont want to then friends is still good. its up to you
Kasey is sixth year but she is sort of dreamy-ish
She has very few scattered human friends so she would be able to find peace with animals
She even works at a pet shop so she's good with animals
But as a prefect she wouldn't come to the forest.
How about we meet at the forest first time and then and you can come to forest edge few times. Once I trust you, I'll come in with you and be fearless?
OK but never may spike leave the forest. because he will get in trouble of Nick. :p um do you want me to make the topic or for you to.
Morgan Le Fey said:
I have Elvera. to offer up as friends
she enjoys being in he forest and finds it peaceful. she has met the centaurs at least twice before and gets along with them pretty well. and she would probably love having a centaur friend. she is a third year claw and her favorite subjects are runes and divination.
I could try and make it a possible love interest if you want, but i dont know. Elvera seems to be the sort of person who would fall in love with a centaur. if you dont want to then friends is still good. its up to you
yeah it could be a love interest if you want, even though he would be like ten years older. I was thinking more along the lines as a professor but its ok.
I think that Eden would be really mad seeing as she is already falling for Spike lol but yea you already have Eden as a really close friend and knowing Eden her crazy self she is going to fall in love all the way and get into all kinds of trouble in the process but yea there you go
Mist could be an enemy if you want... she isnt to fond of humans and i dont think they would get along very much
it was just a suggestion it doesn't have to be.
shall i start a topic so they can just be friends
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