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Summer Chambers

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Few things:

Alright Summer here has become like my new favorite character, only I haven't even RPed with her. Now that I'm back from my irregular hiatus and back into RPing I've been dying to RP with her! Summer is a 2nd year Slytherin who's basically a spoiled brat. She's used to having everything she's ever wanted in her life because that's how she was raised. She thinks school is a waste of time because she's going to become an actress on Broadway and she's very full of herself. :lol: That is only her exterior though, she mostly puts on this 'I'm better than you' attitude because she's really insecure. She comes from a huge family so she's so afraid of being forgotten, etc. and requires the most attention just for reassurance.
For Summer I'm looking for pretty much anything, friends who can break down her 'I don't care about you' exterior, enemies, possible love interests, something else? :)

Then there is Summer's (NOT identical) twin sister, Hannah Chambers. Hannah is the complete opposite of Summer. She's really sweet and nice and a bit shy. She's a bit of a hippie in the sense that she loves being outdoors and Herbology and stuff like that. Hannah is tired of being in her sister's shadow all the time and is just looking for a way to break out and become her own person, and be known as just Hannah and not a Chambers twin, or Summer's sister.
As Summer, I'm looking for pretty much any type of relationship, though with enemies she'll most likely just put up with their crap, she's already used to it from her sister.

Finally there's Isaac Chambers IV. I have really neglected this poor fellow, but I feel I'm ready to start RPing with more characters now so I want to RP with Isaac! Isaac's a bit like Summer, though he's not completely 'full' of himself. He thinks of himself highly, as all the Chambers kids were raised to think of themselves as, but he's kind of subtle about it, or at least in comparison to Summer. He looks up to his grandfather a lot, but he doesn't realize that his grandfather is a bad, manipulative person. Isaac is just trying to adjust to life from being the prized Chambers son to being a normal kid in school. He's really not a bad guy but he comes off arrogant at first, just takes some getting used to and breaking down of the character. :tut:

So..yeah! If anyone is interested in RPing with any character, please feel free to let me know in which ever way you please! :) I have more characters that I need to RP with but I'm taking it slow, only taking on a few characters at a time until I feel I can handle more. :)

I can Offer a friend, maybe an Enemy to Summer. Lily Fossil 2nd Year Slytherin.

She's a b!tch and unless a person is able to prove that they are worthy of her time, she will hate them.
She's mean to just about everyone. Lily will only really speaks to those of good fashion.
She's a dancer and acts quite independently.
Lily also doesn't trust very easily. So she'd be quite happy for Summer to take full light. ((If they were friends))
I could offer Riley Alexandra to RP with Isaac? I'm sure she'd be able to help him become a normal kid, she's very down to earth and easy going :) you probably know a bit about her from the RP with Leia :)
Okay, I can definitely offer Ariah Zhefarovich to have friendships and such with almost any of those three characters.

A few Facts;
*Ariah is a Pure Blood is doesn't really understand the Prejudice against Muggle borns and Half-Breeds
*She is a Mega Klutz
*Ariah loves animals, Herbology, stuffed animals, and outdoors a lot, she's outside more than anywhere else.
*She's in an arranged marriage but doesn't know it yet.
*Ariah is a major bubbly sweetie pie and is extremely open and sociable.
*Ariah was extremely bullied before she transferred to Hogwarts
*She's stubborn and doesn't get put down easily & she likes Broadway but believes she has no talent for it so she prefers to just watch.

If anything, Ariah would probably be a very good friend for Hannah seeing as they are extremely similar. But she could probably be a good buddy for Summer too seeing as she's a Slytherin and would possibly be good at trying to help break down Summer's walls to let her open up a little bit.

She could also be a friend to Isaac possibly, his arrogance might at first make her find him just to be a big jerk though until she got to know him better.

Lemme know what you think! ;)
Wooooooooooooo! :frantics: I love you guys! :D

@Emzies: ZOMG I've always wanted to RP with Lily Fossil. :shy: I can see Summer and Lily not liking each other at first, and claiming they hate each other etc, but in the end they end up good friends! :D Since Summer is a typical rich kid she's really into fashion, she loves wearing bright clothes etc, and I think Summer would be into dancing, since it's one of the requirements for being a triple threat. :tut:
What do you think?

(Btw I LOVE YOUR NAME. I swear I'm going to name my first daughter Emily.)

@Brittany: I would love for Isaac/Riley to RP! :D Did you want to start an RP? I kinda suck at starting RPs. :lol:

@Ilana: Aww yes I think Vanessa and Hannah would get along just fine! :) Did you want to start an RP or me?

@Jessye: Oooh possibilities!
For the whole pure blood thing, the Chambers kids were raised to think that being a Chambers was more important than being pure blood. :cool: :lol:

I think Ariah and Hannah would be really good friends. :D
And kind of a result of that, Summer wouldn't like Ariah because she'd be like 'Ew why do you like my sister?' :lol: Though after getting over that Summer would eventually warm up to Ariah and she would be able to break down Summers walls. ^_^

I like the idea of Ariah thinking Isaac's a jerk at first. :lol: It can be like this annoyance thing where they run into each other all the time. :lol:
Sure :) I'll make it tomorrow or later on tonight :p
Haha I suppose the Blood Purity thing not being as much of an issue with them put a lot less stress on Ariah, an interesting take on how prideful they are though. xD

I think Ariah and Hannah would definitely work out as friends and the whole Summer thing with the two of them sounds wicked interesting as well.

The idea of Isaac and Ariah is pretty interesting too, just because she rarely gets annoyed with anyone so it would be really fun to let her finally get annoyed at someone.

Would you like me to set an RP with Ariah and one (or even more) of the three? :r
Hannah's the only one who doesn't care about being that 'Chambers' type of prideful person the rest of her family is. :tut:

And sure I'll set up an RP but it'll have to wait until next time because I've gotta go to sleep now. Stupid work is so early. <_<
Summer Chambers said:
@Emzies: ZOMG I've always wanted to RP with Lily Fossil. :shy: I can see Summer and Lily not liking each other at first, and claiming they hate each other etc, but in the end they end up good friends! :D Since Summer is a typical rich kid she's really into fashion, she loves wearing bright clothes etc, and I think Summer would be into dancing, since it's one of the requirements for being a triple threat. :tut:
What do you think?

(Btw I LOVE YOUR NAME. I swear I'm going to name my first daughter Emily.)

Okay, that would work perfectly. Definitely sounds good. Lily wouldn't attempt to be very friendly towards her, but they could develop a friendship they deny. And end up as you say being good friends.
Shall I start a topic or Would you like to?

((I like my name too. It's a very nice))
I'll start it.... Vanessa has gotten bad news and is trying to cover it up, but she won't be all smiles at first. *goes off to change accounts and start topic*
I have third year Ravenclaw, Avrille Grinaes. To put it plainly, she is a b*tch. When she was five her parents died and since then she has wanted people to feel just as much pain and abandonment as she does. She is bookish and tends to insult most people, finding that they are unworthy of her time. In fact there have only been two people to really get her respect, Ai and Aleyha. She is kind of known for being mean but I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe Isaac could gain her respect.

When Avrille is loyal to someone, she really is loyal to them and protects them from manipulation (even if she is a manipulator herself) and hurt. Perhaps when they get really close, Isaac introduces her to his grandfather and she'll tell him what his true personality is like..? This will probably cause a riff between the two friends, so I'm thinking that he won't believe her and they'll avoid one another out of misguided anger but one day Isaac confronts her and asks her why she thinks that he is and she'll be like "Because I do those tricks all the time and I see through them and him".

Now I'm not saying love interest between these two, because I don't know if Avrille will ever allow herself to love someone because she sees that it brings people to be babbling idiots (she hates idiocy above everything) but depending on how things go between these two, I might suggest a relationship further on (likely when they get out of school because it isn't Avrille's style to date in school). I don't know, just a thought.
Might as well add someone of my own in here. =))

I have Damian Metzger, a Veela boy second year and someone who acts just like a girl. xD He is very kind but terrified of bugs, the color yellow (don't ask), and Slytherins.
He can fit along as friends or anything with the three Chambers. I am very lenient with him, but he is hilarious to RP as. Mostly because a lot of people mistake him to be a girl. ^_^

Just throwing him out there if ya interested. ;)
Sorry it took me a bit long guys.

Emzies, I took the liberty of starting our topic since I took so long to reply :lol:
It's here. :)

Jessye, can you start one for either Summer or Hannah (or both if you want) while I start one for us with Isaac? :D

And Alexis yaaaaaay I'd really like that plot between Isaac and Avrille! I've already got a future love interest plot for Isaac, but if during and BEFORE Isaac is supposed to get with his futuer partner, we see things working out between them really well, we can see where they stand and if they decide to get together? :)
Aleyha Devearux said:
Might as well add someone of my own in here. =))

I have Damian Metzger, a Veela boy second year and someone who acts just like a girl. xD He is very kind but terrified of bugs, the color yellow (don't ask), and Slytherins.
He can fit along as friends or anything with the three Chambers. I am very lenient with him, but he is hilarious to RP as. Mostly because a lot of people mistake him to be a girl. ^_^

Just throwing him out there if ya interested. ;)
I would love to RP with him as the Chambers twins! :woot: Hannah would love him but Summer would just be like o_O you're not worth my time. :tut: :lol:
Sometime this weekend, I could have Damian post a topic. xD
Have to wait til some things slow down. ^_^ Spring Break next week. :woot:
Okay, because of my extreme need to get Ariah our and RPing with somebody so the poor girl can make friends I started one for the Both of them! :wub:

Summer x Ariah ♥
Hannah x Ariah ♥

And I will most definitely post in the Roleplay with Isaac and Ariah. Thanks a heap for starting this one for me, somehow I ended up in a lot more roleplays than I had planned. :cool:
Summer Chambers said:
Alexis yaaaaaay I'd really like that plot between Isaac and Avrille! I've already got a future love interest plot for Isaac, but if during and BEFORE Isaac is supposed to get with his future partner, we see things working out between them really well, we can see where they stand and if they decide to get together? :)
Sounds great! Want to start or do you want me to?
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