Something New

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The blonde was glad to be back at Hogwarts. It felt like a second home and it was always nice to return. Evelyn had enjoyed her break also and had saw a lot of sun in Spain and had a fun time in Denmark with her family. This year she would be a third year already and the time was flying. Evelyn did saw her friends already and was ready for making new. Perhaps some older friends or new ones that arrived. The blonde didn't mind which house someone was in or how old they were. If they didn't annoy her like Zenia did it would all be okay. She was satisfied with her social contacts right now but she wanted to get to know more around the school. She was already planning something nice for especially the girls this year. It would be nice to do something that nobody ever would forget, and that something wanted Evelyn.

She decided to discover the Conglomerated Arts Room, where she had been one time before. It wasn't a place where she would go every day but they had mirrors and mannequinns and the last thing was really something for Evelyn that she needed for her big plan. The blonde wanted to create some outfits and design something for some girls of her year and perhaps start something from Hogwarts her own fashion advise for free! And perhaps a fashionshow would be fun too. The blonde saw it all coming, but perhaps it would be easy to get help from others. The blonde had her drawing book with her and went sitting on a chair in the room and thought of a dress that she wanted to create. It was empty in the room so she hoped there would be others soon too, she didn't liked to be alone.
<SIZE size="50">Norton was having a lot of fun discovering the different areas of the school. After he had found where his sister was, everything had just been more fun and less pressing. He knew that Gilly wasn't going to be available at all times like she had been before school, but he knew that he would make the time to spend with her. The boy smiled to himself, as he moved through the school, there was so much that he could explore, and he was finding so much just so close to where his dorm was, which was so handy! He'd loved the kitchens, and the dungeons had been creepy but the duelling stage had been incredible! He couldn't even do any spells but he couldn't help but imagine himself being up on the platform. The great hall, was great! the courtyard was endlessly cool, and now he had ended up in what was called an arts room. It had someone sitting in it already, but he'd gotten used to the fact that everywhere he went there was the possibility to make friends!

However, before he interrupted the girl, which he was definitely intending to do, the boy glanced about the room, it was an interesting place, much like a cross between a muggle art class or music class, catering to the broadness of the arts. It was in this search around and something just out of the blue caused Nortie to trip and he fell forward, reaching out to grab at anything to break his fall, which turned out to be a shelf filled with paint of various colour. Everything clattered and clashed loudly to the ground, and Norton found himself, and his clothes covered in paint of various colours, practically making up a rainbow. He lifted his face from the ground and looked around, trying to find out what or who had caused him to trip. This set of clothes were ruined but he was unhurt, so his primary concern was to find what had caused it.
Desislav had been waiting for Kayleigh to join him in the courtyard when he spotted a wee little first year that piqued his curiosity. He knew that the kid was a first year because he was looking around with the awe that only came to people who'd just entered the castle. With a mischievous grin on his face, Desislav stood up and stretched as he decided to see what the kid was up to. The opportunity to take someone under his wing and leave his legacy behind was too much to pass up. He'd need an army if he was going to get through his list of things to do to Warrick this year.

With a grin as he entered the conglomerated arts room, Desislav cast a quick trip jinx before scratching at the back of his head as if he was also just walking around innocently. He hadn't expected such a spectacular display, busting out into laughter as the kid broke his fall with a shelf that was covered with paint. Desislav didn't even bother covering up his laughter, holding onto a wall as he laughed heartily. "Did you see that?" he asked to the only other person in the room, a girl he'd seen in Gryffindor before. Surely, she'd appreciate what had just happened.
Evelyn was looked at her drawing before her and than heard something behind her. And it wasn't something normal it was like somebody had fall or hurt him or herself. As she turned around she saw a young boy all covered in paint. And her first reaction was just to burst out in laughing, it looked pretty funny and she didn't want to hurt the boy with laughing at him but couldn't lie about the fact that it was rather funny. And than she saw another boy and he seemed older than she was. A face she saw before he was a Gryffindor student but she didn't knew his name. Evelyn looked at the older Gryffindor boy and nodded. '' I didn't saw what happend but, I'm guessing it was funny.'' she said honestly but than turned to the younger boy. She hated getting dirty so she would not touch the boy but came a bit closer to him.
'' Are you okay?'' she asked while she was done with laughing, and this time she asked friendly. She had left her drawing book at the table and looked at the two boys. She was curious what happend if the boy was that clumsy or that the older one had done a joke.

Evelyn smiled at the two boys as she was happy to see new faces that were new social contacts. '' I'm Evelyn, who are you guys?'' she asked with confidence. She didn't mind being interupted she was always eager to meet new people. The younger boy must be a first year and she was curious in which house he was sorted.
The boy heard the laughter before he say the far older boy whom he assumed was responsible. Was that what the older kids were like in this school! Did they pick on the younger children because their advanced magic allowed them to? The boy was a little preoccupied about the paint on himself that he completely ignored what the two were saying he wasn't listening, though he was chuckling to himself at the true state his clothes were now in. He couldn't really believe it. Gilly was probably going to kill him, and he wondered if she would even seen the funny side of what had happened. The boy was able to scoop some of the paint into his hands, and it was then that he glanced up and looked between the other two in the room. A smile crossed Norton's face as he looked between them. The girl was Evelyn as she just said her name but the older boy said nothing.

Norton stifled laughter as he quickly found the older boy and with all his might threw the paint that was in his hand at the boy. Pay back! If it landed on him that would be incredible! He didn't think he'd even get into trouble for it, since the older boy had been the one who had caused it to begin with. Nortie didn't think the girl would care much about him throwing paint back at the older boy, unless he got any on her, Norton didn't see how she could be annoyed, so he threw at the older boy and wished that it would land on him some lovely pay back for accidentally making Norton covered in paint.
Desislav was glad that the girl joined in his laughter and heard as she drifted closer to the now paint-covered firstie and told him her name. He looked up in time to see the boy chuckling as well, and was glad that he'd chosen such a good mark. He hated when people didn't have a sense of humor and got mad at him for trying to make them laugh.

"Wait...wait" he tried to get him to stop, seeing that the paint covered kid wanted to share in the fun. Trying to hop backwards, Desislav realized that there was no room when his back hit a cabinet. As the paint splattered across his shirt and face, little drips everywhere, Desi marched forward, standing as tall as he could and with the meanest face he could muster. He didn't stop until he was standing over the much shorter boy and staring down at him. With his fists balled up, Desislav spoke. "This is my brother's shirt" he hissed angrily before breaking into a grin. "I can't wait to send it to him like this! Wanna help me mess it up more? Maybe there's some permanent sticking paint around here somewhere. I'm Desislav by the way. You may have heard of me" he declared as he held out a hand, proud of his status as a prankster.
Evelyn was a little scared when the boy didn't said anything, he would trow some paint to her. Because if he did she wouldn't be as nice anymore, she hated getting dirty but could laugh about another getting dirty. It was a bit strange, but she didn't lied about it. The boy didn't said anything, not a thanks or anything so Evelyn frowned for a moment. But when he threw paint at the older boy she stepped a little back. It was pretty brave of the boy to do she he could also get scared of the older boy and his reaction. And the older boy called Desislav didn't really reacted angry as she would. She smiled as he said it was his brothers shirt, why would he wear that the blonde first thought. She didn't want to put on somebody elses clothes, she liked her own and otherwise would buy new ones. The name Desislav didn't really ringed a big bell but she heard the name before, she knew he was way older than she was. He seemed like a pranker and Evelyn thought about Lucas and Aaron directly. It was striking that Gryffindor had most of the prankers and Evelyn wasn't one of them. She wouldn't go into the forest because of the spiders and the darkness. And she wouldn't, because otherwise she would break rules and made a bad impression on Kingsley.

The blonde looked at the two boys all covered in paint. '' I'm telling you one thing, I'm not gonna join your paint party. But you guys go on with messing up that shirt, would wanna see your brothers face. Is it a favorite shirt of him?'' The blonde smiled one time charmingly and knew she took a risk with it, but if they would cover her in paint they were warned about the outcoming. She wasn't really out of disliking them, because she liked making new friends. She walked back to the table with her drawing of a dress and turned around. '' So what's your name than?'' she asked to the little boy. And waited for the boy to answer, he was gonna introduce himself right? '' Desislav, you are in Gryffindor too right?'' Evelyn wanted to be sure, and was gonna emply she was a Lion too. She was curious if the boy ever noticed her.
Norton jumped to his feet when the paint hit the older boy, he was so happy to have managed it and that the boy was actually happy for that to have happened to him, Norton would've expected him to be a little annoyed about the paint that was now on the boys shirt. Nortie smiled at them, the older boy seemed to be momentarily annoyed about the state of his brother shirts, he was a little worried that maybe the brother would be annoyed about the shirt, but it only appeared to only last for a second. It was replaced by the rapid nodding of norton's head as he wiped his hands into the wet paint and then began walking over to him. The boy introduced himself to them and Nortie shook his head, he didn't know who he was, "I just got here," he told them both, "I'm a first year," Norton wondered who he and why that mattered, maybe he was a fun person, and that was why everyone knew who he was. The hufflepuff walked over and wiped his dirty, paint filled hands all over the boy's shirt, "I'm Norton!" he told them both as he stood back looking at the paint marks that he had put with his hands on Desislav's shirt.

The boy looked between them, "I'm in hufflepuff,"he told them both, since it had been established that they were both Gryffindors. Which probably added to the fact that Nortie didn't know who this older boy, if he was in Gryffindor perhaps he would've known who this boy was. Norton looked between them, "I haven't ever met anyone from Gryffindors yet," he told them both happy to have met more people from other houses. The boy looked down at his shirt and the paint that was on his arms and paint, the boy chuckled, "Do either of you know a spell that could help clean me up a little?" Nortie looked between them with a smile, hoping for something to help him out. He didn't mind the paint, but he didn't want to dripping all over hogwarts and more he wanted to see some magic.
A look of dismay crossed the older boy's face as both students said they didn't know him. He'd expected it from the first year, but both of them? Desislav had worked hard on his prankster reputation and this had totally brought him down a notch. Committing to working harder to cement his legacy in this final year, Desi tuned in again to the pair. He nodded, confirming that he was in Gryffindor as Norton helped add some more color to the shirt. "Yup."

The Gryffindor couldn't wait to send this to Marius. With a nod, Desi let the little Hufflepuff know that he could help him. "I know just the spell to help you, buddy" he declared, a smirk on his face. Really, he was thinking that his fellow Gryffindor looked awfully clean.
The blonde lion listend as the little boy introduced himself as Norton eventually. And a hufflepuff how cute, the blonde had to think about her friend Amber and liked her very much. She looked from a distance to the two boys as she heard them speak. Norton had never heard about Desislav but Evelyn did know who he was but not what his status was around the school. Evelyn her status was pretty clear, but perhaps only in her own year. She wanted to do something about that and perhaps bonding with Desislav was a good idea. The boy seemed nice and funny so that wasn't so bad.

The older Gryffindor would help Norton with the cleaning spell and Evelyn was waiting to see what would happen. '' So do you guys have other siblings around the school? Is the brother from that shirt also here right now?'' Evelyn spoke as she stood up and walked a bit closer to the boys. She would feel safe again when they were both clean. She felt at her wand inside of her jacket and wanted to clean them both.
Norton glanced between them both, and he was certainly pleased that the older boy was willing to help him and really he had no reason to think that this older student wouldn't actually help him. There was a certain little voice that told him not to trust him but that was drowned out by the fact that Norton was more excited to just see some magic so he nodded at the older boy, "PLEASE!" he said with a huge grin on his face and barely held excitement, he didn't think that he was ever going to get over magic, that it wouldn't ever be this incredible to him. The boy looked at Evelyn, "I have a sister, her name is Gilly, she's in slytherin, and she's the best," he told her, he did really love his sister and he couldn't wait to tell her all about Evelyn and Desislav and the paint fiasco. He was definitely going to tell her an almost play by play of all that had happened, of these people and how much fun it had been to meet them, "Come on now Des, cast away!" he encouraged excitedly.
The young Hufflepuff looked eager to see magic and the slightly older Gryffindor seemed content that he'd take care of things, so he really knew that they didn't know him. He lifted his wand as he listened to Norton talk about his sister, smiling at the kid's seeming love of everything. He reminded Desislav of himself. With a small flick of his wand, Desislav cast a spell, quickly murmuring the incantation, lifting a bucket of paint and having it hover high above Evelyn's head. He was trying his best to concentrate and not look at the item. It really was a lot harder than it looked. "Huh? Oh yea, I've got a sister in Puff and my brother used to be in Gryffindor with me before he abandoned me for Durmstrang. My other sister left too. She was a Claw" he said, his wand still holding the paint in place. At least Fantine hadn't abandoned him. "Okaaaay" he let out a devilish laugh and let the spell go.
The blonde was just in a nice chat with the first year Norton that she thought was really cute and too happy. Evelyn couldn't help but feeling still a bit scared that Desislav would do something as he said he had a reputation or at least he thought so. The blonde stood with her face towards Desislav and Norton and laughed as Norton seemed so excited. '' It takes too long, I will show you, Desislav seems not as the type of cleaning stuff.'' The blonde took out her wand and listened to Desislav as he told about his family. Seemed like a big family and Durmstrang she heard about that school before and it didn't seemed that nice. '' So why did they left?'' the blonde asked while she was pointing her wand at Norton. The blonde couldn't see the bucket of paint above her as she was too busy with doing the cleaning spell.
'' Scourgify'' the blonde said and saw how Norton got clean. And just when she saw how Norton got clean she saw how she got different colours on her. And when she looked up from where it came from, she stepped aside and let it land on the ground right before it falled on her head. '' OMG - YOU STUPID *******.'' the blonde said furious as she felt how her hair wasn't as blonde anymore. And the paint was coming at her clothes. She was already scared of this would happen and her feeling was right. If he wanted to prove something or like that he was dealing with the wrong girl. '' This is Tommy Hilfiger!! Douchebag.'' the blonde said about the clothes she was wearing. She walked over to Desislav and grabbed a empty bucket and threw it at the boy. She was so gonna tell Kingsley about this, and she didn't cared that this boy wouldn't like her. If someone did something like this they were a enemy of her.
Desislav was pretty pleased with himself, laughing heartily at what he considered to be a hilarious joke, especially since she'd just cleaned Norton off. He was no doubt about to get dirty again. Some paint splashed on Desislav's pants this time, but he didn't even have a chance to comment on it when the girl exploded on him. Jaw dropping, Desislav stared at her for a moment, a look of shock on his face before he admonished her. "Language! We have a little one here" Desislav stated, moving behind Norton and covering his ears for a second in case the girl released any more words the young boy shouldn't be hearing.

Dodging the bucket she threw at him, Desislav stopped smiling. Someone has no sense of humor, he thought to himself. "I don't think she liked that at all, Norty" he whispered.
Norton wondered what had happened to the older boy's brother for him to no longer be a gryffindor, perhaps he had just left, but then again Norton couldn't imagine anything worse. But Norton was more interested in seeing magic before his eyes to focus on that, however this was short lived, when nothing happened for a moment, and Evelyn did it herself, at the very same moment that paint that clearly been floating above Nortie's eyeline had fell down on to Evelyn. Norton burst out laughing, the girl wasn't happy, but he was. That was incredible, the boy had magically dumped paint on the girl and the girl was more colourful that she had been before, he couldn't help but keep laughing even if she wasn't, "Whose Tommy Hilfiger?" he asked between slight laughter, and had to dodge the bucket that she threw towards the older, it was funny, it was paint, they were magic, they could fix it, the girl had to know that magic would fix it, after all, magic could fix everything couldn't it? Norton looked up to Desislav with a bright grin on his face, "But it was funny Evelyn! It's just a little paint," he couldn't understand why she was unable to see how it was funny, after all, Desislav had paint on him, and Norton's skin still had some paint on it, "Magic will fix it," he told her, clearly thinking that she was overreacting a little to it.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm sorry this took so long guys
Evelyn couldn't care about her language right now. If she became dirty she was pissed off. This was a stupid joke! And Desislav was stupid he was a older students so was glad he would leave the school after this year. '' Whatever! You aren't a very good example too.'' she said still a bit irritated to him. She knew she was a witch and could clean herself, but the fact that somebody dared to make her dirty and to feel this stupid paint at her was disguisting! And if she would clean herself perhaps that brainless Gryffindor would think it is funny to do it over again and Evelyn couldn't promise if she would do anything nicely than and between the rules. The blonde rolled with her eyes as she heard Desislav saying to Norton. He was seventeen years old and still Evelyn could say she was more grown up than he was. '' Your childish, what would become of you after Hogwarts?'' she asked him a bit patronizing.

When she heard Norton asking what Tommy Hilfiger was she tried to focus on that and took her wand and decided the paint had to go away. She pointed it at herself and hoped it would work out as she wanted too. '' Scourgify'' and the paint dissapeared. She hoped it stayed that way, and she would take care of that. '' Tommy Hilfiger is a brand, a fashion brand from the Muggleworld.'' Evelyn answered to Norton. Ofcourse they didn't knew it, it was expensive and not everyone knew about clothes from the muggles. They just had amazing fashion and runway shows and Evelyn visit it with her dad a lot. She ignored the little one, because it was far from funny she thought. But ofcourse a eleven year old boy would think it it funny, well Evelyn wouldn't laugh. And indeed magic had fixed it and it had to stay that way.
Desislav could see that Norton had seen the whole point of his actions. It was just meant to be funny, but the girl obviously didn't know the meaning of the word. He rolled his eyes at her, the smile on his face remaining long gone as she called him childish. The seventeen year old didn't think she was acting like an adult either. He crossed his arms against his chest, refusing to help her remove the paint off her now. It would've been easy for him. His mum hated messes, so he'd become just as adept at cleaning them as he was at making them. Evelyn would never know that though.

"Muggle clothing. Oh, I had no idea that I was damaging such fine art" he replied, his tone clearly implying that he didn't care much at all. Desislav figured he'd take his leave now. Kayleigh was probably in the courtyard waiting for him. Walking backwards in case the girl tried something, Desi bumped into a table but managed to not drop anything. "Catch you on the flip side of all this, Norty" he said, shooting the young kid a peace sign. "If you ever want to have fun, find me wherever she isn't" he said with a laugh. Jumping so he could hit the top of the door frame before he went through, Desi let out a loud whoop as he spotted his girlfriend. He knew he'd have some explaining to do.
Norton was surprised by the way that the girl was acting after all, it was just some playful fun, nothing was really meant by it. The girl had thought it fine when it had been him or the older boy with paint but wasn't so happy when it was her with the paint. The boy looked up at the girl, shaking his head a little at the insult, "Adults can have fun too," he told her firmly a little frustrated that she seemed to be ruining the moment. Nortie was just having fun, he was enjoying himself and she just had to ruin it with her awful sense of humor. He frowned deeply at her, disliking entire what this girl was doing, and all because of her clothes. That was crazy! What did clothes really matter?! They were supposed to be having fun. He waved gleefully at the older boy, "Okay!" he said, intending very much to catch up with him at a later point. Since this older boy was just so much more fun. He could do far more magic. He looked back to the girl, and pushed away his ill-feelings, "Do you want a hand cleaning up?" he offered, he didn't want to make her feel too bad about what happened, a little cleaning wouldn't be too bad, "I can't really help out in any other way, I'm only a first year," he explained to her with a shrug.
Evelyn just wanted Desislav gone and not seeing him for a very long time. And if he wasn't gonna leave she would. She was sure gonna make him pay at a right moment. In such situations where she felt threatened of being a laugh to others she felt more like the old Evelyn she was before hogwarts. The spoiled brat with a lot of anger. She felt in old habits in this situation and tomorrow she would feel different about it, but still Desislav was a *******. And when he spoke a bit low of Muggle Clothing she couldn't shake the feeling he was against them. Ofcourse those families hated muggles or muggle borns and Evelyn didn't cared about blood status so just rolled with her eyes. He had no sense of style so he wasn't worthy of their clothes. When she noticed he was leaving she was glad. '' Yeah sure, go and get out of my sight.'' the blonde said annoyed. Evelyn could be really mean to people that did stuff she didn't liked, otherwise she was a good friend for everyone but right now everything sucked.

When she looked at Norton she couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the boy. Desislav was not a good influence, but she wasn't either right now. She could reflect on her own behavior after taking a deep breath. But you had to come up for yourself and your standards that was what she had learned from her father. And she only regret throwing the bucket since she learned to resolve things with words. And Evelyn was good with words she knew. When Norton asked if she wanted a help with cleaning up it was kinda sweet and a smile appeared on the blondes face again. '' That is very sweet of you. But when you learned the cleaning spell you can come visit me again.'' Evelyn took her drawingbook and stuff back into her bag and walked over to Norton again. '' I'm sorry for the trouble. It wasn't mine intention, but you always have to come up for yourself you know.'' The blonde said now more calmed down and hoped she wouldn't made a complete fool of herself. And if she did so be it, Desislav deserved it. '' So I must really go, but if you have questions you can always come and find me. If you still want..'' The blonde smiled one time again and than left the room.

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