Some love for the siblings

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Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hello guys,

I've created two adults, because i've wanted to try out something new. But I'm not really sure what and how because i've only created students before. So here are the two that I've made.

Cathryn Eleonora Holmgaard - Manning


This is Cathryn Eleonora Holmgaard- Manning. She is the aunt of Evelyn and Espen Manning and the younger sister of Jorgen Manning. She's 32 years old and born in Denmark. She's now living in London, England with her husband Olaf, two daughters Athena and Crystal and her son James. They moved to England because of her work. Cathryn is the owner of her own Fashionbrand that she started in Denmark and now is lancing her brand in Europe. Her brand is called: Holmgaard and has clothes for the fashionable witch and wizard. It is a great succes in Scandinavia and she is building her name up in many more countries. Cathryn is a confident woman and enjoys all the attention from journalists and people that love her brand. She is a busy and ambitious woman and just like her brother she spoils her children because she likes that. I have to write her biography still but these are the basic things about her.

What I am looking: It doensn't really matter. Friends, enemies perhaps people that work for her brand because she is always looking out for new models (male and woman) who can be the faces of her brand. She went to the Durmstrang Institute in Scandinavia so perhaps some people that she knew from that time. But if you are having idea's just let me know. I'm really open for anything.

Jorgen Ansgard Manning


The other one is Jorgen Ansgard Manning and he is 33 years old. He is the father of Evelyn and Espen Manning and the big bro from Catheryn. Jorgen is also born in Denmark and went to Durmstrang Institute. He works for the Norwegian Ministry of Magic and is Head of Department of Law and International Affairs. That means he has to travel a lot and that was why they moved to New Zealand and also for the education of their children. Jorgen is a confident man that has a lot of contacts around the world and that works very useful. He has a unconditional love for his children and spoils them with everything that they want. If you don't know Jorgen that good he can come over as a strict and powerfull man but he has a big heart when you get to know him better. When his wife had postnatal depression after giving birth to the twins he had to take care much for the twins and he needed to leave his work for a while.
This is his Biography but it is not completly done.

What am I looking: I'm searching for friends perhaps from the Ministry of Magic in London, or people that he knows from Durmstrang. Or if you have a amazing idea just let me know.

I'm curious if you guys can help me with plotting these two.

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