Closed Spain with an S.

Elio Zephyr

Finders' keepers + I found you ˚ʚ ʜᴏɴᴇʏ+ᴀᴇʟɪɴ ɞ˚
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (29)
Spain. They'd come to Spain.

Elio had never been here before despite living not too far away growing up. He wanted to arrange a holiday though for his family, something that until recently Elio was too nervous to put a title on it. He'd had a family once before, as unconventional as it was, although one could argue that he still had part of that family given that Honey had sat next to him on the plane. They'd taken the muggle route on holiday, because as nice as it was to be able to use magic to make their lives easier, to be able to spend time just living without the additional worry of whether they were going to be spotted doing something they shouldn't be, meant they could enjoy the holiday for what it was.

And what it was? It was a chance for the girls to meet. Elio had already met Aelin, and he'd already introduced Honey to Killian. The same was true for Aelin too, however Killian's daughter and Elio's own ward hadn't properly spent any time together, even if they may have happened to meet in passing.

Once they'd reached the house they'd be calling home for the next week, overlooking a pool and the sea beyond, the sun was already heavily beating down. This would be a chance for just the four of them to get to know each other better, and to make a new set of memories.

"Those suit you," Elio smirked to Killian who was now wearing a large pair of sunglasses that Elio had bought for him and made him wear since they'd left the airport. Perhaps this was going to be the cheesiest holiday of his life, but Elio felt more normal around these people than he had in a very long time.

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Killian wasn't too nervous about the travel itself, both him an Aelin were well versed in both types of travels, magical and muggle so there wasn't any additional fuss. Besides of course what you would expect with a toddler, but lucky for everyone in that plane Killian had had the sense to come prepared. Most of the flight he'd focused on entertaining Aelin while she was awake and while she was asleep, he'd either stared at Elio and Honey in sort of awe of how natural and at ease they seemed with each other.

It was a nice change of scenery and to get away from the routine, plus after the holiday it'd be nice to return back home to those very routines. So in the Professors books it really was a win-win situation. It was also a chance for their girls to properly meet, Killian liked Honey and he had no doubt Aelin would love her as well and this idea of a holiday had been quite a smart one from Elio.

Grumbling Killian turned to look at his boyfriend, having to aim his gaze downwards ever so slightly to meet his eyes, who was complimenting the ridiculous glasses he had made Killian wear. "They make me look like a douche bag and they are useless," he said quietly before taking the glasses off. Only that had been a fatal mistake because next thing he knew he was being blinded by the sun and he had to squint his eyes before putting the shades back on. "Fine... Maybe they aren't completely useless... Glad you think they suit me, would hate to disappoint you my love." Finishing his words by pressing a small kiss on Elio's head Killian turned to the girls. "Alright girls, who's hungry and what do we want to eat?" He asked with a smile, they had made a quick trip by a grocery store to get some essentials before going to the house they'd be staying at.
Honey had never been on a plane before. She’d been in the air before, since she’d been on a broom before when she’d gone flying with Luna. She’d been a little… well, she’d made her dad promise he wasn’t going to let her do it again, because sometimes Honey forgot when she didn’t like things and tried to do them again, and she still felt queasy thinking about the broom ride. Luna was good, of course, she was a Professional, but Honey liked her two feet very firmly on the ground thank you very much. She didn’t mind the plane too much, because her feet were still on the ground… er, sort of. She felt better about it because she had sat next to Elio the whole time, and it had been an interesting flight. She’d never been above the clouds before.

She was still sort of thinking about the flight over when Mr. Foxy addressed them, and Honey turned, her kneazle backpack still slung over her back because she’d been too distracted to put it down. She knew they wanted her to get along with Mr. Fox’s daughter, but Honey didn’t know what they had in common. Aelin had a dad that loved her, Honey had a dad that… well, sometimes she barely had a dad. She had Elio, but she didn’t live with him anymore. Her dad tried, but sometimes she felt like she was living with a stranger. Maybe things would change with his new job.

“Nothing with nuts,” she reminded the man, just in case he forgot. She’d lived with Elio and Rowan long enough to know Elio couldn’t have nuts.​
Aelin was so so very excited, her daddy and Mr. Lio had decided they'd be going on a holiday!!! And not only that there was going to be an older girl too, Aelin was dying to make better friends with Honey. She was determined to be friends. They had gone by a plane and that was fun, it always was because daddy always brought plenty of snacks and games and books for whatever reason. Besides he also always gave Aelin the window seat which the girl made good use of, staring at the clouds and imagining flying unicorns. She had also managed to nap every now and then but never for too long, the excitement was quite literally too much.

Once they had landed the blonde had been trying not to shot off left and right and tried to stay with her dad, Elio and Honey. The house they were at was so big and pretty and IT HAD A POOL! She'd make great use of that one surely. Aelin was carefully approaching the older girl when he dad asked them a question and Honey mentioned something about nuts. Making a face she nodded her head in agreement, she didn't like nuts they tasted too... nutty. "I want ice crem pleaseee!" The 5-year-old saw her chance and took it, technically her daddy had asked what they wanted and she wanted ice cream so why wouldn't she get some! "You have the pretiest hair!" She said turning back to Honey.
"Not sure that's possible babe," Elio grinned as Killian tried to survive without the glasses, before quickly sliding them back onto his nose. He closed his eyes for a moment when Kill kissed him on the forehead. He liked that, small shows of affection that made the man feel as though for a moment he was the most important person to his boyfriend. Elio watched as he moved to get the girls started with some food, and the man swept across the room to scoop up the youngest under her arms and lifted her up into one of the bar stools overlooking the kitchen island.

"Right, no nuts," Elio clicked his tongue and winked at Honey, who often reminded him of Rowan in that way that she looked out for him. Honestly if it wasn't for the girls over the years, he probably would have consumed something he shouldn't have. "What do you fancy baby girl?" Elio asked the blonde, ruffling her hair as she stood in the kitchen. She seemed to be unusually off at the moment and Elio wasn't sure if he was just imagining it, or whether Honey was feeling a little overwhelmed around those she didn't know so well yet.

"Ice cream?!" Elio suddenly turned back to Aelin, who was looking at her dad with a little too much hope behind her eyes for his liking. The professor leant on the kitchen island watching Killian's daughter, a large smile on his face at her optimism, "Well only good girls get ice cream! Have you been good?" he asked Aelin, before glancing across the kitchen back to Killian. "Maybe we should make some pizzas, and have ice cream for dessert?" he suggested. Elio did feel like spending some time outside that evening, by the pool having some drinks, but they should definitely make sure the girls were feeling accounted for first.

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Killian smiled watching as Elio picked his daughter up with ease. Him being so good with her was one of the things Killian loved maybe the most. It was important to him that the person he chose to bring to his daughters life would be good to her too and Elio had just been that. Killian had once even spied him reading a bedtime story to Aelin and that had made his heart melt like never before.

The professor turned his head to the older girl who reminded him of the no nuts rule, in his opinion it was sweet of her to look after the man. "Not nuts, thank you." He smiled and nodded in agreement also thanking the girl in the process. Killian was about to tell Aelin no on her request of ice cream for dinner before Elio got there first and even suggested pizzas, which was a great idea. "That works for me, you girls can help if you want? How about we can all have our own Pizzas and put whatever toppings we want? And yes Aelin you'll get ice cream for dinner, how does that sound?" He offered giving Elio a smile. "Alright, Honey what would you like on your pizza?" The professor asked as he went to the fridge to pull out the ingredients, he took out cheese and tomato sauce, which he had no idea who had put it in the fridge but whatever, while he waited for the older girls response.

Godmod approved mwah <3

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