Romance in the Air? (Plots)

I had been inspired by Daphne's post about some romance plots so I wanted to do the same with my characters. Most of my characters haven't really gone through any sort of romance plot so I'm pretty much open to anything you may offer! Not necessarily looking for a final as of yet, as I'd like to see where things could possibly go, but once again open to ideas if you have any!!

If not romance in mind, but wanted to roleplay with these characters with a non-romance intention, I'm okay with that too!


Issac Jacobs • 2056 Grad (Y41)
HNZ, Gryffindor | 24 | Comic Book Store Worker
bio & aesthetic

Harrison Jacobs
HS, Gryffindor | 35 | Gladdrag's Asst.
Issac is the younger brother of my first character on the site, Samantha Jacobs. I honestly haven't roleplayed with the guy since he graduated from Hogwarts.

Issac is still pretty rowdy and still quidditch-obsessed like he was back in his time at Hogwarts. He now currently works at a muggle comic book store, which he thoroughly enjoys as he has a love for anything geeky while he also is such a sports fanatic.

Not looking for anything serious for Issac at the moment, but would like to see where things go if it were to become serious at some point. For now, would like some short-term things, even flings, on-and-off romance could be interesting too! Issac is straight!
Harrison is the eldest half-brother of Samantha and Issac Jacobs. I have done absolutely zero roleplaying with Harrison and I feel like that needs to change so I'm open for both romance and non-romance plots for him.

Harrison is a massive softie and can be a terrible flirt (He tries his best) Harrison is very old school and isn't really into the mainstream sort of stuff. He's very passionate with things as well as be supportive.

Not looking for anything serious at this stage either for Harrison, though he is getting to that age where he'd like for something stable that would eventually get serious, but for now just want to see where things lead and go for him! Would love some non-romance plots for him too! Harrison is bisexual!

Valencia Addington • 2059 Grad (Y43)
HNZ, Ravenclaw | 21 | Astronomy Intern
bio & aesthetic

Xinying Huang • 2060 Grad (Y44)
HNZ, Ravenclaw | 21 | Woolongong Chaser
bio & aesthetic
Valencia!! I loved roleplaying her character, and I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't roleplayed with her since she graduated from HNZ! But would love to do more things with her whether it be romance-wise or not!

Valencia has barely visited the magical world since she graduated. Maybe visiting the world once or twice since out of curiosity, but she won't admit that. She's still a bit confused as to where she fits in, whether it be in the magical or muggle world (she does prefer the muggle world though) Even though she has been to a wizarding school for seven years, she's a bit confused about it all. Valencia is very passionate when it comes to her work. She still has a strong love for astronomy.

Not really looking for anything serious for Valencia. Just wanna put something together and see what happens to her! Open for her to have a fling or two or maybe something short-term, but yeah, i honestly just wanna see where it goes for her! Valencia is bisexual!
Xinying is the eldest of three siblings. She currently plays as one of the chasers for the Woolongong Warriors, and she loves every moment of it, despite her parents' disapproval of it at first.

Xinying still remains a goofball and is quite quirky. She is almost never serious, unless she really has to. The former Ravenclaw can be very competitive when it comes to things as well as be indecisive which can drive people mad sometimes. In her spare time if she's not playing quidditch or spending time with her family, she would love to read a good book. With Xinying's goofball tendencies and not always taking things seriously, she loves to pull practical jokes and pranks.

Xinying hasn't had any sort of romance in her life like crushes or anything of the sort, so i'm pretty much open to anything for her. Flings would be interesting as well as something that's on-and-off as well, but would love for her to get into something stable at some point. Xinying is pansexual. I'm also open for some quidditch related threads too!

Nolan Burke • 2060 Grad (Y44)
HNZ, Hufflepuff | 21 | Music Store Worker
bio & aesthetics

Molly Burke • 2061 Grad (Y45)
HNZ, Hufflepuff | 19 | Nursing Student
bio & aesthetics
Nolan, ahhh, I've missed roleplaying him, and honestly again, haven't really roleplayed with him since he graduated, and I would like to change that!

Nolan is the eldest of four siblings, his two younger siblings still in Hogwarts. Over the years of him being at school, he has had a falling out with his mother and isn't really on good terms with her. Nolan is still going pretty strong with his passion of music. He currently goes to university where he is studying music, which he currently enjoys, as well as working in a muggle musical store. Nolan is very laidback and is just a friendly guy.

Nolan hasn't really had any romantic experiences during his time at school, so I'm kinda hoping for him to get into some romance!
Not looking for anything serious for him at the moment! would love for some pairing ideas and see where it leads! Flings or short term stuff as well, but also would love to see where those go too! Nolan is gay. Am also open for non-romance stuff for him too!
Not going to lie, Molly has been one of my favourite characters to roleplay, though I haven't roleplayed with her since she graduated either!

Molly is the younger sister of Nolan. Molly is quite bubbly and friendly. She can be quite talkative and ask a lot of questions, but that's because she is always curious and nosy about things! Molly has reluctantly followed her mother's words of becoming a nurse, even though it's not something she honestly wants to do. Molly is also gullible and unintentionally blunt, so she'll pretty much believe anything you say even if its not true.

Honestly, not looking for anything serious for her at this stage, but maybe eventually down the line! But would love to explore and see how everything goes before then. Would like for her to go on different dates with different people, short term things, maybe a fling or two! Molly is straight. Also open to non-romance threads for her!

Abigail Payne • 2062 (Y46)
HNZ, Gryffindor | 18 | Art Student
bio & aesthetic

Conan Burke • Sixth Year
Ravenclaw | 16 | HNZ Student
bio & aesthetics
Abigail has freshly graduated from Hogwarts and is going to be studying in an art course in university as she wants to focus on art as a career, which she is absolutely excited for!

Abby is a quiet and observant lady. She is very passionate about all things art. Painting is her favourite art medium. The former Gryffindor has become a bit more open and not as shy as she used to be, but can still keep to herself when she can. The girl has a bit of a hard time trusting people and can hold gruges for long periods of time if you do something to her or her friends/family.

Abigail is new to the romance aspect in life as she has never been in a relationship before nor hasn't had any form of crushes, so everything is very new to her. Am open to anything short term or a fling or two, and see where it goes! Abby is lesbian. Open to non-romantic threads as well!
Conan is one of the younger siblings of the Burke family. Conan is still currently at school and is liking it. I haven't roleplayed much with him, so pretty much open to anything.

Conan is a massive shell-collector, pretty much shell-obsessed. He knows a lot of things about shells. While he loves to collect shells (has a whole lot of shoe boxes filled with different and all kinds of shells) he is happy to give a shell or two to people he considers close friends or his family. He is pretty passionate about his shells. If he's not out collecting shells, he's happy to be in the great outdoors exploring or just getting some fresh air. He tries to avoid sports, as that is not his thing.

Conan hasn't really gone through anything in the romantic part of his life, but I would like to try! Crushes would be fun! Dates to any future events would be fun too! Short-term stuff would be interesting, not looking for anything serious right now. Conan is bisexual. Open to non-romantic threads for him too!

While I've got you all here, I also wanted to do some plots with my future firstie! (Cant believe we're already halfway through the year and it wont be long before we go into another ic year!)


Theodore Harper • Y48 Student
Mixed-Blood | 11 | Future Firstie!
bio & aesthetics
Introducing Theodore Harper who will be my upcoming firstie!! He is the eldest of three siblings! I'm pretty excited to roleplay this kid! He and his siblings grew up around music and where all forced to learn an instrument of their choice. Theodore is protective of his siblings and is the supportive older brother. He is very laidback and is pretty much a follower, following other people as he just wants to be liked by other people. He is keen on sports, but not as much as his younger brother, Oliver.

I'm pretty much open to anything for this guy! I just wanna get used to roleplaying him before he starts off with his new school year! Open to future or possible friends! Would be interested in anything really!
Allow me to be the first to offer something (only in terms of romance because I haven't looked for platonic or antagonistic). These are probably more short term because no idea how they will pan out.

I have two 25 year olds that could go with either Valencia or Xinying. Both are Scitorari members. Kade Borisyuk is a marine biologist but loves to joke around and cut up. He just doesn't like the ministry. He is pretty big on family but doesn't like to commit.
And then there's Daemyn Knight. He's more of a brooder. Cold and stern. He would be good for an opposites attract. He's a big reader too

For Molly, I can offer Monday as a temporary romance. I know he's been claimed later on, but he can use some sort of experience in the dating field. Plus they went to school together. Not the same year but close enough.

And that's what I have off the top of my head.
Mariaaaa!! I was just thinking the other day it's been too long since we've had any plots together :wub: I've got a few ideas to offer so lemme know if you're keen for any (or none) of it :p

Valencia & Hester - Hester is in a very similar place to Valencia; she left the magical world pretty much immediately after graduating traumatised after having her toad used for basilisk purposes and never looked back. She's been off at a muggle university studying herpetology, and for all intents and purposes she's been pretending her magical life never happened. They could run into each other out in the muggle world & remind each other of that chapter of their lives, and maybe go from there? I don't have any plans for Hester at all, so I'd totally be down to see what evolves!

Nolan & Manaia - hear me out Nolan's one of Manaia's oldest friends at this point, and it could be cute to see if there's a romantic dynamic there outside of the context of being jammed together for school all the time. Manaia's the opposite in a lot of ways, I think Nolan is one of the only guys in their year he hasn't hooked up with, so I think if he developed feelings he would freak at the possibility of maybe messing that up - he's never been serious with anyone before, and he would be terrified of ruining his friendship with Nolan. They've obviously got a ton in common though, and I think it'd be fun to explore that dynamic more!

Theodore & Te Rēweti - This would have to be after the next sorting, but I think Theodore & Te Rēweti could have an interesting dynamic! Te Rēweti is a very sensitive kid, and he doesn't do well in unfamiliar situations or without someone supportive around him. He's got a couple of cousins and an auntie at school with him, but his teenage cousins don't really want a kid hanging around all the time, and Kahurangi does have like. a job. So he could really use a friend to latch on to. If Theodore is looking for a surrogate "younger" sibling to watch over, Te Rēweti would fit the bill!

I also may have someone to offer for Harrison, but I'll need to do some double checking & get back to you later! Lemme know if any of this sounds good though!
I have two 25 year olds that could go with either Valencia or Xinying. Both are Scitorari members. Kade Borisyuk is a marine biologist but loves to joke around and cut up. He just doesn't like the ministry. He is pretty big on family but doesn't like to commit.
And then there's Daemyn Knight. He's more of a brooder. Cold and stern. He would be good for an opposites attract. He's a big reader too

For Molly, I can offer Monday as a temporary romance. I know he's been claimed later on, but he can use some sort of experience in the dating field. Plus they went to school together. Not the same year but close enough.

And that's what I have off the top of my head.
Hiya Ghost!

Oooo - We could give Xiuying and Kade a try and see what happens? Even if it may be a short-term or not kind of thing, I'm keen to see what they're like!

Molly and Monday would be interesting! temporary is all good with me, would like for Molly to have a bit more experience in the romance/dating field as well, so I'd be interested to see what they'd be like as a pair!

Mariaaaa!! I was just thinking the other day it's been too long since we've had any plots together :wub: I've got a few ideas to offer so lemme know if you're keen for any (or none) of it :p

Valencia & Hester - Hester is in a very similar place to Valencia; she left the magical world pretty much immediately after graduating traumatised after having her toad used for basilisk purposes and never looked back. She's been off at a muggle university studying herpetology, and for all intents and purposes she's been pretending her magical life never happened. They could run into each other out in the muggle world & remind each other of that chapter of their lives, and maybe go from there? I don't have any plans for Hester at all, so I'd totally be down to see what evolves!

Nolan & Manaia - hear me out Nolan's one of Manaia's oldest friends at this point, and it could be cute to see if there's a romantic dynamic there outside of the context of being jammed together for school all the time. Manaia's the opposite in a lot of ways, I think Nolan is one of the only guys in their year he hasn't hooked up with, so I think if he developed feelings he would freak at the possibility of maybe messing that up - he's never been serious with anyone before, and he would be terrified of ruining his friendship with Nolan. They've obviously got a ton in common though, and I think it'd be fun to explore that dynamic more!

Theodore & Te Rēweti - This would have to be after the next sorting, but I think Theodore & Te Rēweti could have an interesting dynamic! Te Rēweti is a very sensitive kid, and he doesn't do well in unfamiliar situations or without someone supportive around him. He's got a couple of cousins and an auntie at school with him, but his teenage cousins don't really want a kid hanging around all the time, and Kahurangi does have like. a job. So he could really use a friend to latch on to. If Theodore is looking for a surrogate "younger" sibling to watch over, Te Rēweti would fit the bill!

I also may have someone to offer for Harrison, but I'll need to do some double checking & get back to you later! Lemme know if any of this sounds good though!
Rowan Hiiiii!!!

Yessss! Funnily enough I was thinking the same thing a few days ago too hehe! Yes to all of these for sure!! I'm definitely keen on all of these!

Valencia + Hester - Ooo them being in a similar situation I reckon would be interesting as a pair. Valencia is in university as well studying astronomy as well as being an astronomy intern. Them running into each other in the muggle world would be perfect! Maybe depending on what university Hester goes to they could bump into each other there? Otherwise if not there, anywhere in the muggle world is all good!

Nolan + Manaia - It's crazy because I was actually thinking about this pairing not too long ago either!! I totally love this pairing and would love to see if there would be any sort of romantic potential between these two! Nolan has leaned on Manaia through some rough patches in his life so there could be some potential from Nolan's pov there - But yessss I'm so keen for these two and see that dynamic!

Theodore + Te Rēweti - Awh, I like this dynamic a lot! Theodore wouldn't mind having someone under his wing hehe! While he is a follower he does tend to be a supportive older brother so being that figure for someone else would be great for Theodore I reckon!

Oooo! That's cool! If that offer for Harrison still happens to be offered, I'm keen to hear what you have but if not, that's totally all good too!
Rowan Hiiiii!!!

Yessss! Funnily enough I was thinking the same thing a few days ago too hehe! Yes to all of these for sure!! I'm definitely keen on all of these!

Valencia + Hester - Ooo them being in a similar situation I reckon would be interesting as a pair. Valencia is in university as well studying astronomy as well as being an astronomy intern. Them running into each other in the muggle world would be perfect! Maybe depending on what university Hester goes to they could bump into each other there? Otherwise if not there, anywhere in the muggle world is all good!

Nolan + Manaia - It's crazy because I was actually thinking about this pairing not too long ago either!! I totally love this pairing and would love to see if there would be any sort of romantic potential between these two! Nolan has leaned on Manaia through some rough patches in his life so there could be some potential from Nolan's pov there - But yessss I'm so keen for these two and see that dynamic!

Theodore + Te Rēweti - Awh, I like this dynamic a lot! Theodore wouldn't mind having someone under his wing hehe! While he is a follower he does tend to be a supportive older brother so being that figure for someone else would be great for Theodore I reckon!

Oooo! That's cool! If that offer for Harrison still happens to be offered, I'm keen to hear what you have but if not, that's totally all good too!
Aw yisssss yay!!

& Hester - Hester's from Ōtepoti so she's been studying at Otago but it'd be easy enough for her to be on a research trip or zoo internship or something wherever, so in theory she can be kickin' around wherever Valencia's studying?

Nolan & Manaia - AW YISSS same page 100%! I'm really keen to explore this dynamic, shall we get a thread going for them? Manaia's working at the Hog's Head atm, so Nolan could easily drop in to see him there?

& Te Rēweti - Perfect!!! I'm chucking this idea in my future plans list, so we can come back to it next yr & play with it more!
Aw yisssss yay!!

Valencia & Hester - Hester's from Ōtepoti so she's been studying at Otago but it'd be easy enough for her to be on a research trip or zoo internship or something wherever, so in theory she can be kickin' around wherever Valencia's studying?

Nolan & Manaia - AW YISSS same page 100%! I'm really keen to explore this dynamic, shall we get a thread going for them? Manaia's working at the Hog's Head atm, so Nolan could easily drop in to see him there?

Theodore & Te Rēweti - Perfect!!! I'm chucking this idea in my future plans list, so we can come back to it next yr & play with it more!
Valencia + Hester - Sweet! That sounds good Valencia studies at University of Canterbury, which is sorta near, so if that's all good, we can totally have them meet around there? Did we wanna start something with them as well?

Nolan + Manaia - YAY! Yess sounds perfect! Would you like me to start something or did you wanna start something?

Theodore + Te Rēweti - Sounds good! Can't wait hehe!
Valencia + Hester - Sweet! That sounds good Valencia studies at University of Canterbury, which is sorta near, so if that's all good, we can totally have them meet around there? Did we wanna start something with them as well?

Nolan + Manaia - YAY! Yess sounds perfect! Would you like me to start something or did you wanna start something?

Theodore + Te Rēweti - Sounds good! Can't wait hehe!
yayyy perfect for all!!!

I think it would make more sense for me to start something with Hester hangin round in Canterbury & you to start with Nolan heading to the Hog's Head if that works?
Hiya Ghost!

Oooo - We could give Xiuying and Kade a try and see what happens? Even if it may be a short-term or not kind of thing, I'm keen to see what they're like!

Molly and Monday would be interesting! temporary is all good with me, would like for Molly to have a bit more experience in the romance/dating field as well, so I'd be interested to see what they'd be like as a pair!
With Kade now back in the magical world after his university thing, he can easily watch Quidditch and be a fan of hers. Though not in a creepy way. Her goofiness might go well with him, no matter the circumstance. I don't think he has anything planned so he's open for anything.

Where is Molly located? So that I can find out when/how to get Monday back from traveling the world. It is high time he comes home anyway xD
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With Kade now back in the muggle world after his university thing, he can easily watch Quidditch and be a fan of hers. Though not in a creepy way. Her goofiness might go well with him, no matter the circumstance. I don't think he has anything planned so he's open for anything.

Where is Molly located? So that I can find out when/how to get Monday back from traveling the world. It is high time he comes home anyway xD
That sounds all good for me!!

Molly is still located in new zealand, so any of the magical places or nz in general should be all goods hehe

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