Slytherin Quidditch Practice S1/Y48

Kanako failed to hit a bludger, much to her dismay.
Sybil was more than excited about making the quidditch team, even as an alternate. At this rate she'd have all the time to practice and get even better before she'd get a chance to start. She took to the air quickly and stayed back for a while to see how it was done. When she felt ready she raced forward and grabbed hold of the quaffle and started to fly around the pitch.
Ignatius hoped to find the snitch soon, the fear of all the beaters wasn't helping though.
Sybil approached the hoops and threw the quaffle. But her toss wasn't strong enough and it fell short. She frowned but practice was just beginning.
Kanako finally - finally - hit a bludger! Unfortunately it went veering off her intended target and hit someone else entirely. @Sybil St. James
Ignatius was managing to avoid being hit again just yet, but he wasn't finding the snitch.
Sunny wanted to hit Vanity next but her aim was off and the bludger missed it's target.
Kanako was enthused with her first hit and looked for more bludgers to hit, ultimately failing to hit one.
Ignatius kept looking for the snitch.
Sayuri grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play and went around the pitch again
To nobody's surprise, Ignatius did not miraculously find the snitch.
Sayuri threw the ball into the hoops, only for the captain to save them.
Ignatius did not find the snitch, but he was at least starting to relax as the pain was easing off a little.
Sybil let out a yelp as a bludger hit her. But she pushed forward to grab the quaffle next.
Enoch followed behind the young chaser with the quaffle.
Sybil flew around the pitch and approached the hoops again. Despite the pain of the bludger hit she threw it harder this time and was pleased to see it soar through the hoops.
Ignatius was yet to find the snitch.
Kanako tried to go for another bludger but missed. She pretended it didn't happen.
Ignatius didn't see Kanako miss because he was still kind of nervous and struggling to search for the snitch.
Sayuri grabbed the quaffle ss it was thrown back, only to try and throw the quaffle back in and fail. Worth a shot.
Kanako missed a bludger again.
Ignatius didn't catch the snitch. Was anyone surprised?
Sybil caught the quaffle as it was tossed back yet again and started making her lap around the pitch.

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