Hmmm. This is quite a difficult one.
I'd copy and paste my Religion assignment here but no, that's too far.
I am baptised. My mum, sisters and I are Roman Catholic. This, I believe, has simply given me a massive guilt complex.
All I can remember of religion classes (I went to a public primary school, we were divided in to religions for RE classes) is playing games with my best friend (lol, the one who's now engaged.). And going to high school and saying the Lord's Prayer in the olde English.
What do I believe? Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. There could be a higher power up there, but I'm not convinced. Then again, I'm not convinced that there isn't.
I believe in karma, in the sense that what goes around comes around. And I know I should be nicer to people because of this, but then, I'm one of the biggest hypocrites that I know. I believe that you get what you give. Which is why my life sucks. I don't give much.
I believe in human nature, that we have the power to change our lives and destinies. We can't change our circumstances all the time (i.e. being born in to poverty in a third world country, you can't change that), but for those of us fortunate enough to be able to change our lives, the power is in our hands.
To an extent, I believe in fate. I know you're going to hate me for bringing up Doctor Who, but there is one episode ('Turn Left') in which the protagonist (Donna) is given the option to go back to one day and make the simple decision to turn right instead of turning left. This simple decision forces her to miss meeting the Doctor, and thus brings about the end of the universe.
Slightly extreme, but I agree with the idea that the choices we make can alter our lives, even choices that seem so small.
I believe I should stop typing because it's late and I'm incoherent.
Aside from this, I don't know what I believe, really. My beliefs aren't solid or anything. I just don't know.
Annnnd with that, I withdraw from this topic.