Sorting & Transfers for Y20

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
It's difficult to believe that this will be HNZ's twentieth sorting ceremony. That's a lot of characters sorted - and each time is always a little different from the last (for me as well as, I hope, for you).

Are you having a character sorted/transferred? More than one?
Where do you think they'll end up?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did you provoke a witty response from the sorting hat? What'd you think of that?
You will notice a group change, and receive a PM. The sorting hat has to read through everyone's application, make the decision, edit the post and send out the PM. So, patience is definitely required for sorting but worth it.
I've had this character since she was born (IC) and I never thought I'd see her in this colour but based on the non roleplayed decisions I've made for her recently it's definitely the best place for her ^_^
And I literally just squealed/jumped for joy with this. I haven't had a Hufflepuff since Pat graduated (not counting taking over David's character) and I'm sooo freaking happy, perfect fit for Charlotte ^_^ :frantics:
Joanna Dragonov said:
I've had this character since she was born (IC)
Well I'm glad that you haven't had her since she was born OOC. :r
I've been developing Aya for a while now and I always thought she'd end up in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, so I'm not entirely surprised, but I am very happy.
I love sorting! :frantics:

Katrina - I wasn't too surprised with Katrina, she kind of seemed like she'd either be a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin. Pretty excited to say that she's my first student Snow that's been sorted into Ravenclaw!
Lucretia - I had no idea where she was going to go, since she seemed like she wasn't really going to fit well into any house. But I think due to her being blood prejudice, Slytherin will be a perfect fit for her!
Nicolas - He's lucky he didn't wind up in Hufflepuff. His family never would have let him live that down! It's a good house for him though! ^_^

Overall, I'm surprised and at the same time very happy with where my characters ended up! :D
Charlotte Lurken said:
And I literally just squealed/jumped for joy with this. I haven't had a Hufflepuff since Pat graduated (not counting taking over David's character) and I'm sooo freaking happy, perfect fit for Charlotte ^_^ :frantics:
All is right with the world again. Pat has a 'Puff!! :p
Jakobe is going to make a rather interesting Ravenclaw. Apart from his love of history, he's not very studious. But I love it!
Here are my four!

Lucien Snow: Definitely not surprised with him. I figured he was going to be a Slytherin. Almost like a Snow tradition. XD
Ivaylo Zhefarovich-Dolohov: I was somewhat thinking he would have made a good Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. Slytherin will be a great house for him!
Mason Greene: I wanted him to be a Gryffindor, but it seemed his fate was to be in Hufflepuff. He is thoughtful, funny, and just won't shut up!
Damianos Styx: I secretly hoped that he would be a Ravenclaw. He is smart, sarcastic and wants to be left alone. Slytherin would not have been a good fit since he would have been annoyed by everyone.
2/4 I'm happy with that, Kaitlyn! :r
You were wrong about Damianos. :r
His father is the Head of Slytherin House, and look at his mom. It is in there somewhere. :r
....Nicolette Styx.
It's another Puff year for me and I am completely fine with it! ^_^ xD ..
I'm happy with this placement. I thought it would be either Gryffindor or Slytherin. Since he's not smart and also not hard working. Which cancels out the other two.
I think he will do well in Slytherin.
I wasn't really sure where Ellie or Dwaide would go, but I guess I'm really not surprised at all by this. In fact I think this could work quite well with some things I have planned for the future! I'm rather happy with this! :D
Everyone seems pretty satisfied with their character's house placement. :)

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