Rumor Has It V.3


Active Member
Hello and welcome to your third edition of the spectacular 'Rumor Has It' Gossip Magazine. And we know how much everyone loves gossip, what with posters going around the school, whispers whispered, and we uncover and reveal them to you.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Slytherin's seem to be getting themselves into messes recently, and included is an arrogant Second Year. Benjamin Chase thinks very highly of himself - a given - but obviously not highly enough to fall for someone in a Half Blood (What is with all these unpure people?!). His head is often seen close to one Hariah Meadow, an over-happy Gryffindor. I don't understand why each of them could stand to be in the same area as each other, one a sly, conceited little boy, the other an over-the-top little girl. They say that opposite attracts, but I suppose Meadow has been known to check herself out at every possible reflection there is, and it's not hard to tell Chase oozes with pride. Though they will probably deny any rumors - their love-hate relationship is disgustingly obvious. I hope this is one they can get over fast - I don't want anything to happen to Chase if he is surrounded by the stench of a Half-Blood for too long.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Oh my, why did I not say anything on this fake little liar, Kiara Tine? I would speak in her native tongue, French, but alas, I don't know it, and I doubt she does either. That fake accent is just too much. Lose it, girl. You aren't even popular so this won't harm your reputation a bit. You are a creepy little girl, somehow sticking in a few things of French - not even correct words, mind you. Any first year knows the words "Yes" and "No" in French. I know that, and I am not French (pretty far from it actually). Little miss Kiara was also frenching some other Slytherin boy, and calling him her wife. So, either she thinks this boy is a girl and is a lesbian, or she too like the newest janitor, was dropped on her head as a baby, before being thrown around the room and round-house kicked out of a window. Girl, you are not as popular as you think you are. Lose all that hot air out of your balloon sized head, and get down to earth. I only know your name because of how many complaints and insults I hear about you. So go back to Beauxbatons, or let Darwin figure out that you are indeed, the weakest link.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Who would have thought that this idiot would have gotten his job back as Deputy Headmaster? Not even the Minister likes him, I saw her giving him the stink eye at the sorting ceremony. Flower loving, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor hating, former Hufflepuff. I am sure that he even lost out of Hufflepuff Head of House to our very own Professor Snow (and who could have blamed the Headmaster or Headmistress then?). I don't even sit through his class anymore, because of how much of a waste of time it is, the subject itself is a fairy's dream. And yes, you read that correctly. I have reasons to believe that Professor Blaze is in fact homosexual. His face is so feminine, he does the walk, and he always picks on the girls. No wonder he hates them. I hear he has a thing for Professor Hensel, so Professor Hensel, you better run! You are one pretty professor! Or wait, maybe he likes the younger ones? No, not young like Professor Zhefarovich (Not the former Muggle Studies professor, the new overachiever in Potions right now), but young like first years young. I saw him winking at our own little Heath James. I hope the Minister can read this and fire him, because none of the younger boys are safe anymore. So keep up that little smug attitude that yo have. You might be Deputy by some miracle, but no one respects you. No one likes you. You are not the big shot that you want to think you are. Not even the little boys you want so much. Can you do us a favor, get a sex change and go work down near Main street? Thank you.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
A pretty little Gryffindor may have taken a leaf out of her boyfriend's book, and done gone an' cheated on him. Just some background- The Sixth Year Gryffindor Prefect Faxen Lowart got her claws on Dymetris Kozlov - a Hufflepuff Sixth year Prefect, and Kozlov ended up cheating on his then girlfriend - Cosette Mayfair. But now, Faxen seems to have moved on to another boy, and I'm sorry to say it Kozlov, but he is an Auror, so he is probably much better than you. Karma sucks, doesn't it? I don't think anyone will say you don't deserve to be cheated on...but back to the story. The Gryffindor Slag has been seen out and about with the certain Auror, but it won't be held against him. Lowart has a certain way to manipulate boys into thinking she's worth being with - just a heads up for any guy interested in her; She's not. Why? Well, haven't you noticed her stomach getting a little bit bigger? Perhaps she is eating a bit more - for two maybe? It would surprise no one if Faxen was pregnant. Hopefully her child will have a bit more decency than her. Otherwise - Merlin help us.

P U F F L O V E , T O O C L O S E

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
As if her surname wasn't complicated enough, Ai Edogawa seems to have found herself in a sticky situation, whether she knows it or not. There are plenty of twins in this school, but none seem closer than the Edogawa twins - and not in a good way. The two Hufflepuffs are hardly ever seen apart; they -of course- have the same classes together, same friends, there isn't much room for separation between the two of them, but neither seems to be complaining. Now, I know people have gone stargazing together, but it seems like an awfully couple thing, don't you? However, the twins decided they would go together. Seriously guys? Don't you think you're getting too close to one another? Not only are you far too young to be dating anyone, I'm sure being with your sibling isn't legal. Yuck.

H A V E Y O U H E A R D T H E S E R U M O R S ?
[ul][li]The crazy Gryffindor chick - Lola? She digs the werewolf wannabe - Oh how I am sick of him! Minoas seems to be leeching girls where ever he can, stay away Lola!</LI>
[li]Another slut. Why am I not surprised it's this one that is mentioned again? Ever since she got her voice back, Sapphire Bookchild won't stop attaching herself to anything that moves. Stay still when she comes near - you may be her next person to prowl on!
[li]Poor Miss Sparkles' joy didn't impress any off the Gryffindor Quidditch captains, no matter how hard she tried. The Second Year Transfer, did not once play in a Qudditch game. You can't be perfect in everything Sparkles, but do us all a favor and go and have a cry.
[li]The revolting romantic chemistry coming from Krystin Saenger and Doriano Knight is almost at it's time to explode. Come on guys, just get together, it's sickening the world.
<LI>[li]It's bad enough to be a Hufflepuff, but to be on the losing Hufflepuff team is just an embarrassment. I don't think anyone was thinking they would actually win their game, and thanks to their incredibly bad seeker, they lost. Sorry Puffs, you're still lame for another year![/li][/ul]

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Does everyone remember our midget little Head Boy from last year? It was easy to forget him since after he became Head Boy, he did jack sh*t. Any who, we just could not get rid of him it seemed like. He is back, but look at this everyone! The former Head Boy has become a caretaker, or in other words, a Janitor. I heard that the Head Girl is in a very good place in the Ministry. What happened, Justin? Dropped on your head as a kid, and the teachers felt that they were going to feel bad if they did not give the "special" kid the shiny awards? If they don't keep their badges, Jeremy, I would clean yours off with boiling water, it might have slobber on it. Not only did Justin land a weak job that a monkey could do, but somehow he smells like dog and is drooling all over the place. Rather disgusting. Maybe his ex, also former Head Girl Dannii Merrythought, took out his brain or something? Then again he might not have been smart at all. I don't recall him making any Outstandings in anything, except maybe Transfiguration. Must have tipped her off or something. But if Head Boys are seen nowadays as janitors, I feel that there isn't much going for those with Prefect badges and those two positions anymore. So back to Justin, if you can even read this, here is what I would like for you to do: GO TO A CLIFF AND SEE IF YOU CAN FIND SOMETHING SHINY AT THE BOTTOM! YOU'LL SURVIVE THAT LARGE DROP, DON'T YOU WORRY!


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
Anyone wondering why Ravenclaw is so far behind in House Points this year? Well we have a couple of people to blame. The former Hufflepuff student, Takuya Blaze, isn't seeming so nice and friendly - or a pushover like most Puffs are. Nope, Blaze has it out for a certain Ravenclaw Darkhart. Her surname seems to have preluded to her misfortunate future, as the Ravenclaw that lost the winning streak. Though I'm not complaining, the Claws have had more than enough of their share of House Cups. The former Puff and the current Claw just seem to have a strong hatred for each other. No matter what is happening, Blaze will end up where Darkhart is, and will always be the one to take the housepoints off. A little bias maybe Blaze? Though with Annalie's continued disrespect for her house makes it seem as though she wished for another home in this school, and I think we can all clearly guess which one she is yearning for. Sorry Annalie - only the best get into Slytherin. The Ravenclaw seems to love ticking off the Deputy Headmaster as much as he loves punishing her. Even after a fight between a little Hufflepuff and Darkhart - Blaze did nothing to punish the Puff, only took his anger out on Darkhart. I told you he was bias. They both act like little, bloody annoying children. Who knows who long their continual rage at each other will last, but it makes for a good story, and I can assure you, you will be kept up to date with these two, and their fights that bring both their reputations down.

A N O T H E R S L Y T H E R I N G I R L ?

H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
An Icy Slytherin Princess known for hiding emotions. Can you guess? Probably not, because most Slytherin girls are icy, and only show their angry emotion. But in this chapter, we are focusing on the Seventh Year - Alyss Summers. This pretty Slytherin seems to be hiding a big secret from us all - the possibility that she may actually have feelings for someone that One - isn't a Slytherin and Two - is a mixed blood! Goodness girl, where has your mind gone? I thought this was something you cared about...don't worry Jeremy Thorne can have the affect on people. The Head Boy seems to have a long line of girls that would love to be with him, this Veela chick not far behind. Perhaps Jeremy now has all the attention because he is Head Boy. A person with power - someone Summers is probably looking for - not that she'd ever admit it. Loosen up sweety, show some of your Veela powers - and maybe, just maybe the Head Boy may look out over his sea of girls, and spot you.
What is with all the sluts in our school?


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
We all know about our little Branch, but now she is becoming a twig. How can she stay on a broomstick for long, or even play Quidditch without the wind taking her off into the breeze is beyond me. So let me get to the point here. It appears that I was mistaken Andy for Samual, who is the real part-goblin lover. My apologies. (I hope people have had fun jumping out at Andy.) So, this Gryffindor has a thing for the smaller women it seems. From midget to midget, now he goes to someone that could sink through a crack in the floor if she isn't careful. They were caught hugging on the grounds, and it seemed like a rather close hug. Their middles touched, if you know what I mean. The Drama Queen is perhaps our favorite target right now, and she has gone and done it again, leaving the poor, battered and bruised Stefan Archer that did not even get Prefect (three guesses, I'm sure Styx doesn't like pathetic wimps) in the dust. Sorry Bruised, she is moving on to our Goblin-loving freak. Can't really blame her either, the guy can make the small girls melt with his "good looks". We can't even say that without laughing. The boys and girls are just getting uglier, and I find it hilarious.


H A V E Y O U H E A R D ?
The first year of this new Slytherin has turned into a horrible one. First of all, she shows off some sort of man side to her that she ends up punching someone. I never got his name but apparently she is already shaping to be a man beater. This is quite funny because at the Slytherin versus Ravenclaw game, she looked too scared to even get on a broomstick! That is not the worst of it. It isn't hard being a Keeper. Anyone can catch a big red ball. Apparently not. Kamaria clearly saw the quaffle coming as an easy shot from one failure of a chaser, Makwa. Yet the girl still missed. This ticked off Isabella Romanes so much, she kicked her off the team itself! She was sent, probably crying (wow Isabella, harsh much?) all the way back to her dorms. So the girl punching some guy was all an act, ladies and gentlemen, this girl is nothing more than a two-faced fake. Anyone that knows her (which is unlikely), don't mess with her even if you were planning to. She isn't worth the time acting like this badass when in fact she is nothing more than a little whiny girl that can't catch a ball or fly a broomstick. That alone, gentlemen, should tell you on how she is. She sucks on brooms.

H A V E Y O U H E A R D T H E S E R U M O R S ?
[ul][li]Andy, the fainter, fainted in Professor Styx's class I heard. Pathetic much? Have a heart attack already. That will give you something to be afraid of.[/li][/ul]
So there you have it kids. Owl us with any rumors - whether its something you've seen, or something you want to spread, we want it all!
Remember, the Eyes are watching you.
OOCOut of Character:
Remember if you know who we are, do not speak a word. Thank you.
Hufflepuff student, Ai Edogawa, was in a good mood today, since today she has free time and is with her brother, once again. She may spend time with him during classes, but during free time, they spend less time together thanks to the upcoming exams. They were going to play soccer today, but they need a good snack before they play with all their energy. When both of them entered the Great Hall, Ai noticed a lot of eyes on both of them, or was it only her. She didn't mind it at all and she picked up what seemed to be a magazine as she sat on the Hufflepuff table.

She flipped through the magazine and saw her picture on it. "Oh my gosh! This article is about me!" she thought to herself. But, she was not happy about it at all, she heard about this magazine. Rumor Has It, and when you're written in it, it can't be anything but bad. Ai read the article and turned red with rage and embarrassment. NOBODY writes about her and her brother like that. She stood up and threw the magazine aside. "Really! What kind of brain did the one who wrote this had?!" she said in anger and looked at all the eyes focused on her. She didn't care anymore. "Nobody knows what happened between me and my brother and how we got into such closeness aside from the two of us. So if you don't know anything, just shut your mouth!" she shouted as she marched out of the Great Hall. She knew that from all the shouting, everything could have gotten worse, but she really didn't care anymore. Really, how could they judge their relationship when it was like that from the start? She landed a few punches and kick on a nearby wall and left to wait for her brother, if he would ever show up.
Sapphire had gotten up with a good mood. She had gotten though her studies in History of Magic and was thinking of asking Morgan if they couldn't get an X-box for the house. She was sure that Eden could charm it so the magic around them wouldn't kill the thing the moment it was plugged in. She had played with one in Muggle Studies and wanted to play again. It was so much fun making the characters do what she wanted them to do. Sapphire was quite lost in her own imagination when she saw something that was sure to burst her happy bubble. She saw the bold letter spelling 'Rumor Has It' and knew that there where days about to be ruined.

She picked up a copy and started to read though the stories. Some she didn't know some she wished the paper would just leave alone. Sapphire had seen Stefan during the holiday and hoped that he was doing better than he was doing back then. He had stayed at Morgan's house for a night then too his leave. Sapphire wished he had stayed until school started up again but she was sure he had somewhere to go. As for Kate, she know knew that the girl was crazy about Stefan. Ever the observant one Sapphire could see things like that going on between people. Sapphire searched the fellow Hufflepuff through the screaming of the first year whom she was sure was named Ai.

Sapphire wanted to comfort the girl too but Kate needed her first. She spotted Kate and walked over to her. "Wanna get out of here and make this trash into confetti for the ball?" She asked smiling at her friend. She had noticed the small tidbit about her attaching to anything that moved but didn't pay it too much mind. So what if she had developed a bit of an interest in the red headed beater. It wasn't like she had even spoken to him yet and was sure that she was so not the type of girl he went for anyway.
Kate was pretty happy this morning.Even though they had lost quidditch she didn't really mind,it had been a small bit embarrassing though but Kate had tried her hardest she couldn't do any better then that and she still had two years left anyways.Kate still hadn't talked to some of her friends in a while,she hoped they were okay and doing well.Classes were good too for once she was actually studying for exams,she would like to get a good score and for once she had gotten off her lazy butt and started to study.Kate has a short attention span so just sitting there and staring at a page was't a very good way for her to study so instead she was writing,needless to say her arm always killed her at the end of the night but the method was proving useful and she was more confident that she would do well in the exams.Things with Stefan were going great,she couldn't help the small smile on her face when she thought of their last talk.She was glad that she had finally got through to him,hopefully he wouldn't believe he was a waste of space anymore and they had kissed which was one of the reasons she was practically glowing.

She walked into the hall and because she was so happy she didn't notice everyone looking at a magazine.She sat down on the table and noticed people giving her some looks,he happy mood began to lower and she sighed when she saw the RHI magazine on the table.Seriously what was the dudes problem with her,she was in all three,she didn't think her life was that interesting or she amusing to belittle.She opened the magazine and flicked through the articals.She knew some of them.She found her part,she wasn't sure how she felt whether to laugh or to be outraged.Sammy had only hugged her to make her feel better,she found it quite hillarious that she was being accused of leaving Stefan,she hadn't done that even when he pushed her away so the chances of that happening now was very slim,probably no possibility at all.She was annoyed though that she had been accused,though she shouldn't be surprised,she seemed to have her own little stalker he watched her every move.Her attention moved to a first year Hufflepuff who obviously did not like what was written about her,Kate had learned from experience that you shouldn't react to it like that,RHI was just going to comment on the next one.She looked up when sh heard a familiar voice.She looked at the magazine "I'd like that"She said grinning,she hoped Sammy was okay though she was sure he would take it in his stride
Tamalia yawned and stretched and yawned again as she walked down the stairs of the castle. This place needed to be updated, seriously, it was like she lived in the middle ages. She played with her hair and looked around for Sammy, he was usually whizzing around somewhere in the morning, never too far from her, especially after some b!tch had him up against a tree, if Tamalia ever saw her again, she would kill her, or atleast try to, no matter what Samual or the Professors said, she didn't care, no-one made Sammy cry, no-one. Tamalia had made a vow to protect her little brother, he was too sweet and innocent to be harmed by people, it wasn't fair on him, people like him didn't exist these days, she had not met a fourteen year old that has gone what he has gone through still be so sweet and kind to people, ever, in her sixteen years of living, and her whole family agreed, Sammy was one in a million and she wanted to make sure that he stayed that way, even if it meant bashing a few heads in, Tama might be small, but she has never been afraid to get into a scuffle or two. Tamalia sighed once again and kicked the thoughts from her mind, it was breakfast for Gods sake, she was not going to ruin her mood before she had the chance to properly stuff her face, so she entered the hall, noting the current interest many people had with some magazine. Curiousity, as well as hunger was eating away at her insides, she picked up a magazine and a punkin pastie as she sat down at the Gryffindor table, then it hit her. RHI- Rumor Has It, that dumb magazine that dedicated a line to her and Makaylah losing points for their houses before they had any, just a lull, nothign too serious. Tamalia rolled her eyes and flicked through the pages.

The one labled 'Pedobear Professor' was hilarious, she had to admit, though it could also be career ruining, she didn't care, she hated the guy, he was forever taking points from her, it was ridiculous. Then she narrowed her eyes on a photo of Annalie Darkhart, suddenly her pumpkin pastie was crushed between her fingers, she snapped out of it and cleaned off her hand. She hated Annalie Darkhart, and wished simply for her death to be long and painful. She turned the page and read some more, her attention being brought to an unusal name she knew very, very well. Samual. This Samual happened to be in Gryffindor. This Samual happened to know Kate Moon. Tamalia didn't know of another person that spelt their name as 'Samual' it was usually 'Samuel', she didn't know of a Samual in Gryffindor, except on kid, but he spelt his with an 'E' instead of an 'A'. She growled and looked around the Gryffindor table, Sammy was never good with insults, especially these days. She stood up when she found him and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Hey Dimple, you okay?" She whispered, pulling Sammy's hair out of his eyes so she could see her little brothers face. She then made the decision that it was time for them both to leave, before Sammy surely cried, and before she started throwing punches at people. "Come on." She stood up and led Samual out of the hall, never letting people get too close to him. Sometimes she could be a little over protective, but this was her little brother, nothing was going to hurt him, especially some faceless coward that hid because a magazine.
Alyss walked up from the dungeons to the Great Hall, still stretching and yawning. She wasn't wearing make-up, something she didn't have to wear, because of her being part-veela. She supposed that was one good thing about it... Even though she hated everything else about it. Most girls were angry at her, because they worried that she would steal their boyfriend. She wasn't interested in any of them. The only boy she was interested in, wasn't what people would've expected of her, because a, he wasn't a Slytherin, and b, he wouldn't be a future Death Eater like most people expected her to become. Thankfully no one knew that she liked him...

Walking into the Great Hall, she noticed most people stared at her, and she didn't understand why. Usually people tried to avoid her, because they knew that if they annoyed her... They would be taken care of. Some of the people that she had picked on in the past, were openly smirking and laughing, and when her eyes fell on the tables, and she saw the Rumor Has It Magazine on the table again, she understood why. Stalking over to the Slytherin table to pick up the magazine, she flicked through it, ignoring the other articles, trying to find the one about her. Slowly reading it, her icy blue eyes flashed angrily. How dare they call her a slut? How dare they say that she was only interested in him because he was Headboy? She had liked him for years... How dare they suggest she use her veela powers? She didn't have that many veela powers in the first place, and she wouldn't take away someone's free will like that, especially not his...

She glanced up, and noticed more people staring at her, waiting for her reaction. She could feel her eyes welling up, at the nasty words from the magazine, and turned and hurried out of the Great Hall. She refused to let anyone see her cry. She was seventeen for crying out loud... She wasn't meant to cry anymore. She thought that she had controlled all these emotions years ago... Apparently not though. The Slytherin girl knew that if anyone saw her cry, she would be ridiculed for the rest of her time here at Hogwarts, and even after probably. She had too many enemies here... Rounding the corner, she slid down the wall, and began breaking down there, hoping no one noticed her.
Since the Quidditch game was over, the Gryffindor how no left excuses to use and postpone further his revision. He was clearly not in the mood to schedule his time and assign specific materials to study each day. The fact that the warmer and longer days of summer had arrived, were making the whole thing even more difficult. Managing to drag himself off his bed, he decided first to have a good breakfast and give his brain the right fuel to work.
However, there was a surprise waiting for him in the great hall. As soon as he arrived and noticed agitated faces gathered in groups, he knew immediately what was going on. "Not again!" he mumbled desperetaly while heading to Gryffindor's table and had a seat. He took a copy of the gossip magazina and started browsing through it. With a quick inspection, he didn't find an article regarding himself and let a sigh of relief as he was filling his glass with some orange juice. There was just a small, wryly comment about Lola and him but he decided not to give to it much attention. At least there nothing about him or Briar. He was afraid that he was going to see an article about him and Madlyn. Their last encounter in the library might was after midnights but whomever was writing those articles seemed to have eyes everywhere. Thank Zeus, there was no article about him fancying older, half-giant prefects. He leaned the magazine on a jug and started reading the rest articles while eating his fried eggs.
He really wanted to know who was the author of that piece of cr*p. Judging from what was featured in the magazine's pages, probably a spoiled daddy's girl that was not getting enough attention from boys. He couldn't find any other kind of person that could call slut every single girl that had a love affair or a relationship.
<COLOR color="#000">Ryuuji Tsukino was very disturbed as soon as he entered the great hall. He cannot really put a finger on whatever it was that is causing him to feel uneasy, but he was sure that there was something wrong. The usually busy hall was still busy, but today, it seemed like there was another reason for it. He looked at everyone, some are talking among themselves while pointing to selected students, that's rude, very rude indeed. He didn't know why they are pointing at those students, but really, didn't anyone told them to don't point at other persons? With a sigh, Ryuuji approached the Ravenclaw table. Alright, even the table which would more often than not be fulled of students, eating, or if not, reading a book doing some homework, seemed to replaced by a table full of students whispering among themselves. Was that the new craze right now? With a shake of his head, he chose to sat away from the other students. Other students from the other houses continued to fill the hall. Alright, this is totally weird. He stood up and approached one of his dorm mates. He waited to be acknowledge but the boy seemed to be focused so much in this magazine that he was reading. Now that he actually noticed it, everyone else was reading the same magazine. This might be the cause of the disturbance then. Walking back to his seat, he found the same magazine on top of the table. "Rumor Has It?" So, this famous magazine was the reason why everyone is buzzing eh? Sitting once more, Ryuuji made himself comfortable as he browse the pages of the said magazine. He doesn't really know most of the people featured there, but as his eyes landed on that one picture, Ryuuji's heart almost stopped. It was Ai. That sweet and shy kid was featured in the magazine. Oh boy this won't be good. He read the entire article, biting his lips in an attempt to stop himself from ripping the magazine apart. Okay, he wasn't featured in the magazine, but one of his closest friends is. No, scratch that. It was two of his closest friends. Really, who wrote that article? He had been with the twins, and yes, the twins are pretty close, but not to the extent that the magazine was implying. Which person finds so much happiness in messing up with people's lives? With a frown, Ryuuji stood up from his seat. He's going to look for the twins. Hopefully, oh just how much he wished, Ai and Conan hadn't read the article yet. But all these hopes were easily shattered as he heard a familiar voice. Jeez, she had read it. He tried to run after her as she stormed out of the hall. She's hurt. Hurt too much. She's just a first year, really. "Ai-chan...matte!" He called out, running as fast as he could so he could talk to the younger girl.
Kiara was in a pretty good mood right about now. She didn't really have a reason to be sad. So she stuck to being happy. It made her feel pretty good about herself on the whole. She walked into the great hhall and liked her lips at the food spread across the table. She saw Justin sitting at the table, and Spencer wasn't that far away, she sat next to Justin, not taking much notice of Spencer, what they had made out like, once... she shrugged and grabbed a plate and started to pick the food sshe wanted to have for breakfast this morning. She didn't really care if it was healthy or unhealthy, she was pretty much in a good mood today. She whispered more jokes in Justin's ear and waited for him to respond to her before starting on her food. It was only at this point, that the young Slytherin noticed the rumor has it magazine on the table. She tilted her head at it as some e of her fellow classmates were pointing and staring at her. She bit her lip. Did this mean that she was in the magazine this time? She grabbed the paper and flicked through he articles until she found the one she was looking for. The french girl read over some of the words that the person had written and found them quite excessive. There really was no need for that kind of language.

However instead of frowning or crying, Kiara simply laughed. She found it quite hilarious indeed. She did not make out with Justin, it seemed that this was another mistake of RHI. He was losing his none existant touch it seems. She smiled lightly and flicked the paper over her shoulder and finished her breakfast, who cared anyway? It was just a petty attempt to make people angry, but it hadn't worked. She herself had actually been quite amused. Though it bugged about her mis information, so she was going to correct it.The 'Faux' French smirked and looked at Justin, then without a care in the world, she connected her lips with his. Now the magazine was credible again.
Sitting at the staff table, the Head of the Slytherin House was not particularly doing anything that would be considered important. This morning was somewhat different. He was sitting somewhat close to Professor Snow, and he had remembered the accusations of that magazine which he found to be rather annoying and a minor inconvenience. Professor Styx started noticing something that was going around, copies and copies of the same sheet of people. Some were laughing hysterically, others were calm, and then there were some upset. Professor Styx figured that he would go see what was going on. Walking over to the Slytherin table with his black robes trailing after him, before he noticed another issue of that magazine. The author really knew how to get to people, and wondered who it was. He could easily find out, but that would take a while to interview and see into the minds of countless students. Not something that Professor Styx was wanting to do anyhow. He took a copy and he opened it up with his gloved hands as he began to read. He went back to the staff table where he would show it to Professor Snow, surely her students were mentioned. His were.

Not only were there students being mentioned, but none other than the former Head Boy, Justin Cliffeton. Someone held a grudge, but a part of him wondered if that was why the boy never did well in his class. Shrugging, he went on to another story, one about Professor Blaze. His eyebrow rose when he finished reading the column. That was simply something else. Professor Styx duplicated it and handed one over to Professor Snow. The student that was writing this had revealed that there were more than one. So it was a team effort. That was a mistake. He stood up, and he walked around the table until he approached Professor Blaze. He dropped the article in front of him, and he said, "I suppose this is why you aren't married, so the author says." Professor Styx then turned on the spot and he made his exit from the Great Hall. A cold smirk was barely visible on his lips, but nonetheless, he had found the issue to be rather interesting. However he would have to find out who was behind it, and if they were in his house, they would be expelled faster than they could even think of arguing against him. Causing mayhem to the school was definitely not something he would overlook.
Annalie entered the great hall, head held high. Lately she had been feeling an even higher level of superiority over the worthless slugs that walked the schools corridors. They held nothing on her and she didn't care about anything they had to say. Walking over the Ravenclaw house table she pushed an unsuspecting girl out of the way and took her seat. Spotting the latest rumour has it magazine she picked in up and riffled through it. Finding an article on the waste of space Professor Blaze. Settling down to read it she picked up a piece of toast to eat whilst she read it. Her dark eyes skimming the page she almost choked on her toast, she was in tears of laughter. He deseved all the hate he could get. He was nothing but a poser anyway, who hated her. Turning the page she was greeted with her own photo. Raising an eyebrow she began to read the article about her. Finishing it she laughed, in her opinion this was the best that cou ld have happened to her. Everyone that read it would now know her name and what she was capable of, great for lifting her reputation as some one who really didn't give a sh!t about the school rules. One thing bugged her though, the comment about only the best getting into Slytherin. It was ironic really. The Ravenclaw's ex sister had somehow found her way into Slytherin so obviously they weren't too picky as to who got into their house. Flicking through the rest of the magazine she stopped on an article about Samual Kaster and Kate Moon. She quickly read it and smirked, Samual was nothing but a cry baby so she couldn't care less but at least she had something else to hold against him.

Annalie scanned the great hall eyes landing on Samual at the Gryffindor house table. Rolling up her copy of the magazine for future refererence she tucked it under her arm and made a beeline for the Gryffindor. Smirking she drew up to him, "So you are in the magazine again Sammy, too bad they didn't mention your delusions." she taunted, "But you have a girlfriend? Shame she is a hufflepuff, I don't know how anyone could lower their standards that far that they could hug a Hufflepuff. You are so clueless aren't you?" she added sniggering. She leant towards him, "What a loser." she hissed so only he could hear. Samual was great fun to pick on, he was so weak. She loved this magazine.
For some reason, Justin didn't know why, but he woke up early, and it was totally insane. Justin never woke up early, for anything, except maybe Quidditch, but that was about it, sometimes Kiara could get him out of bed as well, and Drake too, but otherwise he slept in as much as he could. But today he just couldn't sleep and so made his way to the hall, slightly earlier than usual. When he entered the hall, there was a lot of talking going on, but he didn't take much notice, he wanted food, his stomach was rumbling its protests as he made his way to the Slytherin table. He put some food on his plate, he nodded towards Kiara as she joined him and ran his fingers through his ash blonde hair and thought about what he would eat first, laughing at her extremely lame jokes. He wasn't sure where she got them from, but some were funny because they were so lame. He elbowed her in response and continue to peak at his food. Now that it was in front of him, he didn't want it anymore, wierd how that happened a lot. But when Kiara seemed to be distracted by something, he too became distracted, and then a small smirk found its way on his face. A third issue? He looked around, no Andy having a heart attack, no Hazel glaring at him. No family involved. How wonderful. Though he did note the staring Kiara received, was there something about her in there? This was getting even more interesting. He wondered if there was anything absolutely horrifying in the magazine, and soon began to read. First up was son Slytherin kid, Justin had no idea who he was, and so skipped that story, next was something about the ex-headboy, and he had to agree, if the headgirl went to the Ministry, why was the headboy working here as anything but a Professor? He laughed and continued reading, soon finding what Kiara was reacting to, she had a bit all to herself, Justin was so proud. He then snickered with her, and soon realised that he was namelessly mentioned, and it made him laugh more. To his knowledge he and Kiara had never locked lips, it just never happened, he'd actually never thought about it to be honest, or thought about that towards any other girl, because girls seemed to get on his nerves too much for him to actually consider doing anything other than yelling at them. He put the magazine down for two seconds so he could actually eat something, when Kiara kissed him. He was shocked, but didn't show it, in fact, he stayed completely emotionless about the whole thing, and carelessly wiped his mouth after she released him, then sipped his drink.

Justin then continued reading the magazine, he couldn't bare to not finish it, the last issue was too funny for him to not bother reading this issue, up until Andy's out burst with the last one, Justin was having a great time reading it. The next was about some Ravenclaw girl doing something to someone, he really didn't care, he had no idea who she was, and so he flipped the page. His face lit up at the next article he saw, one about his least favourite Professor. Professor Takuya Blaze, the flower-child. The man that worked in the miniature forest he called a classroom. He knew there was something odd about that Professor, he was what? 40? And still wasn't married. Even Justin's father was married again and he was homosexual. Justin couldn't help but laugh at the Professor he hated so much, he was one annoying guy, and maybe he was a creep. Justin turned the page and continued. The next was about his fellow Chaser, Alyss. Truth be told, Justin didn't know a thing about her, except that she was a good chaser. The next was about that Gryffindor girl, but Justin didn't look at that one for too long, and moved on. There was one about that Kate girl, his eyebrow rose at the meantion of Andy once more, and then shook his head, nothing too serious about Andy, and so he moved on, and cringed at the next story, quickly skipping it. He didn't want to read about that sort of thing, being a twin himself, it made his stomach twirl in ways unimaginable, even if it all was false or true, he didn't want to read into it. With the last one he laughed, he knew the girl, quite well, if he was not mistaken, she was the one he annoyed in the Library, to the extent that she actually attacked him. Priceless, she fell right into his plans. He gave the magazine a once over, and noted the little bit about Andy at the bottom and closed if. No family harm, he was quite fine. "I'm going." He whispered in Kiara's ear, leaving the hall without eating a thing. He didn't feel like eating now, he was too happy.
Kate wondered what RHI would come up with the next time. Since there were two in the first term she supposed ther would be another one,she hoped she wouldn't be in but she doubted it,she was curious as to what they would say though. It would probably a twist of the truth or something completely untrue. She just hoped t didn't hurt people who hung out with her. She was annoyed that Sammy had been brought in. She decided to finish her breakfast before going out to shred the magazine. She die her best not to skip meals as she need still needed to gain a lot of what. She was half as bad as the magazine let on. She wasn't going to slip through any cracks o be blown off her broom. "wanna sit" she asked Sapphire before tucking into her brown bread and jam. She scanned the Hall looking for Sammy, she felt bad about what happened and she wanted to see if he was okay. 'I'll be back in a sec, I just want to check something" she said getting up from the table and walking over to the Gryffindor table. As she neared Sammy she saw anoter girl go over,Kate briefly saw the front of her face and recognised her from the magazine. She knew she was bad news and she didn't like the fact she was going over to Sammy. She quickened her step and herd all the girl was saying. Well she was obviously a Hufflepuff hater or thought they were below her. "Excuse me" she said politely "Something you want to say?" she asked raising her eyebrows. This probably wasn't a good idea but she didn't want her saying anything more to Sammy
Sammy was in a great mood today, he couldn't explain it, it was just one of those days. After seeing Professor Elvera Le Fey a while ago, she was so nice to him, she made him really happy, she just listened to him vent and gave him some helpful advice and comfort. It was so nice of her to do that for him, he just randomly came to her and asked for her to help him, she didn't know what he was going on about, but she let him in anyway, Sammy thought she was really something. She was one of his favourite Professors, after Professor Blaze of course. He entered the Great Hall, ignorant of looks and the magazine, and sat down at the Gryffindor table. But after a while, the looks and whispered and a magazine being passed around made Sammy curious, once again. He looked around and frowned, that horrible little magazine was back! He sighed and looked at it, what damage was it doing to peoples lives now? He looked at the stories and shook his head, he didn't know the people, but he felt sorry for them, this writer was ruthless. He stopped when he saw the page that had the picture of that horrible girl he met, the one that brought him to tears, and he soon found out that her name was Annalie Darkhart. Darkhart, it seemed to fit rather nicely to her personality, she was a horrible person, especially for what she did to him, just the thought made his eyes water slightly. He blinked and turned the page, he could no-longer look at the girls face any more. He gasped at the story of his favourite Professor, how horrible, he felt like defending poor Professor Blaze, but soon stopped himself, if anyone believed the claims, Samual standing up for the Professor would not help at all, in fact, it would probably bring him into the problem and make it far worse for the kind Professor. "Poor Professor Blaze..." He said quietly. He liked Professor Blaze, he was the best Professor Samual ever had, and he would be horrified if because of this magazine, Professor Blaze lost his job.

Samual continued reading and sipped some water, his emerald eyes lingered on a Slytherin girls story, Alyss Summers. She had such a nice name, happy and bright, and she looked nice, but this article about her was not nice at all, he frowned. Where did people get off for being mean to others? It wasn't right, and it wasn't fair. He continued on, passing a Gryffindor girls story, apparently she was pregnant, he shook his head, that was going to up her self-esteem. He then turned to the next page, and his heart sank. Kate! This magazine wrote about Kate again? That wasn't fair, Kate was one of the nicest people Sammy knew. He read the article, and his already glassy eyes filled with more tears. What the Hell was this magazine going on about? It was true, Samual knew a few part-goblin girls, sure, he thought they were nice and fun to be around, but he didn't just like them because they were part-goblins, and he didn't like Kate because she was thin. He liked them all because they were a bunch of kind people, and he only liked them in a friendship sort of way. "Their middles touched, if you know what I mean" Samual repeated in his mind, what was this magazine going on about? Sure, he hugged Kate in front of the lake, but he had no idea what it was saying about middles touching. "I'm sorry Mr Magazine, I have no idea what you're on about." He muttered quietly, wiping his eyes before he started crying. He wasn't even sure why he was reacting in this sort of way, he just was, he felt all the embarrassment and hurt in the room and it was effecting his emotions. Samual didn't understand why the magazine was targetting him and Kate, they were just friends, and he didn't understand why it called him ugly too, what he he done to this person, or people, to make them hate him. Samual was nice to everyone, he had never said anything against anyone in his life, not that he could remember, anyway.

He put the magazine down, unable to read it further, and stiffened when he felt someone wrap their arm around him, but soon relaxed. Tamalia. He shook his head and told her to not worry about him, only one tear escaped his emerald eyes, and that was going to be the last. He let her leave without him, as he told her he was going to try and eat something first, but was soon stopped by Annalie. His heart fell out of his chest in seconds at the sight of her, had she read that magazine too? Had she read about him and Kate, even though it was absolutely nothing, she could use it against him, and since she used the fact that his brother was murdered by a Deatheater to make him cry, Sammy knew she'd happily use this to do the same. But in all honesty, she was right, he was lucky that the magazine writers had not written about his feelings towards his parents dead situation, or he would have been crying uncontrollably, not even Tamalia would have been able to help him with that one. He huffed slightly as she went on. "Kate is not my girlfriend." He said in a quiet voice, he was intimidated by Annalie, she knew so much about him, it scared him half to death. "And there's nothing wrong with being in Hufflepuff, but there is something wrong with acting like you." He countered, his moods were getting more erratic as time flew past, he was not in the mood for Annalie's taunts he never was, but this time was different, he was defending someone other than himself now, and he seemed to be better at protecting others than himself. He was about to say something, but Kate Moon interupted, he smiled slightly, she didn't seem upset by the article, that was good. He wiped his eyes and stood up, if this went any further, there could be trouble. He stood between them timidly, he wasn't sure what he was going to do if they started arguing, he looked at Kate, then at Annalie, then back at Kate. "Don't worry Kate, it's nothing." A lie, it was obvious that this was something, but he didn't want Kate involved, or Annalie might start on her too.
Elvera headed down to breakfast the morning that the Gossip magazine was released. she knew that something was going to hit the school today. and she wanted to be there to help the rest of the professors when it did. she crossed the entrance hall and she saw some young girls sniggering at a pice of parchment, and she knew that it was another gossip magazine. she headed into the hall where she knew most of the drama would occur. and picked up a copy from the nearest table. she quickly scanned through it and was glad to see that there was nothing about her and any of the students this time but there was quite a lot of stuff that was obviously a lie in there. there was an article about her new sisters friend. and that sister was mentioned at the end as well. she walked down the aisle towards the professors table when she heard someone shout out across the hall. she turned to the girl and saw who she was talking to. this wouldn't do. all this was giving her a head ache. she should have remembered to wear gloves but she hadn't she walked over the the group where the commotion was happening. "Miss Darkheart. that is enough. as much Is i dislike taking points off anyone especially anyone in my own house but I am going to take five points from Ravenclaw for that, you are lucky it isn't detention. there is more than enough chaos today without you adding to it." she said before looking to the other two students. Samuel and Her sister Sapphires friend Kate. she hadn't read the magazine so didn't know the whole story but she could guess that there was some article on Samuel. and maybe kate as well. "Miss moon please may you go with samuel and make sure that he is okay." she said as she could see that the boy was near crying.
<COLOR color="#000"> Quite early in the morning, Benjamin Chase swaggered in the Great Hall where he planned to grab some fruits for breakfast. Truth to be told, but he was just running out of shape. Okay, maybe he was still in a good build but his lack of exercise was apparently disturbing him. He barely surfed anymore and he still wanted to go to the sea and just spend his time there. His sea green eyes matched its colour and not to mention that the Pure Blood boy adored surfing, which was a muggle sport for some exercise. Benjamin would boast his skills in that kind of sport, but some people would just stare at him in disbelief not quite getting the idea of his arrogant siding softening up because of a complex muggle sport. The lake was maybe his next destination after breakfast to get the memories of the sea back to him before the exams would start. Benjamin was lazy and he was not ashamed to admit it. He was lazy enough to attend History of Magic and he planned to skip one lesson of it. Who the hell cared if they lost house points? He just wanted their pride to remain intact or to say, swelling in its usual size. Benjamin yawned whilst he ruffled his hair lazily, his clothes slightly disheveled. He did not exactly head to the Great Hall after changing into something casual. He laid on his bed for almost fifteen minutes, wondering what to do. As soon as Benjamin reached the Slytherin table, he stopped and got a ripe red apple and tossed it in the air, not higher than a foot away from his palm. Benjamin caught his breakfast easily and placed it near his mouth to take a juicy bite. The fruit was delicious and it lifted his spirits a bit. He casually trotted his way to the middle of the table length, before sitting down on an empty spot with a clean golden plate set before him. There were a variety of things to eat but he remained munching on his red apple. The fruit was good and healthy and he definitely was not going to give up eating a fruit whilst viewing the temptation of eating sweets instead. What struck him though was a yell nearby from a Hufflepuff student. He perked up instantaneously, looking for that stupid girl who dared yell at the Great Hall. Did she have rude manners? Benjamin saw her get out of the Great Hall, with a magazine left on the spot where she was last seen. He looked around him with a confused expression, and some of them were just throwing him snickers and smirks as he looked at his fellow house mates.

It was not exactly normal for Benjamin to reach out to a magazine and flip through it. He could have been suspected homosexual and he surely loathed those reactions from those surrounding him. Regardless, even the males in the Great Hall were flipping through the magazine, looking thoroughly amused as if it struck them so much. The Slytherin though the same too, that maybe he would get some entertainment when he read the articles. The front cover said it all and it was the ever Rumour Has It magazine that was an exclusive gossip magazine filled with articles. Benjamin never really read through those articles very thoroughly. He just went through the pictures of those people mentioned in the articles. He chuckled when he remembered that a scared bloke was mentioned in that magazine that was distributed ages ago. He knew that his name was Andy which was a name that would be given to a girl. Benjamin had a feeling that the Ravenclaw was somehow gay but he did not dwell anymore on that. Flexing his fingers, he opened the magazine to see which was the first article all about. For a moment, he studied the picture closely, which looked very familiar. Benjamin knew that he saw that face all the time, everywhere actually and it was his same old reflection on the mirror. Throwing his head back in horror, the Slytherin caught some snickers from other people as they watched his reaction and found it hilarious. A flood of emotions overwhelmed him. From confusion to anger then to frustration and a little of sorrow. But Benjamin finally came to his final emotion, which was embarrassment. He knew that all the articles talked about where putting people into some sort of limelight and he immediately knew that he was one of those. Benjamin leaned in, ready to read what the stupid article wanted to badmouth about him.

Sea green eyes moved rapidly, taking in all the words that the article said about him. His face darkened when the article mentioned that girl who he just conversed with recently. God, so this article was about him and her?! He knew that some romance would be talked about but his eyes read on without stopping. It said that he was one sly, conceited little boy and Meadow was an over happy Gryffindor. Okay, maybe at least his description wasn't as bad as Meadow's but still, the word conceited bothered him a lot. "Conceited? Me? Hell, I'm not that..." Benjamin focused his eyes once more on the words as it told the readers that Meadow would most likely check herself on the mirror before seeing him. Benjamin raised a brow at this, laughing inwardly on how Hariah would take this. She'd probably slam the door on his face, if he'd laugh at her. But then what bothered him the most was the love-hate relationship that the article mentioned. Benjamin threw his head upwards immediately after he read the article, his green eyes flashing with disbelief. "What the heck. I never said I liked that stupid Gryffindor." Benjamin let go of the red apple that was still in his left grasp and placed it on the table. He faced up as others stared at him with different sorts of emotions. His pride was battered up a bit, but that was not going to let him stay away from the whole student body. Benjamin searched the Gryffindor table to spot any bouncing girls who was over happy but saw Hariah Meadow. Maybe he needed to talk about this privately, clearing their relationship with one another. He knew that they agreed to be civil but nothing more than that. Reluctant romance was also impossible because all knew about each other was to loathe one another's guts. Benjamin shoved the magazine away and slowly munched on the apple again, stricken and a little pink hue blotting his creamy skin on the cheeks.
Lola never did pay attention to the chaos that RHI created. To her it was just one massive joke because some of the stories that where printed where just to outrageous to believe. Kate Moon fat? That girl was skinnier than toothpicks but very pretty all the same. There where others that she was more than sure where just printed to get a laugh out of people. She didn't think that they where very funny and Lola thought that if she found who was behind it she could give them a few pointers in funny. The stories actually hurt people and her friend Andy had been one of them. Then again the wind hurt Andy sometimes. Lola saw a lot of frowning faces around and knew what had happened. She picked up one of the issues of the magazine and had started rolling her eyes. Nothing in here she believed was true. Professor Blaze being one of the professors that she actually liked.

Lola went through all the stories her ADHD mind surprisingly focused on reading what was being said about the school. She came down to a small blurb about her liking Minoas and shook her head. This was insulting sort of. Lola liked boys period. It had taken root slowly but she had found no too long ago that she noticed how handsome every boy third year and up was becoming. Lola wanted more than anything more than anything a boyfriend just to say that she had one and maybe get her first kiss. She looked through the crowd until she found Minoas. She got up from her spot and walked over to him. She kissed his cheek then laughed. "There now RHI can get something right." She said laughing then twirled towards the door in a way that made her uniform skirt lift slightly before left.
Star made her way down to the hall for breakfast.As she walked down the stairs she got pushed from side to side as people made their way up.Most of them probably didn't even notice her,she wasn't that noticable.Sure she was pretty enough but there was nothing special.Well maybe there was but Star had never been told so she doubted there was.She had no classes this morning so she was in normal clothes.Star's life had been pretty boring,she still missed Ryan,she felt like she was missing a part of her.They had always been stuck to the hop but he had gone his seperate ways and she missed him so much.She felt a lot more lonely because when he was around she had a brother and a friend but now she had neither.Star wasn't good at making friends.She was shy and usually to scared to go up and make friends and anyways when she had Ryan she hadn't thought she would need anyone else.

She walked into the hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table.She set out getting a piece of toast,while she was doing this,the girl beside her was pushed from her seat,an older student sat there instead.Star averted her gaze and turned to the other girl,she offered a hand to help her up,which she took.Star moved slightly away from the girl and started buttering her toast.She noticed a magazine on the table,the other girl seemed to find what was in it funny.Curious,Star picked on up and began reading it.The girl beside her left while she was reading.It was another stupid gossip magazine,these things were terrible and she wondered how someone could be so mea.Kate had been in it twice already and as Star moved on ,as she suspected there was another story on Kate.She didn't understand why they had to pick on her sister,hadn't she been through enough already?She scanned over the Hufflepuff table to find her but to her surprise she was walking over to where the mean girl called Annalie Darkhart was standing beside ,was it Samual Kaster,the dude in the story with Kate.She bit her lip,she kind of knew Samuel,he had been in some of her classes and he still was.Obviously the mean girl was going over to tease him about the story in the magazine.Professor Le Fey came over and talked to the group.Star got up and walked over,she just wanted to check if Kate was okay. "Hey Kate,everything okay?"She asked nervously.She didn't like talking in front of people she didn't know and she certainly didn't want to get the girl Annalie's attention.
As always, Rumor Has It was seeding panic to most of the people reading it. It was true that most things written in those pages were harsh and were trespassing people's privacy but in his opinion, they shouldn't let those articles to get the best of them. Minoas took a moment and stopped reading, just studied the people aroun him, reading the magazine. There was a variety of reactions around him. Some people took it so heartily that were leaving the great hall in tears, some other were really enjoying it in malevolent way. Somewhere down the room he even noticed the Divination Professor, having to conform some students. He shook his head in disbelief as he was never going to react in such a way. They could write whatever they wanted for him, as far as it wasn't anything about his family, he was going to read it and laugh with it. If the authors of that magazine had the unfortunate idea to write something about his family then they should find the best given hideout because he was going to make them pay.

He continued reading the couple of articles that he had left. He caught himself reading a few times that line about Lola liking him. He couldn't say why but his grey eyes were magnetized on the sentence. He took his glass of orang juice and had a sip when someone kissed him soflty on his cheek and laughed. He turned to face Lola, his mouth still full of orange juice and his eyes wide opened. He didn't really comprehend what she had just said as he felt his ears warm, probably blushing. Dumbfounded, he watched her leaving the hall, her skirt dancing up and down. He gulped the juice in his mouth and kept looking at the direction where Lola headed. In the end, a huge smile formed on his face, almost touching his blushed ears. It took him a few moments to recover but then he finished his breakfast and headed for his first class, still wearing his biggest smile.
Tea should've prepared herself for this, should've know already it was coming. Yet at the same time it did shock her, shock her to the point they would actually mention a newly transfer in their garbage little masterpiece. Tea scanned her stories a few time, over and over again she read the article. They were right on some aspects, Tea thinks that's what shock her the most how they had some truth to the stores. She was expecting something a lot more dramatic, a lot more entertaining to what they had in mind. More on the lines she be impregnated by an alien baby, or she was killed but somehow mysteriously came out of nowhere from the match. You know what was so hilarious, there was nothing about Slytherin losing to Ravenclaw, they were so competitive about having a good keeper they forgot the most important position in the match. How pathetic seriously, Tea didn't waste her time reacting to this. Now makes her come to wonder if it was someone from Slytherin writing about the students at Hogwarts. Since she could careless, Tea finished up her breakfast and left the great hall. They wasn't about to get a reaction from her, Tea wasn't having it. Tea left in silence.
Conan was walking with his sister to the Great Hall. It was a perfect day for playing soccer just to spend time with Ai. The last time they ever spent time together as brother and sister instead of being classmates, was when they were Star Gazing during Astronomy class. After that, both of the twins were too busy preparing for the exams. Even if they were twins, they don't depend on each other much when it comes to Academics. But, even then, they were both expected to do good. Thoughts like these ran in the young boy's mind.

A while later, Conan and his sister, Ai, entered the Great Hall. They were just going for a bit of breakfast and snack and they were ready to go. But, something was odd. Both of them were being stared at, but, more attention seemed to be focused on Ai. Conan didn't mind the attention and soon went along with his sister. He also grabbed a copy of the school's magazine which he only noticed after a few minutes that it was a gossip magazine. Conan didn't like gossip, but all students seemed to be making a fuss out of it. The young boy flipped through the pages, not reading any of the articles. But one of the pictures caught his eye. It was a picture of Ai, and Conan hurriedly read the content. And "Uh-oh," was what he thought.

The magazine had question Ai's closeness with him. Conan was mad, very mad. But, there was no time for that as Ai had already finished reading the article herself. And even before the older twin could stop her, Ai burst in anger. Conan knew that there was no stopping her and he could only watch worriedly as more eyes focused on his twin. Ai stormed out of the Hall and Conan tried to run after her, until he saw Tsukino-senpai. "Might be better if Tsukino-senpai be the one to chase after her, since I bet she is worried on how to face me," he thought to himself as he took a different path from Ai.
Jeremy Thorne hadn't really been paying attention to the whispers or the gaping looks as he had entered the Great Hall, much later than he normally did. There were only a few moments left for breakfast and he wanted to grab some food to go before the elves cleaned up. Picking up a doughnut and taking a huge bite, Jeremy turned as he heard a fellow Ravenclaw call his name and toss something his way. He caught the piece of paper awkwardly and looked at his housemate curiously as he flattened the paper. Groaning, he looked up and noticed several people quickly look away from his gaze. That could only mean one thing, that he was mentioned. Jeremy skimmed the articles quickly and saw his name in an article. Reading through it, he noticed that it was an article about the former head boy. The current Head Boy hadn't known that his former Ravenclaw mate was back and as a janitor. Jeremy frowned as he read the article not just because the article was mean. Jeremy was also afraid that what the writer was saying could come true for him. Would all of his hard work be for nothing? Jeremy couldn't even think about it.

He took another big bite of the doughnut and continued after brushing some powder off of the paper. Another article caught his eye. It was about the Deputy Headmaster. The article was scathing and Jeremy's jaw dropped at the accusations that were being slung at the man. Jeremy couldn't say that he was a fan of the man, who seemed bent on preventing Ravenclaw from making any progress on the house points board, but the article was something else. If Jeremy hadn't spotted his name a bit further down, he might have commented on the article to the girl sitting beside him. Instead, he nearly choked on his next bite of pastry. Jeremy felt his face redden. The Head Boy seems to have a long line of girls that would love to be with him, this Veela chick not far behind.
The teenager didn't even know what that was supposed to mean. What long line of girls? Aside from Sapphire, there was no one else, unless the article was accurate and Alyss did like him. Jeremy's blue eyes scanned the room quickly and dropped back down. She wasn't present and he wondered if she had read the article. Jeremy shook his head, hoping that if Alyss did like him that it wasn't because he was Head Boy. Being Head Boy didn't come with any perks that she could benefit from. Rolling the magazine back up, Jeremy stuffed it into his pocket so that he could read later. He walked towards the doors, glancing left and right and noticing the chaos that the magazine had once again caused.

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