Open Some Sun, Some Studying and a Little Quidditch

Ajaccio Skey

ajax ; wanderlust; travel photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
3/2038 (23)
Dedicating himself to flying and quidditch had really been a good idea, though Ajax had been attempting this year to do better in his school work, he could admit that flying and quidditch were the absolute welcome outdoor relief that he needed. The ravenclaw was making the most of the nice weather, there had been a quidditch practice earlier in the day, but he had remained at the stands reading over the work from the classes he had, the sun was high in the sky, and he had his broom next to him, when he eventually got bored of all the reading - which happened on the hour every hour, he would spend a little time flying. It wasn’t the best balance in every hour he’d spend about twenty minutes of it flying, ten of it just relaxing in the sun and the other thirty actually reading but it was more than he’d ever done before. Ajaccio just found revising dull and difficult, he much preferred doing, which was why he was sure he’d picked up flying easily enough, or sign language. The boy knew that as the hour drew close he was already getting bored of his revising, and just itching to get back on the broom.
As per usual, Chloë had finished all the homework she was given way too quickly and had gotten bored by hanging out in the common room. She knew that if she was really feeling motivated she could start looking into what she needed to do for the upcoming end of the semester, but she wanted to see if she could find something more fun to do first. If she didn't, she could always fall back on studying. She just hoped she wouldn't have to. She was determined to get good grades so she wasn't against studying, but she found it to be rather easy and therefore it could get quickly get dull. Deciding that she'd much rather be outside Chloë got an idea, stuffing her books into her bag and running up to her dorm to get her broom. Flying a couple of laps would definitely give her something to do for a little while. With her broom secured in one hand and her other resting on her bag, which she had been too lazy to get rid off, the gryffindor made her way outside. A grin spread on her face when she got close enough to the pitch to see if there were others, spotting a familiar head of hair. "Hey!" She greeted excitedly, pulling her book filled bag off of her shoulder and dropping it on the grass before sitting down herself and carefully placing her broom on her lap. It was only when she finished getting herself settled that she actually noticed Ajax was holding a book. "Oh." She practically whispered when she realized it was a school book. "I'm sorry.. Were you studying?" Chloë asked as she shot him a slightly apologetic look, knowing she had likely disturbed him.

hope you don't mind me joining
Ajaccio smiled as he spotted Chloe sit down next to him. ”Hey,” he said happily. He had last seen her at the halloween celebrations - well there had been the quidditch game in between but that hadn’t counted, especially since she’d been on the winning team and he hadn’t played at all. He could see by her broom that she was likely here to practice which wasn’t like him, well, not entirely and she seemed to realise it too. He laughed lightly and gave a little shrug, ”Not particularly well, I spend thirty minutes flying for every thirty minutes of studying.” he replied with a little shrug, ”But even then I’m like staring at the page,” he had a light joke in his tone, but there was some underlying frustration mostly towards himself and being unable to study like he’d seen everyone else do. Ajaccio motioned to her broom, ”Are you here to fly?” he asked, figure that that was the case, but perhaps she was actually here to study with him. ”I’m definitely due a study break,” he then added reaching over and grabbing his broom, ready to get up and into the air if she seemed to want to fly.
Chloë listened to Ajax explain what he was doing, or how he had been studying. It sounded like a creative way to get things done, although it did make her wonder if it would actually help getting things done. "Don't you think the flying distracts you though?" She asked when he mentioned he'd just be staring at the pages. "Like maybe it's too fun of a break activity?" She added, pretty sure that if she were to try his method her head would be counting down the thirty minutes untill there'd be a flying break again. No, she wouldn't get much studying done. "Yeah!" Chloë smiled when he motioned to her broom. "I got bored so I figured flying some laps would at least give me something to do for a while." She explained as she put a hand on her broom. "And a little training could never hurt." She said with a little shrug, almost jumping up when he said he was due a study break. She wouldn't want to distract him from studying but if this was how he wanted to divide his time then she wasn't going to say no to a little fun. "Okay, but" Chloë put on her serious face as she tried to get her best mom-voice on. "You have to go back to studying after the thirty minutes." She continued, not wanting to be the reason he wouldn't go back to studying when that had been his plan in the first place. Even though she didn't feel like she needed to study right now, she also knew she'd feel bad if she continued flying when he was down on the ground with his books so she would likely join him. After all, a little studying couldn't hurt either.
Ajaccio laughed lightly, ”It definitely distracts me,” he told her, but after he finished laughing he just shrugged, ”I’m not good at studying to begin with so while this is not going well, I’ve known it to go worse,” his tone was light and he was smiling, but his inability to study was proving to be one of his biggest problems in getting his grades up. But as she agreed to fly with him, those thoughts were quickly discarded. He closed his books and then took his broom. He took a moment to just stretch and then looked at Chloe as she put on a very adult pretending voice, ”Scout’s honour I will,” he joked but he just got on the broom and shot up into the air. Oft how nice it was to be flying around in the sun rather than sitting in front of his books. He sighed happily and then looked towards Chloe. ”Shall we have a little race first?” he asked her with a little challenge in his tone. If he only had thirty minutes to fly then he absolutely was going to make the most of it. The most of it that he could.
Chloë nodded when he said it distracted him but basically also told her it wasn’t too big of an influence on his learning anyways. “That stinks.” She replied with a little empathetic smile. She never had any problems studying herself but even if she was good at it she knew it was still quite some work so didn’t want to imagine how frustrating things would get for someone who had trouble studying. Chloë chuckled at his response before taking her own broom and pushing herself off into the air as well. “You sure you’re up for that?” She raised her eyebrows when he challenged her to a race, her return question carrying the same tone as his had done. Ofcourse she was going to accept, she wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and definitely not one that involved flying. “I mean I am fast.” She joked. Or well, partly joked at least. She could be fast, she knew she was but she was also truly exaggerating the way in which she said it.
Ajaccio laaughed as she seemed to take up his challenge without too much persuading, he was sure that CHloe was as she claimed fast, that she was likely faster than him, but he wouldn’t let that deter him from a challenge either. Perhaps he could just inch himself in front. He nodded, ”Okay, well, we’ll see right? Just one quick lap back to this starting position?” he said with a little smile. He steadied the broom slightly. ”We’ll go on my mark,” he said. He was getting himself together and then he counted down, ”3...2...1...go,” he said, shooting off in the direction he needed to. It would’ve been easier to get started if they had a third party count them down, but they didn’t, it had just been him and he was just pushing to go faster, deciding to not at all pay attention to Chloe as he tried to ensure he was faster. He might not be as into challenges as others but he would try to push himself more. To go fast, be fast.
Since joining the team Chloë had found out she loved a little friendly competition. The one they had during their team practice was a lot of fun, so racing against Ajax would certainly prove to be interesting as well. The thing with competing against her own friends when there's not much at stake made it a lot more relaxed. She didn't really care if she lost. Ofcourse she wanted to win and she was going to try and win, but there were no hard feelings if she didn't. Perhaps a little bit of a tweaked ego but that other than that it was all fun and games. "Sure." She nodded at his proposition, barely even ready when her friend started counting down and took off. Letting out a small huff Chloë shot forward after him, determined to catch up with Ajax and hopefully overtake him as well. She pushed herself forward to inch closer, noticing he didn't even once turn his head to look behind him and see where she was at. Something she definitely would have done multiple times already. She had only started a couple of seconds after him and managed to line up with him before they were even halfway done with the lap. Chloë smiled as she pushed forward and managed to get slightly in front of him before turning her head. "C'mon, I know you're faster than that." She said with a light tone, trying to slightly push him into going faster. If he went faster then she had to push herself to go faster and that way they might both even get some training out of it as well.
Ajaccio smiled as they set off, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise when Chloe managed to catch up with him. He knew she was the better quidditch player, she was on the team, and he was not, well he was but not as a full member as she was. He was pushing his broom, and he certainly felt egged on when she said he could be faster, and so he pushed himself, urging the broom to move quicker. Urging himself to take over from Chloe, but at the best as they kept going, he was pushed to be level with her. Not faster than her but at least level with her. He managed to catch up and grinned easily at her. Almost looking to challenge her to go faster than he was currently going. Ajaccio wanted to push himself a little more just get that tiny fraction ahead of her, even though he was sure now that he was pushing faster she would too.
Chloë smirked when her words actually got Ajax to push forward more, trying to get faster. Now that he was going faster and leveled with her she obviously had to push harder as well. Not because she desperately wanted to win because it was just a friendly competition after all, but because she wanted herself to become faster. She grinned back at Ajax now he was right next to her before putting all her focus in front her and trying to push herself forward just enough to see the front of her broom slightly overtake his. She was sure she might be able to go even faster but she figured she should save that for actual practice. Chloë was slightly in front of her friend when they got closer to the finish line, wanting to turn her head for a second to see if he was going to try and push even faster as well but deciding against it because she didn't want to lose her focus. Especially not since they were almost back at their starting position.
Ajaccio was able to see that Chloe was just fulling ahead of him, as they came to the starting point. He was trying his utmost to be able to catch up but as they crossed to where they had start Ajax had to laugh, it had been within a hair that she had won, but god it was exhilarating to go that fast. Ajax smiled as he came to a stop, catching back up with her and letting himself take some quick breaths. ”That was awesome! You are so fast Chloe!” he said with a little laugh in his voice. ”See this is why you are on the team, while I am just an alternate,” he laughed lightly and just kept his smile. It was fun though, this was fun. ”I’m going to need to work on my speed if I’m to beat you,” he chuckled lightly. ”Let’s do something a little calmer now, yeah?”
Chloë had to admit that even though it had just been a friendly race, being slightly faster felt good. It wasn't so much that she wanted to win but more like they both might have managed to go faster than they normally went. At least she knew she did. "That was so good!" She happily exclaimed in return, flying closer to high-five Ajax as she had gotten used to doing with her own teammates. Chloë proudly smiled when he commented on her speed, feeling like if she kept training she might get ever faster when she got older. After all, she was still young. "C'mon you were basically as fast as I was." She reasoned with a light tone, still happy with the compliment though. When Ajax mentioned he was going to have to get faster she shot him a challenging grin. "You better, because I know I will work on mine." Chloë laughed and gave a little nod before slowly starting to make her way back down to the ground at his next words. "Right," She said as she placed her broom on the ground before sitting down herself and looking at the books Ajax had left. "I believe there is some studying to be done."
Ajaccio was quick to return the high five and kept a wide smile on his expression. It had been nice to just speed around the pitch and be as fast as he could. He didn’t often go as fast as possible, only going to help get him ready for games and it had never been as fast as they had just been going. He had of course wanted to win but Chloe was just faster so of course he was happy to have lost to her, and still thought had been pretty close in the end when he’d really been pushing himself. Ajaccio smiled nodding, he would have to spend more time actually focusing on his speed. He flew back to the ground and landed carefully on his feet. He glanced at the books and sighed, the worst part of all this was when it was over and he had to just go back to his work. Studying was boring and dull but he had to be doing it, or trying to. ”You are right, but, you know feel free to continue having fun flying around me,” he joked with a little smile as he sat down in front of his own books.
Chloë thought about Ajax's words for a second, wondering if perhaps she should continue flying. She had come there to fly after all and it was usually what the pitch was used for. But then to fly around and have fun whilst her friend would be down on the ground studying sounded a little bit mean. "What kind of friend would I be if I did that?" She responded with a light tone, perhaps asking herself more than actually asking Ajax. Chloë valued friendship, valued being a good friend and having obvious fun when someone else was trying to study didn't sound like being such a good friend. "No. We're studying." She said with a determined nod as if to show that her mind was made up, even if she preferred to continue flying and training. "So," She eyed the books her friend had brought before looking at the ones she had stuffed into her own bag. She knew they shared quite a couple of subject so it was highly likely they would have to be studying the same stuff anyways. "What do you wanna do first?"
Ajaccio laughed lightly at her statement, ”Chloe, I won’t mind, honest,” he told her, he didn’t want her to give up what she’d clearly come to the pitch to do because of him. He was opting to study, she wasn’t. She shouldn’t have to. He knew that she probably felt like it was wrong to leave him to study but he didn’t. He could happily study and just watch her fly. But it seemed that she was pretty determined about it. She was looking at his books and asked what he wanted to do first and Ajax just gave her a warm smile and shook his head at her. ”I’m working on ravenclaw things, that you definitely wouldn’t know anything about. I think you should go back to flying, while I figure out this very difficult ravenclaws only studying,” he moved to hide all of his books from her and to keep her from having to use time that she was going to fly to sit with him and mindlessly go over things they’d learnt. He didn’t want his friend to have to do that, not for him. He knew it would be the more selfish of the options to not help out, but she’d offered, she’d been determined and he would do the right thing and prevent her from helping him.
Chloë was absolutely ready to study, even though it hadn't been why she had come outside at first. She had brought her books with her anyways in case she got bored flying and felt like doing something productive. Not that flying wasn't productive because she felt like she had to get in all the training she could for quidditch the next semester. "I might." She replied with a little shrug, knowing that even if he didn't mind she would likely still feel weird about it. She knew herself well enough to know that. Chloë chuckled at his attempt to get her to just get back into the air. He seemed as determined to get her to continue flying as she was to study with him. "Right. For all those secret Ravenclaw classes that only Ravenclaws are allowed to take." She nodded and laughed at his words whilst at the same time leaning from left to right in an attempt to still see what books he had brought with him. Even if she did think she'd recognized one of the books and knew they shared classes it was of no use though, because she couldn't be certain what classes he was studying for today if he kept hiding his books. "Well if you won't study with me then I'll just do it alone." She said in a light tone, turning herself around and getting one of the books from her bag. "Also I just heard this great plan that consisted of studying for thirty minutes and then flying for thirty." Chloë turned her head so she could jokingly speak to him over her shoulder. "Sounds like a solid plan, I might try that."
Ajaccio had really hoped that she’d not force herself to study with him and use what time she was dedicating to flying on revising with him. He laughed as she replied, ”Yeah, it’s all about how to sound like you’ve read several encyclopaedia’s.” he told her, ”Whoops, I told you,” he was lightly joking but it seemed that she wouldn’t be persuaded against it and he almost cursed the stubbornness of gryffindors because he knew he’d have been pretty jealous of her flying. He watched as she just grabbed her own books, declaring that she would study alone, even going so far as to repeat back his own poor plan. ”I don’t know sounds pretty awful to me, but if you think it’s great, then let’s study for 30 minutes,” he replied, a light laugh on his tone as he looked back at him books and began revising again. He had to admit with her there he was more inclined to try and keep his concentration not wanting to ruin hers. But time would tell if it had really helped him be productive.
Chloë chuckled when Ajax elaborated on his very secret, ravenclaw only studies. "That sounds absolutely terrible." She laughed. Even if she knew it definitely wasn't a real thing it still sounded like it would be no fun. As she was sat turned around she took one of the books out of her bag, not even sure which ones she had brought untill now. She looked at Ajax over her shoulder when he replied, shooting him a smile before turning around so she was now facing him again. "Allright-y, let's go." Chloë responded as she opened up her book. She hadn't come to the pitch with the intention of studying, but she had brought her books nonetheless and she didn't really mind. She'd need to study at one point in time and if this was it then so be it.

this is terrible but I figured we'd wrap it up?

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