Something Precious

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (32)
OOCOut of Character:
I know Valentines hasn't started yet, but wanted to make sure we had time for this before Daph's IRL stuff gets busier :wub:

Barring the forest, which she had been told was off limits, no place in Hogwarts reminded Ainsley of home more than the gardens. With the sun shining down and flowers in bloom all around her, today felt like a perfect day at home, and even though the holidays had been recent and wonderful, a bit of the familiar homesickness was curling at her stomach.

Trying to push it out of her mind, Ainsley focused on her task, scouring the garden for the perfect flowers. The moment she heard Amber's name, Ainsley had realised she had the best gift possible for her new friend, and it would have been the perfect Christmas present... except it was still at home, and mum didn't know where Ainsley hid her most precious treasures. But Valentine's day was soon, and Ainsley knew people gave each other gifts for that one too, so it would be as good a time as any.

Planning ahead, Ainsley had asked Amber to meet her in the garden, then arrived half an hour early, giving herself plenty of time to select the perfect bunch of flowers to accompany her present. Now the bouquet was nearly complete, several other flowers and leaves and interesting twigs woven into Ainsley's hair as she had worked, adding to her wild and almost fae look.

Finally, Ainsley's eyes fell on the perfect flowers to finish off her bouquet, carefully plucking the bright, cheery blooms and tucking them into the yellow and pink arrangement, designed to fit the colours Ainsley had noticed her friend favouring. Carefully tying the whole thing together with a bright ribbon and tucking the precious gift between the blossoms, Ainsley smiled at her work, nothing left to do but wait for Amber.
Amber adjusted her scarf as she headed outside to meet Ainsley. It was quite cold, and she had spent a little too much time making sure all her accessories matched her outfit. Today she was wearing a lot of pink, in the Valentine's day spirit. It was an exciting holiday to experience at Hogwarts, because so many of the older students were happily paired up, and it was fun to see. Amber herself was a little young for a real boyfriend, but a small giddy part of her couldn't stop imagining how she might be with a cute boy in a few years. Hopefully, anyway. It was a little weird to think about but also a little exciting.

Those thoughts disappeared as soon as she saw Ainsley. She waved at her friend from a distance and increased her pace. Ainsley looked extra Ainsley-like today, and it made Amber smile a little. A few weeks ago she would have pointed out to the other girl that she had twigs and leaves in her hair, but by now she knew her well enough to realize it was likely on purpose.

She noticed Ainsley had been picking flowers, but that wasn't unusual for her. Maybe she asked Amber to meet her so they could pick some together? That could be fun.

She stopped in front of Ainsley and grinned at her, her cheeks slightly flushed from the walk there. "Hi Ainsley, what are we doing today?" She asked cheerfully.
Ainsley had taken to aimlessly meandering through the flowers when she finally saw her friend approaching, looking almost like a flower herself in all the pink. Ainsley glanced down at her bouquet quickly, then back up at Amber, beaming brighter as she waved back to Amber, pleased that the shade of pink matched her outfit well. Hopefully that would make the whole thing better.

Ainsley's hair bounced around her head as she skipped a little towards Amber, flushed cheeks and wide grin mirroring Amber's own as they met. "Hi!" Ainsley said excitedly, gripping her flowers a little nervously, and her smile cracked slightly as she realised in the moment that she hadn't actually... thought this far ahead. Ainsley had planned exactly how she wanted to present Amber's gift, and where she wanted to give it to her, not to mention all the specifics of making it, but somehow the words to say while presenting it hadn't been part of the plan.

Ainsley took a moment to think, gaze boring through the flowers leaves and twigs in her hands as she tried to work out how to explain her train of thought. It took a while, Ainsley staring silently through the flowers, not even considering whether that length of silence could be unsettling. Finally though, after almost a full minute, she looked back up at Amber, smiling quickly.

"A gift!" She started, then faltered, pausing a moment to regroup. "I had... something at home, that reminded me of you, and I wanted to give it to you, but it was at home, so I couldn't give it to you for Christmas, but... there's lots of people giving each other presents all over school now, and I was gonna save it for your birthday, but I don't wanna wait because it's exactly perfect for you, so here, this is for you!" She smiled nervously as she thrust the bouquet of flowers forward, holding them out for Amber. "It's... there's a little parcel in there, it's not just flowers, the flowers are just because flowers are pretty. Just find the little wrapped present in the flowers..." Ainsley trailed off a little worriedly, wishing and wishing she had planned this part better, since everything else had been so carefully thought through.
As she got close, Amber noticed that Ainsley seemed very excited about something. Maybe she had found a new book in the library she really liked, or a new kind of flower. But after saying hello, her excitement seemed to fade away. She hoped everything was alright.

She waited patiently for Ainsley to say more, it was clear to her that she was gathering her thoughts. As she waited, she took in the small bouquet that Ainsley was holding, they were all of Amber's favorite colors and she couldn't help but admire it.

When Ainsley held it out to her, telling her it was a gift, her eyes widened in surprise. Not only that, but the flowers weren't the only gift. Her friend had actually gotten something from home and gone through all this trouble to present it to her nicely. Amber felt a mixture of excitement and horror as she wordlessly took the present from Ainsley's hands. She couldn't deny being curious and eager to see what it was, but she hadn't done anything like this at all for her friend in return. All she had done was send her a yellow flower for the valentine's delivery thing, but that suddenly didn't really seem like all that much in comparison.

"Ainsley." She said hesitantly. "I... didn't get you anything like this, this is a lot. Are you sure you want to give me something from home? Even as she said it, she was feeling around for the present inside the flowers, her curiosity impossible to ignore.
Ainsley didn't know exactly how to interpret Amber's expression as she took the flowers, but she didn't think it was quite the excitement she had been expecting. Shifting on her feet a little nervously, Ainsley wondered if she had... accidentally offended her friend somehow, or if the timing was wrong, or... anything else like that. There were a myriad number of things she could have gotten wrong or done to accidentally upset Amber, and any one or several of them could be causing the mixed expression on her friend's face.

Ainsley smiled nervously in response to Amber's question, no idea how to explain her thoughts. "I... yes. I'm sure. I mean, if you want it. It was... I had it at home, for ages, just sort of... sitting around, and I liked it because it's pretty, but it's... I think you should have it, because... well you'll see why... I hope, um... it's just... I think it should be yours..." She trailed off, biting her lip nervously and shifting from foot to foot as she watched Amber searching for the ping pong ball sized gift, clumsily covered in far too much wrapping paper and tucked into the flowers.
Amber smiled, wishing to reassure Ainsley. The other girl seemed to have mistaken her uncertainty for disappointment, when it was quite the opposite. "It's wonderful that you thought of me, Ainsley. Thank you very much. I just feel sort of bad I have nothing to show in return right now." She explained, knowing Ainsley sometimes needed more context to understand other people's reactions. She briefly considered telling her about the yellow rose that was on its way to her, but decided against it. It would be better as a surprise.

She focused on the bouquet, fishing out the gift after a while. She very gently put the flowers on the grass so she could use both hands to unwrap the gift. Her excitement visible on her face as she pulled the wrapping paper off with eager fingers. "I can't wait to see it."
Ainsley shook her head quickly. "No! No, I didn't... give it to you because I wanted a present! I just... I saw it, and it... I mean, it just... it only made sense to give it to you, it would feel... almost silly to keep it..." She said awkwardly, trying not to panic. She didn't want Amber to think she was selfish at all, she had just... wanted to do what felt right, and give her friend a nice present.

As Amber undid the wrapping paper Ainsley's gift tumbled out into her hands, a shining egg shaped piece of amber, carefully wrapped in jewellery wire with a few tiny pink and yellow beads attached in random places, all hanging from a long, thin necklace cord. Ainsley gave a weak, nervous smile, shifting up on her toes. "I did the wire wrapping myself, it wasn't a necklace before... but there, it's... for you." She shuffled closer a little nervously, staring down at the necklace in Amber's hand. "You... do you see why I said I felt like it should be yours? It's amber, just like you..."
Amber gasped as she looked at the necklace that was revealed as she pulled off the wrapping paper. It was beautiful! She had known Ainsley made jewelry but she hadn't known she could make something as nice as this. It looked like something from a store. When the other girl said her explanation about the gem, she felt herself smile widely. It was so nice of her. She even put beads on it that were Amber's favorite colors. It was a nice detail that really showed how much thought and effort went into it. Immediately, she pictured what outfits she could wear this with, it would fit with a lot of things.

Before saying anything, she hugged Ainsley. Her friend was taller than her and she got a face full off her wild hair, but she didn't care. "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed. "I absolutely love it, it's beautiful!" She held the necklace carefully, even as she hugged her friend. She wouldn't let anything bad happen to it. It was a special gift just for her.
Ainsley grinned brightly as she saw the look on her friend's face, relieved and delighted to see Amber so happy. The hug caught her off guard and Ainsley laughed in surprise, before hugging Amber back tightly, holding her friend so close she lifted Amber's heels off the ground slightly. She hugged Amber tight for a long moment before releasing her, still beaming brightly through her tangle of hair.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Ainsley grinned, bouncing a little on her toes. "I knew it should be yours, it's so pretty like you, and it's amber like you, and it just felt like it was supposed to be yours!"
Amber looked at the necklace again as soon as the hug ended, a small and disbelieving smile on her face. "Wow. I never got anything this good from anyone." She said softly. "You put a lot of work into this, and it looks so nice. Thank you so much."

Next time, she would have something good for Ainsley too. Not a flower everyone was getting, but something real and personal. Something she deserved.

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