Slytherin Quidditch Try Outs Y47

Lennox Addison

Only Child, Spoiled, Ballet Dancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Lennox had certainly let Quidditch and well just about everything else slip through her fingers last year. It had not been her shining moment. She was unsure how she had fallen from her own pre-determined grace but she was certainly not going to stay laying down. She was going to pull herself up, becoming more focused on things that would bring her to the top of it all. Lennox knew Quidditch was just that, even if she had to take on a co-captain this year. She needed the help. She hated to admit it. It had been painful to say that least.

But now was not the time to focus on that. She needed to hold the try outs, which were certainly a little later than the rest of the teams. Lennox already felt behind, but she was not going to continue this pattern. She had hung up flyers in the common room for try outs. Her team was pretty much set, but there was always room for alternatives and if needed change. Lennox was prepared for all options. She stood on the Quidditch Pitch as the returning team members arrived as well as soon new faces. Lennox crossed her arms, waiting a few more minutes which impatiently felt like forever.

Lennox finally began when she felt enough people had shown up. "So Try Outs." she began. Not really feeling up to a big speech. "Returning team members I'm just going to need you up in the air. Treat this like a practice. New players, when it is your turn, tell me what position you are trying out for and show me if you have the skills. That's all" she paused looking around. "You first. Let's go" she said pointing to a random student. Lennox mounted her broom to follow along, observing from the sky.

SeekerIgnatius Wolffort
KeeperHorror Zhefarovich
BeaterAlana Cosgrove
BeaterVanity Mettlestone
Chaser/CaptainLennox Addison
ChaserTerror Zhefarovich
ChaserEnoch Goldewyn

OOCOut of Character:
Returning Players please post to keep your spot! Alternates must try out again. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Vanity was glad she had a secure spot on the team so she didn't have to try out again. She listened to Lennox' speech halfheartedly, then took to the sky and flew around a bit as she watched the new potential teammembers try out.
Ignatius had been terrible in last year's game, but those Hufflepuff beaters had been awful brutes. His mother had been so proud of him, though, and while he didn't want to put himself through as much pain, he did want to make his parents proud. Next time, he'd be the one bringing Slytherin glory, not some ogre of a girl taking his place after injury. To that end, he'd practiced flying more over the break so he was much steadier on a broom now. That had to count for something. He took to the skies with the others, doing a little better at avoiding bludgers (not a lot, but better than he had been) and managing to even catch the snitch once for good measure.
Alana was hoping for a better season than the previous one, she was hoping she would be better as a player, it didn't surprise her that most first years didn't make the team when they tried out, she hadn't done herself or her abilities justice in her first year. That would change. She listened to the captain give her speech to welcome the people trying to make the team and once she was done, Alana grabbed her broom and took off into the air to help out where she was needed.
Enoch reached the quidditch pitch. He wasn't sure continuing was the best thing for him, but exercise was important and this was the only sport the school offered. He got on his broom when he was supposed to and shot up into the air.
In all honesty, Lumos hadn't actually thought about joining the Quidditch team until he'd looked at it because it really hadn't felt like it would be a valuable option until he'd looked out the windows during the ceremony and seen it. He was no stranger to Quidditch of course, having grown up with one in his back garden and despite spending his youth hitting soft ball bludgers at Nox, he would be trying out for chaser on the house team, which was a little bit of a change if he was honest. The captain seemed to like letting first years on the team if the age of the current team had anything to go by so he probably had a decent shout. It would at leaast give him something he could run in Nox's face, and that was always a plus for him.

Once the older students had their go and the captain turned to the assembled first years and gave her blessing for them to step up, Lumos did so. “Lumos Walden-Cade trying out for chaser,” he swung his leg over his broom and took off into the air, quaffle in hand. He took five attempts at goal, it didn't seem like it would be enough to show his skill, but he could only do what he was asked. He threw his first shot at the centre hoop, thankfully the keeper had completely guessed wrong and dived to the side, allowing Lumos to score, though he wasn't naive enough to think that was all he needed to do too have even a slight chance at actually getting on the team. He doubted he’d get away with scoring that easily again but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try, and the first order of business was to try and catch the keeper off guard. He moved his broom as if weaving between the posts and waited, slightly impatiently, pulling up and intentionally leaning towards the hoop on his left. He made the keeper dive to anticipate a shot, but he left all three hoops open and Lumos was lazily able to throw the quaffle again into the middle hoop. This was honestly starting to feel a little too easy. That overconfidence was his undoing on his third shot, the keeper stood his ground and didn’t move until the quaffle left Lumos’ hand and easily saved it when it headed towards the hoop on his right.

Lumos learned his lesson and scored his remaining shots. Once the try out was over Lumos returned to the ground and placed the school broom with the others and went to stand with the other trialists to wait the outcome.
Sunny strode onto the Quidditch pitch with her beater's bat casually tucked under one arm. On the surface, she appeared sweet and gentle, but today she aimed to reveal her true potential as a merciless beater with a heavy swing and ruthless precision. She swung her bat a few times while waiting for her turn, loosening up her muscles. "Sunny Day, trying out for beater," she announced with a firm voice before kicking off into the skies.

Once airborne, Sunny gripped the bat firmly, her eyes narrowing as she tracked the incoming bludger. She waited for the perfect moment, then swung with all her might. The bludger rocketed across the pitch but veered off target. Frustration simmered beneath her calm exterior, but she shook it off and refocused. Each subsequent swing was powerful. Toward the end of practice, she saw an opportunity and sent a bludger directly at a chaser, hitting them squarely. A surge of triumph threatened to break her composure, but she maintained her decorum, knowing it wasn't the time to celebrate. Sunny returned to the ground to find out how she had performed.
Sayuri had been debating with herself for the longest time if she was going to join the Quidditch team whenever the time arrived for her to go to school. She was good on a broom and was a fair chaser, it was just a matter of willingness to spend time with people. Quidditch was probably the only time that she didn't mind spending with her family. It was just about as relaxing as aikido for her - with a lot less body throws and more zooming through the air. She'd finally made the decision the day after Sorting to go through with trying out for the team. Hogwarts was too stressful and considering it was inadvisable for her to start throwing people around, it was probably best that she use Quidditch as an outlet at least. Which is how she found herself on the Quidditch Pitch today. "Sayuri Edogawa, Chaser," she told the captain.

Being on a broom was freeing, and flying around the Pitch even more so. She didn't try shooting through the hoops immediately; she started with a few fast laps to warm up, a quaffle underneath her arm. Once she felt satisfied, she threw the quaffle towards the hoops. The keeper blocked it, that was fine, Sayuri was testing. They were definitely more skilled than Hinata or Rose, but Sayuri had already expected that. She caught the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, she'd debated getting the other hopeful to tag-team the keeper, but the cockroach seemed to be to engrossed with her own plays which left Sayuri to her own devices. Which was a shame, Sayuri was a good shot but she was better at support as a fast flier. Deciding that faster maneuvers and shots were more likely to get past the keeper, she got to work. The second shot didn't work out so well so Sayuri adjusted her pace to be faster. She moved across the hoops fast and threw the quaffle without hesitation - that shot went through. This went on for sometime and while the keeper had managed to block her shots, she had gotten more shots in than not. Besides, that was fine. It would not be good if they didn't have a competent keeper anyways. Before she knew it, tryouts was over and Sayuri was landing. Now she just needed to find out if she'd make the team.
Terror Zhefarovich made his way to the Quidditch pitch. Another year, hopefully won't be a complete disaster like it was last year. He listened to the captain's words, and then took to the skies in order to get some practice in, and help some of the others - should they need it. Plus, it was always good to practice stealing, and making them work harder to keep the quaffle.
Horror Zhefarovich was ready for the year, though Quidditch was still not as high up on his list of priorities like it was for Terror. His plan to make Terror's life harder several years ago backfired, and now, he was just there to keep Astraea outside to watch him play. Now, that was worth it. He heard Lennox's words, mounted his broom, and took off toward the sky to guard the goals. At least he took this seriously.
Summer had been enjoying her time on the team as alternate. She loved being able to practice and play with the team but not having them rely on her all of the time. Plus, being on the bench was a fun way to watch the game. Unless the beaters were terrible at their job like they had been last year when she had left the game with a couple of new bruises even though she hadn't even been up in the air. The biggest downside of being an alternate was having to try out every year. "Summer Irvine, back as chaser." She stated as she stepped up towards Lennox. After that, Summer hopped onto her broom and shot into the air. She treated tryouts like she would any regular practice, which was a lot easier since she already knew how to work with the chasers in the starting positions, but made sure to show her skills as well. Like how she had gotten better at stealing the quaffle. Or how she could still hold on even when she got hit by one of the bludgers. She passed, chased and scored. In her mind, she was everything a chaser needed to be.

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