- Messages
- 1,624
- OOC First Name
- Kadi
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Interested in Somebody
- Wand
- Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
- Age
- 03/2038 (25)
Poppy could hardly believe she had managed to survive her first year as editor. The whole year felt like it passed in a blur and now she was finally starting to take in the feeling accomplishment as she stared at one of the finished copies of the paper on her desk. She hoped Nell would be proud of her and she felt a small twinge of sadness when she realized that next year would be her last. It felt impossibly close and so far away at the same time. Thankfully she had a party to put the finishing touches on to keep her distracted from feeling too melancholy. She had gotten some food and drinks prepared and brought up to the meeting room for the rest of the club to enjoy. They had all worked hard and she wanted to show just how much she appreciated them. A moment later she heard people start to arrive and she quickly turned to great them. "Welcome everyone!" she greeted warmly. "I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone on putting together another great issue of the Hogwarts Monthly!" she said and started to clap and hoped that others would join in too. "Well I won't waste your time and talk your ear off." she said with a laugh. "But I wanted to thank the seventh years for all their hard work over the years, I hope you're all off to do great things! And with that please enjoy the food and have fun!" she said with a smile she hoped didn't look forced. She wasn't great at talking in front of people and there was a lot of pressure to make sure everyone had a good time. She just hoped some snacks and a reason to celebrate would be enough.