Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S2

Celia aimed a bludger at Lennox, but the ball had other ideas and flew towards @Mischa Falter-Butera instead.

Atlas x5
Avery x5
Celia x3
Horror x5
Ivelisse x4
Lennox x4
Mischa x5
Seamus x4
Terror x5
Toby x5
Lennox was surprised that she hadn't been hit with a bludger right after her miss. She still kept an eye out though. She didn't want to let her guard down. Lennox waited for the quaffle to be thrown back into play. She wanted, no needed, to make a goal, or ten, to redeem herself.
Celia flew after a bludger while keeping an eye on the chasers. They didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but she still didn't want them embarrassing the team if she could help it.
Lennox was basically taking every chance she could get. She grabbed ahold of the quaffle as it was thrown back into play. This time she was more determined than ever not to miss. She could not keep making a fool of herself.
Lennox aimed carefully this time, focusing on the hoops. She tossed the quaffle, watching it soar through, finally.
It seemed just the threat of bludgers was good enough motivation on its own, and Celia watched as Lennox finally managed to score. She just hoped it didn't take the girl that long to find success in an actual game.
Lennox felt like she might be out of this rut. But she had to make sure. She had to try again. She grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back in, ignoring the other chasers. She, after all, was the main character in her own story; she had to shine the brightest.
Lennox tossed the quaffle, a little too confident as it did not score. Cursing under her breath, she could not believe her bad luck.
Lennox knew she was missing a lot, way too much honestly. But at least she was trying, which was more than she could say for the other chasers. Not like she was giving them a chance. She quickly grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play.

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