Slytherin needs a BFF

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Koboshi Aiko

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Koboshi has a very strong personality. She is Mean-spirited and Ambitious. She tends to fight alot with her cousins, but she still loves them very dearly. She is strong-willed and cunning, Loyal and mischeivous. If you get her mad, you had better find a safe place to hide.Koshi is a smart and well-mannered girl. Atleast thats what her parents think. Koshi has been bought up to one day take over the family buisness. She is the wealthiest of the siblings and the second oldest. Beaten for that title by Keitaro, her closest cousin. She spends alot of time with him at his house, or with Chihiro. She will do anything to get people out of her way. Koboshi is known as the beauty of the family, she got the looks and she’s proud of it.

Ok, so as the title suggests, I need some-one to be Koshi's BFF. Preferably in Slytherin, but that's not necessary. Preferably a girl, but again that isn't necessary either, so does any-one want to take up the challenge of this little fiesty firstie?
Okay, I don't have any first years to offer because they are all goody two shoes and your personality seems to suet at Ally because she's cruel, loud, funny and shopaholic. Ally likes quidditch and is the Slytherin chaser.

What do you think?
Yeah I rekkon they'd be good together. She can be her BFF and her mentor, hehe so long as Ally dosent mind being called -senpai or sensei (Friend, teacher)
Ok so yeah whenever ... either just start a topic or I can dosen't make a diff. But if I start it it may take a bit coz I'm rather busy.... Lots of outstanding haha.
Teigz... is Emiko Hitachiin yours? Lol I was thinking if she could be friends with Sally Kuang..

anyway love the PB >.< !! Sunny SNSD!! ♥!
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