Revenge is Red

Tristan Collins

🖋️Two-faced | Ambitious | Dad | 2049 Grad🖋️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
3/2031 (30)
Tristan still could hardly believe he was going to do this. Pranks and mischief weren't exactly his style, but the idea he and Jerara had come up with to get back at Rory was different. Mainly because Rory really, really deserved it. Tristan couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he realized what was happening. It would be smart to do it secretly without him seeing who had done it, but part of Tristan wanted him to know it had been him.

He was waiting near the Quididtch Pitch, hiding in the shadows of the stands and waiting for Jerara to arrive. He really hoped the Ravenclaw would hurry up. He had a can of red paint he had picked up at the Arts Room near the Courtyard and he was waiting for the other boy to arrive. They had waited for the Slytherin Practice for their prank, and now he was hoping they would manage to get Rory alone. What if he was just surrounded by teammates the whole time? It would be terrible if they accidentally hit the Head Girl, or weren't able to do the prank at all. He sighed, hoping it would turn out okay.
Jerara could hardly contain his excitement over what they were doing. It seemed like it could be both incredibly fun but also end up with them getting into so much trouble. He was with Tristan at the quidditch pitch, carrying the bucket of red paint carefully in his hands, being very very careful to not drop it on the way to the prank, he hardly wanted to end up having to go back for more. He smiled at his friend as they got closer to where the target would be. He was nervous as anything, fully expecting to get into trouble for his actions, but Jerara knew this was the right thing to do. It would be fun, he was doing it with a good friend and the boy deserved it. Though Jerara had never actually met him, he was just loyal to his friend and keen to show that not all muggleborns would accept such treatment.

"I think I see him there," Jerara pointed before casting the Wingardium Leviosa spell on the paint bucket, before thinking maybe Tristan wanted to do the honours of hitting the boy with the paint, so he brought the bucket back down, and looked to his friend, "Unless you want to do it?" he offered speaking in a quiet whisper, from what he could see the boy was currently alone, it was the end of the practice and this would be the opportune moment to get him. He would be none the wiser until the paint fell and tipped all over the boy. Jerara could barely contain his excitement over it, he'd never done anything like this before. he was sure this would probably be the only prank he ever played, but at the very least he knew it would be worth it. Definitely worth it.
Tristan was glad to see Jerara arrive and was glad to see his friend was still willing and ready for this plan. He pointed out Rory to Tristan before levitating the bucket, and Tristan instantly felt a flash of disappointment. He was the one Rory had pushed around, the one he had called a mudblood without any type of consquence. Fortunately, Jerara seemed to be able to read his mind. Tristan smiled at him gratefully. "Yeah, I would like to." He whispered back. "Thanks." He lifted his wand and cast a levitation spell on the bucket, moving it carefully until it was above Rory's head. He grinned when he slowly had it tip over, the paint pouring straight down.
Rory had enjoyed the last few sessions of quidditch practice, he felt that with enough work he would improve to a point to be proud and to make his team proud. He was finishing up, drying his hair and changing into his normal clothes. No sense in wearing his sweaty quidditch clothes all the way back up to the castle. He was better off just changing and then having a shower properly in the dorms to get the rest of the grime from the day off. He stepped out of the changing rooms, where most of the others still were and began walking towards the exit where he could head out to the castle. However, Rory was very much stopped in his tracks when something landed on him, he instantly closed his eyes and felt whatever it was, most likely paint, drip all the way down him. He opened his eyes again and stared at himself, red paint? He was covered in red paint. Rory growled deeply, he could feel anger building, he was desperately trying to wipe it from his arms, from his face, just away from him in general. Just away. he glanced around and tried to spot who it was who'd done this, but the drops of red paint dropped steadily from the strands of his fringe. "For F##ksake," he exclaimed loudly. God this school was the worst.
Tristan stared transfixed as the paint slowly dripped down onto Rory, covering his perfect robes in a disturbing red. He grinned, a grin that turned into a laugh when he watched Rory try to wipe off the paint. This was wonderful, it had gone even better than he had expected. He quickly stifled his laughter in case Rory heard him, but a part of him wanted the other boy to see. The only reason it would be bad is if Rory could get them into trouble, but it would be his word against both of theirs. Besides, Rory hadn't gotten into trouble at all, it wouldn't be fair if Tristan did. Paint was probably easy to remove with magic, the pain of being judged for his background wasn't. He glanced at Jerara with a grin, giving him a thumbs up. They should go now, before Rory thought to look around too much. He motioned to his friend that they should go.
Jerara was more than happy to let Tristan do the work with the spell, he was happy to just smile in encouragement to his friend and watch as he tipped the paint all over the silly boys head. He could help the excitement in watching it, watching the boy's confusion and anger. He looked to Tristan and grinned happily in response, he took the boy's arm and began dragging him away, they had to leave here fast, they had to get out of here as fast as they could and hopefully without being stopped or spotted. The best thing about this could be if they didn't get into trouble for doing it. So, he moved slowly, unable to wipe the grin off his face as he slowly made his way towards the exit, the furthest away one from where the incident had taken place so that they could be far away when others looked towards it. Jerara knew that they likely did deserve to get into trouble for what they'd done, but he would also be rather happy if they didn't. The teen didn't want to end up getting into trouble, tho of course that was a risk for having done such a thing. Jerara knew they just had to rush so that they could revel in what they'd managed.
Rory couldn't believe it. He had paint dripping from him and he was glancing around at all the stands trying to spot anyone who was walking around as for who could've done it. But he realised that he couldn't spot anyone, more so the red paint was steadily dripping down his face and he was wiping it away with his hand over and over. His arm was going to end up just as red as the rest of him. He was practically shaking in anger and he couldn't help but bet that it was of those annoying hufflepuffs who believe he'd wronged them when he was simply stating the truth towards them. He hated them all with a growing burning passion, Hufflepuff was just the worst house imaginable and it was getting all this attention as of late just because of the house cup. He didn't like them at all, and though he knew it was his family's legacy to be in hufflepuff, he was now glad he wasn't because it was just the worst. It was the absolute worst. He sighed heavily before just glancing around, he didn't want the others in the team to see it, what if they found it funny. They shouldn't because they were his teammates and they should be loyal, but for now he stood still, still a little shell shocked from it all.
Tristan wanted nothing more than to keep watching and was even tempted to step out of the shadows to openly laugh at Rory, bu that would be incredibly unwise and Jerara grabbing his arm and dragging him away was what snapped him out of the impulse. He shot one last look at Rory before following Jerara, walking slowly and quietly along with him. Getting into trouble would be horrible, especially since Rory hadn't gotten in trouble for what he'd done to Tristan. He pushed down the urge to laugh until they made it a safe distance from the Scottish boy.

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